I like..

Do you wanna know a secret?

Taemin walked through the ramen aisle of the convenience store browsing the various brands. After several minutes of contemplating, he randomly decided on the popular Nong Shim kimchi flavored ramen. He turned around to head towards the cash register when, all of a sudden, he ran into Onew hyung. 

"Oh! Onew hyung. Anyeonghaseyo." Taemin bowed slightly. 

"Oh anyeong dongsaeng."

"What're you doing here hyung?"

"Wae? Is it weird that i'm at a convenience store or something? Haha."

"Ani (no). Just  surprised me that i ran into you. :D"

"Aigooo. Kyoptaaa (cute)" Onew sang while pinching Taemin's cheeks.

"Geumanhaseyo (stop) hyung!" Taemin whined, pushing Onew's hand away.

"Yah, how would you feel if i took you out for ice cream. You like ice cream, right?"

"Jongmal (really)? Oh, but.. i don't have money. Maybe next time hyung, mianhae." Taemin pouted.

"Ah i'll pay! Don't worry about it! It's only a couple dollars." Onew reassured.

"Jongmal?!! Kamsamnida!!" Taemin jumped in excitment, "Don't worry I'll pay you back hyung! :D"

"Yah, it's just ice cream you don't need to. And you really like ice cream don't you? You're practically bouncing off the walls!" Onew retorted, putting Taemin in a playful headlock, "Let's go!"



