Last Fight

Chained Beast

Selena's POV: I jolted awake as I heard a faint sound that sounded like screaming from further away from me. My eyes snapped open and I lifted my droopy head. It felt heavier then ever. I was surrounded by nothing but darkness, and fear started to surge through me like a crashing wave. I struggled to make something out in the darkness, but I couldn't see anything. My breathing came out quickly and loudly, and the air was freezing.  Every breath I took pierced my lungs and throat like a thorn. I gasped softly as something weighed down my wrist and squeezed them tighty. I yanked, to only to hear a clanking sound. Am I chained up to a wall? I felt like somebody just hit me with all of their force...That's right, were in the labs. I gulped slowly, not wanting to let hopelessness get to me. How can we escape this? I bit my bottom lip and I struggled to fight back tears. And Reita is dead...And so is Kyungil and JJ. "Selena? Are you ok?" The familiar voice of Luhan asked softly, echoing around me. Comfort and relief hit me at the same time. "Luhan?" I asked, my voice going all high pitched. Chains clanked loudly, and he sighed. "I'm really scared...."  I breathed, closing my eyes tightly. He was quiet for a moment, and he sighed once more. "I promise, I won't let them hurt you." He said, making  me look in the direction his voice came from. When he makes a promise, he keeps it. I couldn't help but give a tiny smile. He's so amazing. I care so much for him....I hope he doesn't get hurt...None of us. I love them all so much, all of them. Please..

                       I gasped loudly as a bright white light flooded onto the ground from above us. I grunted and turned my head quickly, avoding the bright white. My eyes burned, making me shut them tightly. I clenched my hands, making the change clank for a moment. I opened my eyes as footsteps and voices echoed around us. I looked around widely, alert and alarmed. We were all covered in shadows, and pinned against a dark cave wall. The chains were thick and heavy, showing no sign of breaking. I gasped as my dad appeared out of the shadows and walked in the middle of the room, where the light was shining. He looked at all of us as he passed. "Well....Look where you all are now." He growled, his dark eyes burning a hole through me. We all were in a circle it looked like, and I looked around at the others. Luhan was on one side of me, and Jung Min on the other. We all were staring at my dad as if we all were killing him in our head. "Let us go!" Ashton screamed fearlessly. My dad looked over and stared at her, his dark snake like eyes chilling me to the bone. "Let you go? Why would I do that?" He asked softly. I glared and bit my bottom lip, struggling not to cry out a smart comment to him. "Your just a coward....Your scared of us." Luhan growled, making him whip around and face him. "I'm not scared of you....Not any of you!" He shouted, his voice making me jump. He walked over to Luhan, his polished boots clanking on the white tile floor. "Ah Beast....Ive' heard so much about you." He cooed softly, observing Luhan. No...

                      He narrowed his eyes, and I gasped as my dads fist sped towards him. Luhan's head jerked backwards violently, and he glared heavily at my father. "Who's the coward now?" He shouted, before hitting him in the stomach. My heart seemed to break to a thousand pieces, and I shut my eyes tightly. Please...Don't hurt him. I heard the awful laughter of scientist from around us. I opened my eyes slowly, and warm tears blurred my vision and I blinked them away. Luhan was breathing heavily, and bruises covered his face. Blood was smeared on his lip, and he glared at my father. "Leave him alone!" Jung Min growled, his dark bangs falling in his bright blue eyes. My dad slowly looked over his shoulder and smirked. "Jung Min...." He said over friendly. Jung Min didn't even look scared at all as my dad walked towards him. "Let us go before I freaking kill you." He snapped, ignoring the knife my father pulled out from his black leather jacket. "Well....To bad." He said before running the knife along Jung Min's face. "Because you guys thought you can get away from me...You all are weak and pathetic." He growled, the knife glowing in the bright light. He backed away from Jung Min, giving a tiny smirk. "Were stronger then you." Jung Min whispered. My dad stopped in his tracks. He the knife softly, looking at his scarred face. "Let's see how strong you are!" He shouted before spinning around and throwing the knife. I screamed as the knife met Jung Min's shoulder, making him scream in pain. I stared at him in horror. No...

