
It All Started With A Phone
Luhan anticipated the "normal" reactions from Jiwoo that he got from most girls who realized that he was THE LUHAN of Exo. 
Reaction 1: 
"OMG! May I have a picture/autograph/hug?" 
"Hey, world! Here is Luhan of Exo!" 
Reaction 4: 
"Will you date me?" 
Reaction 5: 
"Oppa, can you sing for me?" 
Reaction 6: 
Interview him to sell his answers to the media. 
However, Jiwoo had a different reaction than everyone else he had ever met. While Min-Hee was preparing tea for the three of them in the kitchen, Jiwoo glared at him. Luhan wondered what he did wrong to make Jiwoo hate him at first sight. Did she dislike boys? Or was it the fact that he was still sweaty from the running he did? Or maybe it was because she didn't like his singing. He knew that he had a few (okay, a lot) of anti-fans. 
"What do you want from Min-Hee?" Jiwoo said in fluent Mandarin. 
"I don't know what you are talking about," Luhan said in Mandarin. 
"You should perfectly know what I'm talking about. Do you want her body? You can't be using her for money since her family is not too rich," Jiwoo continued. 
"Um... I still don't know what you are talking about," Luhan said in a confused tone. 
"I'm saying that YOU. WANT. SOMETHING. FROM. MIN-HEE," Jiwoo said, pronouncing each syllable slowly and carefully. "That's the only reason people like you would ever hang around commoners." 
"That's not it!" Luhan yelled, his clenched fists banging on the table. 
"Is there something wrong?" Min-Hee asked, poking her head into the living room. 
At the sight of Min-Hee, Luhan softened and he opened his palm. He waved his hands around to clear any suspicions. Jiwoo caught this reaction and frowned. Maybe she was wrong... In that case she'd better defend him. 
"We were just arguing which soccer team is the best and it is Brazil!" Jiwoo lied smoothly. 
"I don't think so," Luhan said truthfully. 
"Well, I'd like to say that it is South Korea, but we never won the World Cup," Min-Hee said wistfully. 
And with that, Min-Hee went back into the kitchen. 
"Thanks," Luhan said. 
"Whatever. And forget what I said before," Jiwoo said. 
Luhan knitted his brows together. A few seconds before, she was accusing him of using Min-Hee for a purpose that would benefit him. Now, she was defending him and telling him to forget about her accusations. 
What a weird girl. 
Haru sat in his chair reading all the information he could get about Han Jiwoo. There should be some dirt on her that he could use against her, or better yet, humiliate her with in public. Ah, revenge is going to be sweet. 
His eye was getting better now. The bruise mark was still there from when Jiwoo's knuckle made contact with his left eye. As for all the other bruises Jiwoo gave him... Well, let's just say that they were going to last for a while especially the ones on his chest. That girl was a strong kicker! 
After researching for over four hours, Haru started flip through the pages of her files aimlessly. That is until he saw that small sentence. 
"Han Jiwoo, daughter of Li Wang," Haru read aloud. 
It struck him like lightening. 
Haru jumped up (rather painfully) and scrambled to his desktop. 
The words he searched on Google? 
Li Scandal. 
"Thanks for the tea, but I should get going," Jiwoo said after she swallowed her cup of piping hot tea in one gulp. 
"I'll see you off," Min-Hee said as she got up. 
"It's ok. I've got to finish that paper on Plato anyway," Jiwoo said. "See you tomorrow." 
"Oh ok," Min-Hee said dejectedly. 
"Nice meeting you, Luhan," Jiwoo said. 
"Same to you," Luhan said. 
"Bye!" Jiwoo said before she closed the door and left. 
Now, it was just Luhan and Min-Hee. 
"I hope she left safely," Min-Hee said, breaking the silence. 
"Oh, I almost forgot! Luhan shi, can you thank Chanyeol for me? I became friends with Jiwoo because of the joke book he lent me!" Min-Hee said. 
"Sure," Luhan said. "Also, you can just call me Luhan. There are no need for formalities." 
"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to offend you. I know you are a few years older than I am..." 
"I wouldn't request that you did that unless I was okay. Wouldn't I?" 
"Oh, that's right." 
"I received a lot of gifts today," Min-Hee said with a dreamy tone. 
"Really? From who?" Luhan asked. 
For some reason, Luhan felt protective all of sudden. If the gifts were from guys, he would find each one of them and give them a few knuckle sandwiches and a few swings of punch to wash it all down. It sounded so unlike him do think of these thoughts. 
Min-Hee continued. "I made a new friend, had my first real play day with a friend, and I learned a lot about her too. I feel so lucky to finally have a friend." She looked at Luhan with her big brown orbs. "But I guess my first real friend was you, Luhan." She smiled cutely. "Now that I think about it, we were friends before we even met it each other. I looked up the word 'friend' in the dictionary and I think that the definition fits our relationship just right."
Luhan smiled back. "I think so too." He said. But inside he was screaming: "NO! I WANT TO BE MORE THAN FRIENDS! LET'S NOT BE FRIEND AND BE IN A BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND RELATIONSHIP!" He knew that these friends into boyfriend-girlfriend change was hard and usually didn't work out because at least one of them wanted to just stay friends after going out a couple times. 
Oh well, he was stuck with this for now. 
It's time to pray for a miracle to occur for them just like Hermione and Ron from the Harry Potter series. 
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Chapter 14: I got so excited when I saw the update~ I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Taelin #2
Chapter 13: aww , Luhan should take the first step and jiwoo should end up with jungkook , i ship them , hwaiting
Chapter 10: ayo, haha, Haru! You like Jiwoo now!! That's a good thing! Then Minhee & Luhan can be together~
Chapter 10: Cute chapter!!!
YellowClover #5
nice story!
Chapter 9: Gard man.. Minhee.. Can't. u. see. that. Luhan. likes. u? I mean.. Weren't u a nerd? Why don't u use ur brain?! I mean seriously!
Chapter 9: This story is real good!
Chapter 8: Finally Minhee got a girlfriend ^^
- update soon ^___^
Chapter 7: yayayay!! Minhee & Luhan ^.^
Chapter 6: Normally I don't really like fluffy stories, but you got me reading and now all I think of is: PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! Luhan is too cute in this story! (: