Baby Don't Cry


Kris's POV

I'm so shocked about the sudden marriage with IU.I don't even know how to react with the people around me who keep congratulating me on this so-good-news.I'm totally against this marriage because I already have someone that I truly love,Jiyeon,my girlfriend.In my mind,I can't stop thinking how to persuade my parents to stop this marriage.I really love Jiyeon and we've been in relationship for 1 year now.Without wasting time,I went straight to my parents and try to slow talk with them to stop this arranged marriage.Sadly,my parents didn't want to listen to me and they don't seem wanting to change their mind either.When I ask my parents what's going to happen to my relationship with Jiyeon.My mom replied by saying,"My lovely son,only for this once please trust us your parents in this decision.Furthermore,IU is a nice kid way better than Jiyeon".Right from the start of my relationship with Jiyeon,my parents are against it.My mom said that she can sense something no good from Jiyeon.I don't know why,but I straightly went towards IU and grab her wrist and bring her outside.Outside,I tell her that I don't like this arranged marriage thing as I myself have someone that I love.Then,I waited for her response about this marriage,she seems a little bit taken aback.But,she also said that she's against this marriage.After she told me that,she quickly enter the hall back.But,I could catch a glimpse of her face.I saw tears are rolling down her cheeks.Ok why is she crying?She looks totally fine when I talk to her just now.I felt a weird feeling when I saw her cry.Why am I hurt to?This is so confusing for me to handle.



I saw Kris coming towards me and he grabbed my wrist and bring me outside.I don't know why.But,my heart thumping like crazily and I feel really nervous for what he's going to say to me.Then,he said to me that he's totally against this marriage because he already have someone that he truly in love with.I can feel my heart breaks into thousands of pieces.Tears suddenly welling up on my eyes and anytime soon it going to come rolling down on my cheeks.I think he waited for my response about this marriage.I don't know what to said.A part of me said I want to be with him another part of me was all like no..think about Kyung Il oppa.Ugh!I'm so confused.I thought to myself.Then,I just blurted out my answer that I'm against this marriage.I just left him outside bacause I can felt that I'm going to cry my heart out if I stay there any longer.I don't want him to feel guilty seeing I'm crying.I quickly asked my driver to drive me home.Time goes by really slowly for me to arrived home.I've finally arrived.Quickly,I went upstairs to my bedroom and just lay on my bed and cry out loud.I don't know what to do anymore.I took my phone from my purse and called Luhan.


*IU and Luhan phone's conversations"

IU:Hey Luhan.Are you free right now?*with voice half crying*

Luhan:Yeah.I'm just laying on my bed right now listening to music.Hmm,IU...are you crying?

IU:*Can't hold her tears any longer when Luhan asked is she crying.She knows that she can't hide anyting from Luhan.She cry letting it all go"Hmm,Luhan can you come to my house right now?

Luhan:Sure.Anything for my IU


Luhan's POV

After I hung up my phone.I quickly get out from my house and went to IU's house which is just beside my house.Went straight to her room upstairs.Found her sitting on the bed and cry by herself.I approach her and asked what had happened.Looking at me with those teary eyes she hugged me tightly.I was pretty shocked when she did that till it makes my heart thumping so fast.And I kinda like it.I want the time stops so that I can enjoy this longer.Slowly,IU let go of me from her embrace.With a teary eyes,she told me about the whole arranged marriaged.I can only response with,"What??!!and and..did you agree with it??".Asking in shocked.She said that she didn't agree with it."Phew~".I thought to myself.Thank god she said no.But,what comes after that,truly breaks my heart.She said the reason she said no to this marriage is because Kris said no and he had a girlfriend already.IU don't want to embarass herself in front of Kris by saying yes.I asked her to calm down and asked her to go to sleep.I sang her the song I've written which is "Baby Don't Cry"


Don’t hesitate another minute please take away my heart
Yes, the sharper the better, the night that even the moon has closed her eyes
If it were any other man, if it were a single verse taken from a comedy
Burn all the scars you’ve exchanged for that love

Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes
Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened
You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known
So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you

Slowly IU went to sleep."She's so cute".I chuckled as I thought to myself.Oh how I wish that I can be that person who you'll open your hearts for.And the person who can sing you songs every single night.Oh how I wish.I said goodnight to her in a whisper way.Don't want to wake her up.I leave her room slowly and went back home.Suddenly,I heard someone calling my name when I'm outside the house on the way back to my house.......................




*so how was it?Hope you guys enjoy it!XD

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Chapter 14: It's good decision then if you make 2. Kekeke update soon
DyrahHanbin #2
Chapter 14: Yeayy! HanU! Can't wait for the updates ~ :)
Chapter 13: poor Luhan ~T_T~
I support both, but so sad to see Luhan like that T.T
emira96 #4
why can't you guys support KrisU??T_T i know pity Luhan..ah~molla2!!
Chapter 13: how sad :'( poor Luhan :"(
HanU pls... update soon~
DyrahHanbin #6
Chapter 13: Emi, HanU please ~ Let Kris with Jiyeon. Pity Luhan :(
Chapter 13: But i still want HanU together... :'(
Chapter 12: omo, Luhan right????
Poor him T.T
DyrahHanbin #9
Chapter 12: HanU please ~ Let Kris be with someone else.
Chapter 12: Is that Luhan who saw they're kissing? Omg poor Luhan :(
Update soon authornim