TicToc - WooRong


-Woohyun's POV-

*TicTocTicToc* Time was ticking .It's time for you to wake up now . She can't leave me yet .

"Chorong-ah , ireona(wake up) ,"Tears fell from my eyes ."Mianhae , jongmal mianhae(sorry, really sorry) . I will keep saying this until you wake up .I'm sorry for those hurtful words . Jebal ireona(please wake up),"

My eyes were slowly eyes were slowly filled with tears again . It slowly loses focus . I wish i can turn back time . I wish i thought about what i wanted to say . Tme , please stop for a bit . I wanna reminisce those moments . *TicTocTicToc*


"Woohyun-ah!"Chorong called out to me ."You can't do that ! It's your family ! You can't get mad by just the fa-"

"WHAT?! I can't get mad ?! How can i not be mad ?! Appa was the one who killed Omma 4 years ago and the truth just came out now?! He aandoned me but he came to find me again , what find of father is he ?! How can you side him?!" I got mad even more . 

I began yelling at her about my family , about my problems . Half of my heart felt guilty while the other told me i was right . 

"Lets - Let's break up," I blurted out infrustration . CHorong was confused . She stood there in daze . "I'm bad when it comes to family . I don't know how to handle it . I think I'm always right . You were always there . I am selfish , Chorong-ah . I don't want you to get hurt from me ."

I tried to release my hand from her grip but it just got tighter ."Aniyo . You can't ;eave me . You look into my eyes and say you will stay strong .Jebal (please) . Don't just thoughtlessly say it's the end . Don't stop my heart !" Chorong yelled.

I shooked my heaad . I released my hand from her shaking grips . *Don't stop my heart!* Those words ringing throught my ears . I heard her calling my name as i crossed the road . Just because of my father , ruined everything i have . I was at the other side of the road when i heard a loud screech and crash ! I turned my head and saw a crowd . The first person that came to mind *Park Chorong!* . I immediately ran to the crowd and saw a pool of blood beside her head . A passer-by called an ambulance . The Van that hit her had ran away .


-------We reached the hospital after 20 minutes . Chorong still had not wake up . She was sent to the operation theatre . I called her parents and calmed them down before asking them to come here .

"Doctor-nim ! How's Park Chorong?" I asked worriedly .

"Hmm . the patient's head was hit hard and had a great impact through her skull . I'm afraid to say that she will be in coma . There's no specific time when she will wake up . I'm sorry ..."The doctor tapped my shoulder .

It's my fault . I shouldn't have left you .


*TicTocTicToc* It felt like the incident was just yesterday . For 2 years , i kept coming to the hospital to visit Chorong . Seeing her laying in this bed , hit my heart . every day , without fail , i would asked Chorong to wake up . She is just so stubborn and didnt listen to my words . Chorong's parents heart ache when they saw me in this state . Indeed they care for me while my family was no longer here .

"Chorong-ah , it's time for you to wake up . You slept for a long time . You must be tired . I want to taste you cooking too . Forgive me , Chorong-ah . We can start anew . I love you ," my voice wavered .



Doctor asked me to stay out for a while . He checked on Chorong while i calmed down her parents .

"Woohyun-ssi , Mrs and Mr Park , I'm sorry ," Those two words felt like a dream . 

*Imsorry* . I felt on my kneew and cried . Iwish i could turn back the time . I wish my actions was not that harsh . I went to see Chorong . I kissed her forehead .

"Goodbye , Chorong-ah . Do come in my dreams ," 

I went to the garden behind the hospital and cried out loud . I lost her . I lost Park Chorong . *TicToc* I wish time would stop for me to think duirng that incident . 

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PinkFinite Shippers !


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Chapter 1: OMG PARK CHORONG DIED WHAT?!?!? omg update this chapter. i kust know what happens to Woohyun!
Chapter 2: 3 years? Its very long time
howon-ah how dare you T^T