                        Blood trickled down it, smearing his clothes. My dad snickered and slowly looked at me. We locked eyes, and I struggled to met his gaze confidently. He walked over to me, and I held my breath. I grunted in pain as he grabbed my bangs and tilted my head back, making me look up at him. He rested a silver gun against my head, the metal making me shudder. I looked at my terrified expression in the pistol. "Let her go.." Luhan said, narrowing his eyes. We both looked over at the same time, in disblief. Luhan looked at me worriedly, and I shook  my head no at him. I don't want him to get hurt because of me. "Aww what....Are you scared I'm going to hurt her?" My father cooed, leaning in towards him. Luhan didn't even flinch at his cold expression. "No you aren't." He growled, and I went wide eyed as he spit in his face. My dad looked away and froze, gentle wiping the spit of his face. He faced him and I screamed in fear as he had pulled a black whip out of his jacket. He smacked it across Luhan's face, making his head jerk to the side violently. The sound echoed around us, and I looked at the others. They were frozen, with a angered and sad expression on their faces. Luhan slowly looked at my dad, a deep gash across his face. Blod dripped onto the floor, smearing it. He gave a half smile, and glared at my father. My dad went wide eyed in shock, surprised he didn't show any sign of pain. I closed my eyes as the sound of the whip hitting Luhan echoed around me. I felt warm tears stream down my face. Luhan...

                             Ashton's POV: Poor Luhan.... My father finally stopped, and backed away slowly. Luhan was breathing heavily, a puddle of blood formed from underneath him. His clothes were torn up, and blood soaked through them. Luhan lifted his head up weakly and looked at him. "See? You aren't stronger then me..." He growled, before throwing the bloody wip on the ground. Selena went wide eyed as he walked towards her, holding a knife to . "No!" He yelled, looking at Selena helplessly. I looked back at the scientist that laughed evilly. A girl with curly blonde hair and bright green eyes dropped to her knees, blood trickling out of . Everyone fell silent and she fell face first on the white tile floor. A puddle of blood formed beneath her and her eyes dulled and I gasped. My dad backed away from Selena and looked at the scientist. A scientist screamed loudly, and I saw a knife being cut across his throat. Blood gushed out, soaking everything before he fell on the floor dead. I looked around and more scientist fell after what sounded like a gun shot. Dead bodies were alined around us from outside the circle. My father was expressionless, even though his face twitched. I went wide eyed as someone slowly appeared out of the shadows. Reita! He was decked out with all kinds of weapons alined across him. He lifted his hand, to have two swords in each hand. "Let them go." He said.

                       My father looked slightly scared as he looked at him. "No." He replied, narrowing his eyes. Reita charged towards him without heistation. I held my breath and watched them helplessly. Reita slid on his knees as my father swung a huge sword at Reita. Reita leaped up from off his knees and spun around, kicking the sword out of my dads hand. He punched my dad with both hands, making him stumbled backwards clumsily. My dad clumsily stumbled towards my father before swinging at him. Reita ducked them skillfully before leaping towards the white wall and kicking off, landing on my father. I gasped as my father slashed him across his plae face. Reita's light brown eyes narrowed and he pulled my father off his feet. He gagged and strugged to make Reita let him go. "You shouldn't have done that." He growled. He threw my father up in the air before kicking him hard. Reita landed on the ground in the perfect stance. My father crashed into a metal table, before laying there, not moving. "Reita!" I said happily. He looked at me, his eyes lighting up. He lifted a silver gun and closed one eye. "Hold still." He said softly. I held my breath and waited for the sound of the sound of the gun meeting the chain. I screamed as the bullet met the metal, making me scream and jump. The weight of chain from the chains decreased and I dropped to the ground. I ran towards Reita and smiled. 

                            Without warning, I hugged him tightly. He stood there rigidly, his light brown eyes looking at me dumbfoundedly. "I thought he killed you." I said, hugging him tigher. He chuckled softly, before hugging me back. I felt safe and protected in his strong arms. "Hey! Can we get free to?" The voice of Kris asked flatly. Reita went around, freeing everybody. We all emerged together, and formed a tight circle. Luhan was pretty good on his feet, even though pain was written all over his face. "We need to get out. Here, stay close and stay sharp." Reita said rapidly, before tossing us all a weapon. I looked down at the huge sword that was in my hand that seemed to weigh me down. We all ducked down and crept towards a silver door that was hidden in the shadows. I heard the voices of the scientist on the other side, drifting through. I closed my eyes and I felt fear churn through me. "Hey, were going to get through this....I got you. I promise were not going to get hurt." Reita said, resting both of his bloody hands on my shoulders. I took deep breath and met his gaze. I gave a small nod, making him smile. He looked at all of us before spinning around and kicking in the door. It flew off it's hinges, and crashed across the tile floor. Scientist looked at us quickly. I broke out into a run, running with all of my energy. Everyone lead the scientist that was chasing them in different directions. I ran faster.

