Have yourself a merry little Christmas

12 Days of Christmas
(Pic Source: http://www.bostinno.streetwise.co/all-series/boston-new-years-eve-parties-2013-new-years-eve-in-boston/champagne-toast/ )
Scenario: Attending a Christmas Party/Meeting the rest of his family
(Bold - Bias)
(Italic - You)
The following day, both of you are going to attend a Christmas party held by his parents. You were feeling a bit nervous. Yes, you've met his parents but the rest of his relatives are going to be there. You were zoning out at your dresser as both of you get ready.
"Babe, are you okay?" he asked, snapping you out of your thoughts
"I'm good. A bit nervous I guess."
"Don't be. My parents already love you. I'm sure the rest of the family will."
The drive there was silent. A comfortable one. He glances at you from time to time. taking your hand and gave it a quick peck. Trying to ease your tension. Once you arrived, you were welcomed with a warm hug by his mother, followed by her sister and the rest of the family. Soon enough, you were pulled away from him. They were happily chatting asking about, your family and your relationship with him. They even told stories about him in the past which made you blush in embarrassment. After a while, you both finally reunite.
"So how was it?"
"Its better than I expected. I didn't know you used to run around the house "
"Oh my g- I was 3!"
"Still, I wished I could've known you sooner"
"I'm here now"
Just before he leans in for a kiss, you both heard a clanging of glasses. Both of your attention was on his father who was about to make a speech. He thanked everyone for being there and expressed his gratitude for being united as a family with the new additions. During that, he looked at you with a contented smile. His father offered a toast for a peaceful Christmas. He then raised his glassed and wished everyone merry Christmas. 
Both of you looked at each other and wished each other merry Christmas. Finally leaning in and continuing that interrupted kiss.
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topwife #1
Chapter 19: i love all of your stories!!! thumbs up!
beautiful <3 truely
Chapter 19: MERRY CHRISTMAS !!
Chapter 18: Such a beautiful ending!!
Cute cute cute so cute ! E very one of them.
Chapter 17: Lol i have a chimeny ! ITS FATE *-*
Chapter 16: I can honestly see this happen *-*
Chapter 14: These oneshots are so cute!*-* Good job♥
Chapter 14: Lol me + my bias singing = weirdness to the max
Chapter 12: Awwwww i have never had a snow day !!