"Ah bashta!!" he shouted while we walked towards the park where we first met.
Hahaha, this kid. I glanced over at him and saw his eyes sparkling, his small body frame, pretty face with his pretty smile, and blonde locks on his head. It made me smile when he smiled. Like my heart got lighter and was freed of a burden. 
But i also saw the blue on his skin. Some were deeper blues, some were faint. It was something i noticed everytime i stole a glance at his cute face, and i noticed it everytime i looked at him while we held a conversation. It would never go unnoticed. And as much as it fired up my curiosity, it made me sad inside, and my heart heavy. Aish, what is this kid doing to me. When have i ever cared this much?
"So, hyung, it feels like i've known you forever. Yet i don't know anything about you!" Taemin pointed out. I chuckled.
"Well same goes for you dongsaeng."
"Tch. Well you tell me about yourself first."
"Okay okay. What do you want to know?"
"Anything. Your personality, your family, your friends. Anything and everything."
Moya~ How the heck am i supposed to reply to that. Hmm..
"Uhh. well.. hm. My personality? You'd think i'm really nice. But i'm actually really cold. There are only certain people i hang with, for that friends part you were wondering about. But even then, i don't really hang out with them much. We talk though. My family? I'm distant from them. We don't have a relationship, really. We just talk here and there, but they're just pointless conversations. My life is bland. Nothing happens. There's not much to say. But i guess.. i like chicken?"
"You don't seem cold at all. You're really warm hyung!" Taemin blurted out, then blushed immediately. Oh kyopta!
"Well i dont know. All i know is that i like chicken. Chicken chicken chicken."
"What if there was chicken flavored ice cream?"
"I would eat it everyday." I replied. "But anyways, your turn dongsaeng."
"Oh. Uh, well. I don't know. I'm an orphan. My parents abandoned me after they split up." Taemin said. I was amazed at how easily he said it, as if the world could know, and he could care less.
"I'm sorry to hear that. They would've regretted it seeing how great you've grown up to be." I replied comforting him. "And what about your parents now?"
"Uh.. uh... H-hyung! Push me!" Taemin shouted as he ran towards the swings. He was avoiding my question, but why? It was a simple question, really, just about his parents. Shouldn't he be glad he has a family now? Does he not like his parents? But he could tell me that, it's not something to avoid. I pushed the thought aside as i started chasing after him. It must be something major that he can't tell me yet.
"Uh.. uh.. H-hyung! Push me!" I yelled, running to the black, creaky swings. 
I can't tell him yet. Should i even tell him at all? Aishh!! I can't think. Maybe i'll tell him later.
"Higher! HIGHERR!" I yelled, feeling Onew's firm hands push the small of my back. Thinking about it made my heart leap... just a tad. shut up, a tad my . you're heart is about to jump out of your chest. no YOU SHUT UP. Aish Onew hyung is making me go mad.
"HIGHHERRRRRR" I shouted even louder
"Aish! I can't push you higher!" Onew answered.
After a while, I decided swinging for more than 10 mins made me bored. And so i moved over to the yellow slide and laid down, looking at the sky. I was getting dark now and the sun was about to set. Onew hyung walked over to me and laid by my side. The slide was just wide enough for the both of us, although there was little space to spare. We laid like that for some time, gazing at the sky as the sun set. Beautiful pinks, oranges, and purples spread out above us. The clouds turned pink, like cotton candy, and the sun turned red. I shifted my body so that i was laying on my side, and found myself face to face with Onew, our lips brushing. I could feel my cheeks bursting red and my heart beat quickening. Aishh. What's wrong with me? 
I felt Taemin moving so I turned around to see what he was doing. He turned to lay on his side, and our lips brushed. My heart exploded then. My hands got sweaty and I got light headed.  I've only met this guy once, yet I'm falling for him so fast. Our faces were inches apart, and all i could do was just stare into his lovely eyes, and glance at his pink, perfectly shaped, rosy lips. I was at a lost for words, and I didn't know what to do. So we just laid there, endlessly gazing into eachother's eyes until our eyes started drooping from drowsiness.
"Do you wanna know a secret Onew hyung?" I heard Taemin muttering sleepily.
"Always, dongsaeng." I mumbled back.
"Today was the best day of my life. But you know what? You shouldn't be my hyung." He replied.
"What? Why!" I worriedly responded. Did he not like me? What am I doing wrong? Why can't we be hyung and dongsaengs?
He put his hand on mine,"Because.. I like...-"
And then he fell asleep.
A/N: Haha this chapter was just like. bonding ;3 BTW i'll be posting daily. Usually it'll be posted at night because i write at night haha. Sooo Chapter 4 tomorrow night ^^ comment beloow \/ and feedback(: thank you guyss for reading my first fanfic ♥ i really appreciate it a lot
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w0nderland_freak #1
Chapter 11: Wanna hear a secret? I love this story soo much!! I wish i could write like you. blahh this was sooo amazingg!!! soo lovely, so sad, so happy all in one. thank you~
:( I wanted one you meanie but that's okay I shall make up my own... a dirty ending that will be :)... wait Taemin is 11 in this story never mind they shall just live happily ever after :) Any way thanks for the great story it was really sad and amazing :) <3
rawrrahrahh #3
Hey guys i decided against an epilogue one cause i like how the ending ended. One of those stories that leave the ending up to you to imagine. Plus ive been too busy and yeah. Im satisfied with the ending i actually really like it. So ill just leave it at that. Sorry if i disappointed! But i have marked the story complete ^^
Do you want me to tell you again~<br />
ok idea one!<br />
Onew and Taemins life a couple months or years later<br />
And idea two!<br />
What happens with those horrid parents!<br />
And it's like two different chapters~<br />
ok I hope I helped :D I love juuu forever!!!
Mangazit #5
Like Vampire Knight :P. Like this ff
Thank you!!! You didn't let Onew die!<br />
I love you<br />
As promised<br />
XD lol<br />
I loved the ending~<br />
I was almost about to scream when the doctor said "Its too late son. Theres nothing more we can do."<br />
TT_TT<br />
Thank god hes alive though~<br />
<br />
Neh! I think you should write an eplogue!! One about Taem and Onew and another on what happens with the parents~<br />
<br />
Lol just suggestions ^_^<br />
<br />
If you ever have another OnTae story then hmu on my wall~<br />
Well you already talk to me on my wall<br />
Lol I hope we become good friends!!!<br />
<br />
Anyway~ <br />
<br />
update soon dongsaeng!!! ^_^
naru-chan17 #7
ahhh i really thought taemin was gonna die T_T waeee?!!! i'm crying! u.u' and yes i want an epilogue please, pretty please? *does puppy eyes*