                        I looked over my shoulder and went wide eyed as I saw a girl with short black hair that stuck up widely. Her dark brown eyes were wide eyed and blood shot. "Over here!" The voice of Reita said. He did a back flip over a scientist before shoving two swords through his chest. Reita turned away from me before running towards a huge window. I went wide eyed as broke the window, disappearing into the dark abyss from below him. Glass rained down from the window, making the scientist back up. Everyone screamed as they leaped out of the window. Luhan stood beside me, blood dripping down his face. We both spun around to face two scientist. "We got this." I said lifting my bloody sword. Luhan gave me a small nod, and we exchanged glances. I dashed towards the girl, remembering all the training I had to go through. She gave a high pitched scream as she ran towards me. I leaped over her, landing right behind her. She spun around and charged towards me, a knife clenched tightly in her hand. Luhan was holding up well, he flipped the guy over his shoulder. I winced as I heard the snapping of the scientist wrist as Luhan broke it and took the scienitst weapon. I kicked the scientist feet out from underneath her quickly. I leaped onto her, flipping her over my shoulder. I pressed the sword against before stabbing her, looking away. She died quickly. 

                                     Luhan's POV: I struggled to get the scientis that had crazy dark black eyes, and bright red hair. He struggled to stab me, but I dodged him skillfully, and I leaped out of the way. "Luhan, do you need help?" Ashton called out, her voice sounding far away. I hesitated for a moment as I slammed the scientist against a bloody white wall. "No, I got this." I said glancing over my shoulder at her. She looked hesitant but didn't say anything else. She leaped out of the window, without making a sound. I went wide eyed as the scientist grabbed my collar, making it crash onto the floor. The scientist gave a gleeful and happy laugh. I felt my anger and fusteration surge through me, and I looked at him. "You shouldn't have done that..." I growled through clenched. The pain from my deep gashes disappeared, and I charged towards him. I slashed out of my blades that was connected to a chain. I slashed it out, making it wrap around his neck. The scientist gagged as I yanked it violently, making him stumble towards me. I yanked him hard, making him flip in the air. I did a summersault over the chain so that it didn't hit me. I pulled downwards making him hit the ground hard. At the other end of the blade I slashed it hard across him repeatedly before shoving it through his chest. Blood trickled out of his mouth, and he staggered towards me. I collided into him quickly, tackling him.

                                I ran straight towards the huge window that loomed right in front of us. I leaped out, keeping a firm grip on the scientist. The darkness surrounded me on everyside. I struggled to breath, but the wind seemed to knock the air out of me. The scientist was wide eyed and his mouth was wide open as he fell face first towards the ground. I landed clumsily on the ground, in a perfect stance. The scientist splatted against the ground, his brains scattered everywhere. I made a face in disguist and looked around slowly. Trees loomed around me, and I looked at the shadows that loomed behind them. "Guys?" I called out softly. "Luhan?" Jung Min called out softly, making me look around.  Everyone slowly walked towards me, only able to see the outline of them. "We need to get as far away from here as possible." Reita said looking at all of us sharply. I nodded and we all dashed off without hesitation. I struggled to shake off the aching of the pain of my wounds. I bit my tongue and I could feel my warm blood stick to me uncomfortable. My breathing came out rapidly and uneasily. Everything began to blur and my vision began to darken. My legs began to feel heavy as lead, and I barely heard Reita when he said that we could rest. I looked over my shoulder, and I didn't see the huge building of the lab. I sighed with relief and sat down in front of a tree. I closed my eyes for a moment. God...

