Chapter 4

My Tuneless Songs

“Mr Chong, are you okay?” I said to Mr Chong who had just woke up after he fainted from an overdose on his depression pills. I was the only one there, he doesn’t have any friends or family, Kyuhyun was the friend he got.

“Where am I?” he asked me, I told him that he was at the hospital and he began to cry.

“I saw him while I was dying, Ryeowook” he said in between sobs.

“Who?” I asked, dumbfounded by his sudden outburst of emotions.

“Kyuhyun, I saw him!” he said to me. Why is so sad by the fact that he saw Kyuhyun, isn’t he supposed to be happy? Did he poisoned Kyuhyun?

“Why are you sad then?” I asked him, trying to get the answers to my questions.

“Because I made him this way,” he said, trying to hold back his tears, but he failed, miserably.

“What did you do to him?” I asked, though I somehow think I know the answer to the question, but it’s not possible, why would he poisoned his own recording artist?

“I told him to leave the girl,” he said to me as he tried getting up to rush to Kyuhyun’s room and apologize to his parents.

“I don’t understand,” I said, still clueless, but then Kyuhyun appeared.

“I remember now,” Kyuhyun said before he broke down in tears and disappeared.

“There was a girl, I can’t remember her name, but she was pregnant with Kyuhyun’s child,”   he said.

“What happened then, did Kyuhyun take responsibility?” I asked.

“He wanted to, his parents wanted him to do the same thing too. But I told him otherwise, this would destroy his career. And he followed what I said and left the girl,” Mr Chong said, unable to continue.

“And so he chose career over love and the girl poisoned him to take revenge?” It was more of a statement rather than a question. How could he do that, he looks so innocent, I didn’t know he was this ambitious.

“That’s what I believe, everyone’s telling me that he killed himself but I know him better, he’ll never do that!” Mr Chong said in between sobs as he continuously wiped away his tears.

“What did his parents do to him then?” I asked.

“They disowned him, and now they believe that they’re the cause for his suicide attempt,” Mr Chong said, regret clearly written on his face.

“Why didn’t you tell them otherwise?” I asked him.

“Because I’m a coward, would you help me tell them the truth Ryeowook, please?” he begged. I nodded and he hugged me, “Thanks” he said before releasing me from the hug.

“Where are they right now, you said that you were going to meet them right, are they in the same hospital?” I asked him, he nodded and gave me Kyuhyun’s room number.

I quickly went to his hospital room, Kyuhyun was there by my side, accompanying me along the way.

“We’re here, are you ready to meet your parents Kyuhyun?” I asked him.

“Yes,” he said affirmably with a big smile on his face.  

I opened the door to see an old woman caressing Kyuhyun’s cheek, it was his mom. I could tell since she looks just like him. So this is the real Cho Kyuhyun, he looks hotter in human form, I tried looking for the soul form Kyuhyun but he was already gone.

“Who are you?” she said the instance I walked into the room.

“I’m Kyuhyun’s friend, forgive me for not introducing myself, I’m Ryeowook,” I said, a smile formed on her face when she heard my name. Does she know me?

“Oh, I bet you’re here to visit Kyuhyun. Mr Chong told me that you could sing just like Kyuhyun,” she said to me.

“No, I’m here to see you. I have something to tell you,” I said to her. She invited to sit down at the sofa opposite hers and I did as I was told.

“What is it young boy?” she said to me.

“It’s about Kyuhyun, he didn’t kill himself. He was poisoned, by the mother of his child,” I told her.

“How could you say such nonsense?” she said angrily at me.

“Mr Chong told me that, he chose his career over love and so the girl did that for revenge,” I said to her. She refused to believe me but then she looked at my eyes and told me that my eyes tells her that I’m not lying.

“My eyes?” I just laughed, but she look so serious that I immediately stop laughing

“You have eyes like my son, pure and innocent pair of eyes, it’s really rare,” she said to me.

Kyuhyun sat at the empty spot next to me and held my hand, this time I could really feel it, “Thank you Ryeowook,” he said as he squeezed my hand.

“Can you sing me a song?” she asked all of a sudden.

“Okay,” I said.

“Sing her that song by Jay Chou called ‘Listen to Mother’s Word,” it’s the song she used to sing to me,” he said with a big smile on his face as he held my hand.

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magnafiend #1
I wish this was finished
Chapter 8: Wow!!! Such a good cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
I hope Kyuhyun gets to him before it's too late!
Chapter 8: aw..kyu remembers wookie...poor yesung..kyuwook to the end!! ^^
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 8: Omg .... This is so exciting ....pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update ... I really look forward reading ..... Pls pls's so great .... Pls kyuwook at the end ....thx
update soooon!!!!!!! cho ryeowook?? kya~~~~~
kyuwook_4eva #6
To everyone : Sorry for being MIA, I was always here actually, as a reader but not as an author :P HEHEHE, but I'm back. I've been constantly writing one-shots and two-shots though :D If you're interested in reading them, you can go to my LiveJournal account ( And special note to @Hyungg, yes, I did update because of your comment :D
OMG! Wookie!!!!
Stupid pabo Kyu!! Ur a moron, I can't believe you lied and said you forgot Wookie!
Plz update soon, I have to know what happens!!
This is interesting! Update soon pls! ^^
omg... Wookie, wait for kyu pls... Update soon ^^
did you update because i commented? ;D hehehe
just kidding XDDD

update soon ~ :D