Chapter 8

My Tuneless Songs

I came into the room with tears b in my eyes. He was finally awake, being together was no longer something impossible. I stood at the door, staring at him, unable to move as my feet was somehow glued to the floor. He was talking to his mom, and he was smiling, it’s been a long time since I last saw that smile.

I continued standing at the door for the next few seconds, and I would’ve probably remained that way if it weren’t for his sister. She bumped into me while rushing to see her little brother, they both hugged and everyone looked so happy. He has yet to notice me, it was as though I’m invisible but it didn’t seem to matter for as long as he’s happy, then I am too.

I didn’t want to interrupt their moment of happiness; I’m just an outsider and so I decided to leave. As I turned my back, suddenly, I heard his voice calling out my name.

“Ryeowook. Kim Ryeowook!” he shouted.

I turned around with the biggest smile on my face, so he does remember me.

“My mom told me about you, you’re Kim Ryeowook, right?” he said. My world literally collapsed as those words came out of his mouth, but not wanting to appear weak, I still smiled.

“Forgive him please. He has selective memory loss, the doctor says that it’s probably a side effect due to the trauma he has experienced,” Kyuhyun’s mom said as she took her son’s hand into her own and squeezing it lightly. It was a simple yet meaningful gesture from a mother who’s trying to hold on for her son despite breaking herself, a gesture so common yet often overlooked. Kyuhyun’s really lucky to have a mother like this.

“Hehehe, but you look so cute! I’m sure we were best friends or something before. Don’t worry, I promise, I’ll remember you soon!” he said with a grin on his face. I’ve never seen this side of him before, he was much more carefree and innocent. He didn’t look as troubled as he did before; perhaps this amnesia was the best thing for him.

“Don’t force yourself Kyuhyun, but if you do remember me, you know where to find me, I should go now,” I said to him with a smile, a smile that was meant to look happy. I bet no one would’ve noticed how fake it was, but Kyuhyun’s different, he knows things, though he didn’t say it out loud, I know he knows.

“Come here buddy, give me a hug before you leave,” the hug was short but it was meaningful, it was his way of reassuring me that he’s still there.

“Come back soon okay?” he said before I left, and he even made me pinky promise. The old Kyuhyun would never do such things as he’d deemed it as stupid and childish, but this Kyuhyun was so much more different. It was like he’s a child, living life without any worries. If it takes forgetting our memories to make him this happy, then so be it, I’d move on…somehow.

2 years later

2 years has passed. Certain things have changed, while some remained the same. Kyuhyun has quit being a singer, he said it was too tiring and decided to be a part time student and a full time professional gamer. As for me, Mr. Chong has helped me achieved my dreams; I’m a singer now, well I was a singer; I’m a manager now.

My love for Kyuhyun has yet to waver, trust me, I’ve tried everything. He still doesn’t remember me, and now I’ve realized that that is fate’s way of saying we’re not meant to be, and that the best thing to do was to move on.

And so I did. I’m leaving the country with Yesung next week.  He’s a singer too, we couldn’t risk the media finding out about us and if I were a celebrity too, then avoiding them would be hard. Thus, we decided for me to have an early retirement and work as Yesung’s manager.

I was packing my stuff when I found that sheet. It was one of the songs that Kyuhyun had helped me complete, it was one of the instances where he had turned my tuneless song into a work of art.

I wanted the world to know of this song, I wanted to give hope to those who thought that there are limits to love, I wanted to tell them that if it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be. Kyuhyun and me weren’t meant to be, but their story could be different, we just weren’t lucky enough.

I wasn’t a household name anymore, but Yesung was. He was my only hope, he was the only one who could present this song to the world, and perhaps, if Kyuhyun listened to it, he’ll know that I still remember (Yesung didn’t have to know about this part though).

“Please, just put it in your album,” I begged him, he refused to budge, he said the song was too cliché.

“Listen to it one more time,” I said as I handed him the disc with the audio I’ve recorded.

“It just sound too familiar, it’s like I’ve heard the tune somewhere,” Yesung said, he was starting to warm up to the song. But then his facial expression changed and he pulled the earphones out of his ears.

“Cho Kyuhyun composed this, didn’t he?” he asked looking less than happy.

“Ryeowook, say something! He was my freaking mentor! I know his composing style. Are you still hung up on him?! We’re going to be starting our lives all over again in some foreign country and you’re asking to me to put a song some man who can’t even remember you composed in what is possibly going to be my last album?” Yesung said as he smashed the MP3 player, destroying it into pieces.

“I… I just…” I closed my eyes as I felt a sting on my face and when I opened my eyes I saw a shocked Yesung looking at his hand.

“I didn’t mean to slap you, I’m sorry,” he said before abruptly leaving the room.

Yesung POV

I’m a monster. I did the one thing I had promised Kyuhyun I would never do. I hurt Ryeowook.

I took out my phone and dialed Kyuhyun’s number.

“I can’t do this anymore Kyuhyun, he doesn’t love me, he loves you! Stop being a coward and just face him, please?” I said in between sobs.

“Hyung, you know I can’t. I have to take care of my son, being a single father is really hard and I don’t want Ryeowook to give up on his dreams because of me. I know him, he’d want to stay at home and take care of Cho Ryeowook whilst insisting that I continue singing,” he said to me.

Suffer? This guy is a fool, much like Ryeowook. Ryeowook is suffering without him, and I’m suffering too as I have to watch him long for someone else when I’m here, longing for him.

“You don’t know the meaning of the word suffer, I’m just calling to tell you that I’m not going to do your dirty work and take care of Ryeowook anymore. He’s never going to love me, so what’s the point?” I said before I hung up. 

“Yesung, who were you talking to? He remembers me?” Ryeowook said, startling me. I was too absorbed in my conversation till I didn’t realize that Ryeowook was standing at the doorstep.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, and the next thing I saw was a lifeless Ryeowook on the floor.

A/N: It's been a really long time and I thought no one was reading this story anymore. But then I received a notification saying someone has commented. I was shocked and touched, as this person was one of my early readers. So here you go, a new chapter after a very long time. I'll try to update again soon. Hope this long chapter makes up for the extreme lack of update. Btw, you might notice that this story is getting more serious now, well just like a rom-com, it's at the point where conflict is needed in order to move it along. But there'll will be some funny bits in upcoming chapter :D Hehehe, again thank you.

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magnafiend #1
I wish this was finished
Chapter 8: Wow!!! Such a good cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
I hope Kyuhyun gets to him before it's too late!
Chapter 8: aw..kyu remembers wookie...poor yesung..kyuwook to the end!! ^^
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 8: Omg .... This is so exciting ....pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update ... I really look forward reading ..... Pls pls's so great .... Pls kyuwook at the end ....thx
update soooon!!!!!!! cho ryeowook?? kya~~~~~
kyuwook_4eva #6
To everyone : Sorry for being MIA, I was always here actually, as a reader but not as an author :P HEHEHE, but I'm back. I've been constantly writing one-shots and two-shots though :D If you're interested in reading them, you can go to my LiveJournal account ( And special note to @Hyungg, yes, I did update because of your comment :D
OMG! Wookie!!!!
Stupid pabo Kyu!! Ur a moron, I can't believe you lied and said you forgot Wookie!
Plz update soon, I have to know what happens!!
This is interesting! Update soon pls! ^^
omg... Wookie, wait for kyu pls... Update soon ^^
did you update because i commented? ;D hehehe
just kidding XDDD

update soon ~ :D