                           "Are you ok?" The soft and soothing voice of Selena asked me, making me open my eyes. Her bright eyes looked at me, worriedly. My breath was tooken from me as it always is everytime I see her beautiful face. "I'm fine." I said even though my body ached with protest everytime I moved. She didn't look at me as she treated my wounds, ripping her shirt and wrapping it around my wound. I reached my hand out to her, resting my hand against her soft face. She looked at me, her eyes stretched wide. "I'm fine, I did this all for you." I said, the words meaning the truth. Her light blue eyes softened as she looked at me. "Why did you do that? You could have been killed..." She said before tears formed in her light blue eyes. Warm tears streamed down her face, and she clenched her fist. "I-I don't know what I would have done if he killed you..." She sobbed before looking at me. Without thinking, I leaned foreword and pressed my warm lips against hers. Every part of me wanted to stay like that for ever. I pulled away from our passionate kiss and she stared at me. "It's ok...I did that because I love you., Selena." I said softly. She went wide eyed and stared at me, hanging open slightly. I love her so much...So much that it hurts. She didn't say anything, and I pulled her close to me. She rested her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes blissfully. I held her hand tightly.

                         Everyone was roaming around us, talking to each other softly. Jung Min walked over and knelt down in front of us both. "Are you feeling ok?" He asked softly, his ice blue eyes glowing with worry. I nodded and squeezed Selena's hand tighter. I looked at the cross that dangled around her neck. It glowed brightly in the moonlight. "How about you, are you ok?" Selena asked, pointing at him. Jung Min snickered and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, smiling down at her. I hesitated and looked at our hands. I know how she feels for me and Jung Min. But....Sometimes I feel like a little kid and want her all to myself. I sighed deeply and let her hand go. She didn't seem to notice, but Jung Min did. He shot me a curious look, but didn't ask. "Want to help me get some wood for the fire?" He asked her with a smile. She nodded and they both spun around and walked off. The same old feeling struck me everytime I see them together. My heart felt like it was breaking to a million pieces. What if...She doesn't love me more then Jung Min? "Hey, what's wrong with you?" Ashton's voice made me jump. I looked up at her, and shook my head. "Ya know....Your girl just left. Your not giving up on her, are you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. I looked down at the dirt ground in front of me. "No." I said determinadly, before spinning around and running off. Selena...

                                  Selena's POV: "We need to talk." Jung Min said a couple minutes later. We both were walking away from where everyone else was. We stopped and the leaves crunched loudly from underneath my feet. "What's wrong?" I asked softly, feeling nervousness surged through me like a wave. I went wide eyed as he pinned me against a tree. So many memories flashed through my head. "Do you love Luhan?" He asked suddenly. I stood there rigidly, not knowing how to answer. Luhan? Just the sound of his name made my heart pound against my chest. 'I love you.' His words echoed around me, and I closed my eyes. I love him...But I love Jung Min to. "Yes...I do." I answered at last. Jung Min looked down and didn't say anything to me. "I'm tired of this constant back and forth between us." He said, glaring heavily at me. I went wide eyed as he pressed his lips against mine, pressing me against the tree. I closed my eyes blissfully as memories and feelings surged through me. I kissed him more passionately as I remembered everything. He was the one who was there for me when no one else was. He pulled away from me, love and care in his eyes. "I really love you, Selena." He said before gentle touching my face. I looked at him slowly. "I love you to, Jung Min." I said softly, the words tumbling out. There was a soft gasp and I turned around to see Luhan and Ashton. No!

                        We all were quiet and I stood there rigidly. It felt like I was about to pass out right there and now. Everyone was staring at me and I looked down. "Selena, choose." Luhan said, his voice filled with emotion. I looked at them both and clenched my fist. "I can't!" I said feeling warm tears stream down my face. I love them both so much....I looked at Luhan who was clenching his fist tightly, his eyes closed tightly as if he was praying. Jung Min looked away as if he didn't want his true emotion to show. We all tensed up as footsteps walked towards us slowly. "So cute...Selena's torn between you guys." A hauntingly familiar voice said before laughing evily. I gasped as half of the moonlight showed my fathers face, and other half was covered by shadows. Luhan and Jung Min both were held in his grasp, glaring at him. I went wide eyed as Reita took a step foreword. "Try anything and they both get it." He growled before holding a silver gun against Luhan's head. We all stood there rigidly, the only sound was the soft breathing of everyone around me. "Take care of her." Luhan said suddenly, breaking the silence. Luhan glanced over his shoulder at me, tears forming in his light blue eyes. He spun around, making my dad fire the gun. I couldn't see if the gun hit Luhan or not, but the only thing that happened was that they both flew backwards down a steap hill/drop. I screamed in dismay.

