
Do you wanna know a secret?

A/N: If you havent yet, go back to chapter 9 because i added onto it. If you have already. Heres chapter 10(: 


I woke up startled and in cold sweat. Where am i? This is not Taemins house. My vision was blurred and the room was spinning. It took a while for me to take in surroundings. It was a hospital. Why am i here? I pushed that thought aside. Taemin was the only thing racing through my mind. I need to find him. I quickly sat up and was hit with an unbearable pain. It was like there were two thousand tons on my chest. I took deep breaths and stood up. This is not the time to be worrying about myself. If im enduring this much pain, imagine how much pain Taemin is in. I need to find him. I took an unstable step forward. My feet followed one another and soon i could walk stably. /i wonder what happened when i got knocked out. Theres no way one punch could make me feel so much pain. They must've continued beating me... And then a realization came. What if they continued beating Taemin. And they would probably beat him more than they would me... He better have listened to me and got away. He better be safe. I need to find him. Now. I sprinted along the hallway, checking hospital rooms, closets, anything, ignoring the pain in my chest. Abruptly, i bumped into a petite nurse with kind eyes. 

"Mianhae noona." I said, bowing. /i wonder if she knows where he is. "Noona, do you possibly know which room belongs to a Lee Taemin? 11 years old, about ye tall" I explained, indicating his height with my hands. Unexpectedly, she pointed down the hallway to the right. I eyed her curiously, why was she giving me such a sad look? Whatever. And ran down the hallway she pointed to. I checked all the rooms, and approaching the last room, i pushed open the door anxiously. /this has to be the right room. I took a deep breath and walked in. 

I was right. There was Taemin laying on the hospital bed... surrounded by frantic doctors. I looked at Taemin's cold, frigid body, trying to take in the scene before me. The heart monitor's line went flat. A doctor was hovering over him, prepping the defibrillators, a group of doctors behind him announcing voltages. No.. NO.


"NO. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING. TAEMIN WAKE UP. NOW. " Onew cried out as he ran towards Taemin still, pale body. Shocked, two doctors quickly blocked Onew from Taemin, each doctor holding onto each of Onew's arms, forbidding him from moving forward. 

"SIR. Please dont go near the patient!!" The doctors said loudly. 

"LET ME GO. NOW" Onew yelled, struggling against the doctors' grasps."TAEMIN OPEN YOUR EYES PLEASE. JEBAL. FOR ME." Tears cascaded from Onew's red eyes. He cried out desperately to Taemin, still trying to go to him. "WHY DIDNT YOU LISTEN TO ME AND WAKE UP AND GET AWAY FROM THEM. WHY DIDNT YOU GO FIND SAFETY LIKE I TOLD YOU TO. WHY DID YOU JUST CONTINUE LETTING THEM BEAT YOU AS YOU LAY THERE." Onew screamed in anguish, the constant single beep from the heart monitor haunting him. 

"Give me 2 more volts!" The main doctor announced. He applied to the defibrillators to Taemin's chest. The electricity ran through his body as the doctor looked at the heart monitor in false hope. Nothing. 

"DOCTOR. PLEASE SAVE HIM I BEG YOU. PLEASE." Onew broke down in tears.

"MORE VOLTS" The doctor shouted in response. And this process repeated itself over and over again. 

"TAEMIN-AH! YOU WAKE UP RIGHT NOW. OR ELSE ILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU HEAR ME? AFTER EVERYTHING, YOU CANT DISAPPEAR LIKE THIS. I NEED YOU TAEMIN. I NEED YOU BY SIDE. JEBAL. DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS. THERES SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO DO WITH YOU." Onew couldnt stop his tears from flowing. And then he finally broke free of the two doctors. He stepped towards Taemin as he heard the doctor use the defibillator on Taemin once again, after calling for more volts. 

He heard the doctor yell at him "Its too late son. Theres nothing more we can do." He felt more doctors trying to hold him back as he started running towards Taemin.

"TAEMIN I NEED YOU. YOU'RE THE REASON BEHIND MY SMILES, MY LAUGHTER, EVERYTHING. YOU CANT JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THIS. I NEED YOU. " Onew roared, pushing aside the doctors, trying to get to Taemin. He shoved past all thr doctors, finally finding himself in front of Taemin's body. SARANGHAE" he shouted as loud as he could, his eyes squeezed shut with tears. He grabbed Taemin's hand and putt it on his heart...

Beep beep. 

He abruptly lifted his head and lookes at the heart monitor. 

                                    /\                                      /\

Beep beep.  ---------- /     \    /  ------------------- /     \    / ---------------                                    

                                          V                                      V


"I love you too Onew-ah."


A/N: Ta-da!(: And thats the end! Did you guys like it? Hahaa.

I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted an epilogue. Please reply in the comments about whether you want one or not, and an idea of what you want to happen in it if you do want one!

Thank you guys so much for reading this it really means a lot to me<3 especially since this was my first fanfic. I hope you guys liked it. Comment below of your opinion on it!(: thank you so so so so much words cant explain how much it means to me haha. And i hope youll continue supporting me in my future fanfics<3

I love you guys!

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w0nderland_freak #1
Chapter 11: Wanna hear a secret? I love this story soo much!! I wish i could write like you. blahh this was sooo amazingg!!! soo lovely, so sad, so happy all in one. thank you~
:( I wanted one you meanie but that's okay I shall make up my own... a dirty ending that will be :)... wait Taemin is 11 in this story never mind they shall just live happily ever after :) Any way thanks for the great story it was really sad and amazing :) <3
rawrrahrahh #3
Hey guys i decided against an epilogue one cause i like how the ending ended. One of those stories that leave the ending up to you to imagine. Plus ive been too busy and yeah. Im satisfied with the ending i actually really like it. So ill just leave it at that. Sorry if i disappointed! But i have marked the story complete ^^
Do you want me to tell you again~<br />
ok idea one!<br />
Onew and Taemins life a couple months or years later<br />
And idea two!<br />
What happens with those horrid parents!<br />
And it's like two different chapters~<br />
ok I hope I helped :D I love juuu forever!!!
Mangazit #5
Like Vampire Knight :P. Like this ff
Thank you!!! You didn't let Onew die!<br />
I love you<br />
As promised<br />
XD lol<br />
I loved the ending~<br />
I was almost about to scream when the doctor said "Its too late son. Theres nothing more we can do."<br />
TT_TT<br />
Thank god hes alive though~<br />
<br />
Neh! I think you should write an eplogue!! One about Taem and Onew and another on what happens with the parents~<br />
<br />
Lol just suggestions ^_^<br />
<br />
If you ever have another OnTae story then hmu on my wall~<br />
Well you already talk to me on my wall<br />
Lol I hope we become good friends!!!<br />
<br />
Anyway~ <br />
<br />
update soon dongsaeng!!! ^_^
naru-chan17 #7
ahhh i really thought taemin was gonna die T_T waeee?!!! i'm crying! u.u' and yes i want an epilogue please, pretty please? *does puppy eyes*