                               Without thinking, I leaped down the hill. I ran down, loosing control on how fast my feet were moving. I skidded to a halt and looked around at my surroundings. Huge rocks jutted out everywhere, and further away what looked like a beach stretched out in front of us. I looked around widely, for some sign from were they went. I gasped as I could see Luhan and my father fighting violently, matching each other perfectly. He slammed Luhan down on the rocks hard, making the huge rock cut across his bloody arm. He struggled to push my father off of him. I took a deep breath and charged towards him. We both flung backwards, and I winced as I was smacked against the pointy rocks. "You little brat..." My dad growled, pressing me down harder onto the rocks. I gasped as he pulled out a silver gun, and pointed it at me. I went wide eyed as Luhan tackled him, making him fly off of me. He pinned him down on the rocks, calling my name over his shoulder. I ran over to him and helped pin my father down. I looked back as I heard voices from behind us. Everyone ran towards us, leaping over the rocks. "You all wouldn't kill me....Your kind people." My father said, blinking blood out of his eyes. We all formed a circle around him, and Jung Min laughed. "Your wrong." Luhan said before lifting the silver gun and pulling the trigger. I went wide eyed as my dad dropped dead in front of my feet. 

                             Blood leaked across along the white/gray rocks. We all were quiet in disbelief. It's over...It's finally over. I looked at them all and I felt tears of joy flood my eyes. Everyone else was getting emotional to. "Yes! We are the champions!" Chi Hoon shouted before kissing Nina. I looked at Luhan and Jung Min and hugged them both tightly. We all smiled at each other, and Luhan looked down. I looked at him as he grabbed my hands. He gentle his cold hands over my hands, with a sad expression on his face. He grabbed his brothers hand and put my hand in his. "You both are perfect together." Luhan said before looking up at me. I looked at Jung Min who was looking at Luhan like he just punched him. I hugged Luhan tightly, not wanting to let him go. "Your are the bestest friend ever." I whispered in his ear. He hugged me tighter, a sob escaped his lips. "I will always love you, Selena. Even if you want me as your friend." He said softly before letting me go. I held Jung Min's hand and smiled. Reita stretched casually before wrapping it around Ashton's shoulder, not looking at her casually. This is my family, and I love them with all of my heart. Jung Min spun me around and pressed his lips against mine, making me close my eyes blissfully. We stick together, no matter what. I looked at all of them as we began to head back home together. Love is the strongest thing ever, It's true.






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tipani22 #1
Chapter 10: Wow Enjoyed it Wholehearted. Hope you continue to write more ff.
trueFriend #2
Chapter 10: i am so happy that they finally killed that selfish so sad that its finally finished really gonna miss them..:'(
stalla #3
Chapter 10: aww so gonna miss thz u know tht chingu, love it ashton n selenas dad deserves it he is a looser, URE AMAZING!!!
stalla #4
Chapter 8: waahh i feel lk crying rite now, kyungil n jj died, is it true tht reita also died plzzz i cnt bear them all hurt, lt thm b ok
trueFriend #5
Chapter 9: oh my..many people died..:'(
update soon chingu..i am getting impatient in here i want more..please please please..(U)
trueFriend #6
Chapter 8: yey JM is back..kekeke, that evil man i really want to kick him in the face..gomawo chingu for updating..
stalla #7
Chapter 8: thz is a very huge revelation, selena met her real dad n her sister, n jungmin is bak yaaay love it, super duper happy
trueFriend #8
Chapter 7: so selena chose JM over luhan eh..i am so hooked, cmon chingu dont leave me hanging..please updat real soon..hope JM's not dead
stalla #9
Chapter 7: plz chinguya what happen plzz let him b ok, plzzz updte again soon love it, love the romance even wf the fighting aww cnt wait
keysaetern #10
Chapter 7: LOl nina coming on an unexpected time whenever selena and jungmin try to kiss.
hope jungmin is alright.
My Emotions are coming
why can't selena have both but i lnow that's impossible.
Update soon ^^