Chapter 5

My Tuneless Songs

She thanked me for singing the song. I told her it was nothing and left. Finally! Mission accomplished. Just one more task to go.

Back at home, I googled for female celebrities whom Kyuhyun had scandals with, and this guy was a freaking Casanova! He has scandals with girls from all around the world. Philippines, Thailand, Germany, Brazil, you name it!

 “Damn Kyuhyun, why do you have to be such a playboy?” I sighed.

“I’m not!” he shouted in my ear. This guy just loves appearing out of nowhere, doesn’t he? Now it’s seriously getting to my head.

“How would you know? You can’t even remember where you live!” I said to him sarcastically. His cheerful expression immediately turned sour.

“No, that’s not true! I remember things now. I remember why I dated so many girls, though I’m not so proud about it,” he replied, and sat on the floor.

“Why? You know that you could tell me anything right?”

 I patted his back. I don’t know why I can touch him now, but I’m eager to know the reason.

“Because I wasn’t straight. I was trying to convince myself that I was, but I wasn’t. I was in love with a schoolboy who probably doesn’t even know I exist,” he said in tears. He’s such a crybaby that he cries almost every time I see him. Why can’t he be strong like me?

“What’s his name? Maybe I can help you find him,” I said, cheerfully thinking of the possibilities of helping him.

“I can’t even remember his name,”

“Fine then. By the way, why can I touch you now?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, I think it’s because we’re bonding,” he replied.

“Cool, we should bond more then,” I said, taking his hand into mine playfully.

“Are you flirting with me?” he said in disbelief.

“No, I’m not!”.

“Why are you blushing then?”

 OMG, am I really blushing? Stop blushing Ryeowook! Get a grip of yourself, why are you flirting with a spirit!

“So you admit that you were flirting with me,” he said sarcastically.

“Stop reading my thoughts!” I said before smacking his head. Being abled to touch him has it’s benefits once in awhile.

He laughed at me before vanishing into thin air. I better get my sleep now, since I still need to figure out who poisoned Kyuhyun tomorrow.

DARN IT! I have a singing competition tomorrow, what song should I sing? I’ll just think of something on the spot.

“Ryeowook, wake up!” Kyuhyun said, waking me up from my deep sleep. Such a pest. Is his hobby really disturbing me?

“I want to sleep!” I said before taking a pillow to cover my head.

“Dude, you have a singing competition!” he said to me. WAIT, how does he know, did he read my mind again? He needs to stop doing that. It’s so annoying.

I got up, took a shower, went down to eat and rushed to school. I sat in the big hall and watched all the other participant sing as I waited for my turn. Everyone at the talent show was freaking talented, there’s no way I’ll win.

“That’s not true,” Kyuhyun said as he took my hand into his own. “You’re a great singer,” he continued.

“You’re such a bad liar, I’m a terrible singer” I blushed.

“Hey, don’t say that,” he said to me, cheering me up. What happened this guy? Why is he suddenly so sweet?

“This guy is sweet because you’ve done so much for him,” he replied. He read my mind again, DARN IT! He needs to stop doing that!

“Can I ask for a favor?” he said to me. I gave him a sweet smile and nodded.

“When you sing, sing it for me, please,” he said to me. He looked like he really wanted it, so I just agreed.

“Okay,” I asked him.

I didn’t have time to think about what song I was going to sing since the MC called me tight away.

He passed the microphone to me and I introduced myself. Kyuhyun looked at me and smile.

I thought about all our memories together and the first song that came to my mind was “To Make You Feel My Love,” I don’t know why but I just sang it.

I looked at him while singing, smiling and giggling all to myself like some lovesick teenage boy. He gave me a sweet smile and looked down. I could see tears trailing down his face, but this time I was very sure they were happy tears.

He stood next to me and held my hand as I finished the song. Everyone cheered for me. Even the judges said that they could feel that I really meant what I sang.

HAHAHHHAHA, they have no idea.

We went home with a gold trophy hand in hand that day.

“I remember the boy’s name now,”

“What is it?” I should be happy for him, but my cheerful expression immediately turned sour. I was sad, and I didn’t know why.

“It’s Kim Ryeowook,” he said before pulling me into a tight hug. “It’s you,” he whispered into my ears.

“You’re lying, get off me!” I struggled, trying to pull away from the hug.

“If you think this is funny, it’s not. I almost believed you,” I said before running off, leaving the speechless Kyuhyun behind.

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magnafiend #1
I wish this was finished
Chapter 8: Wow!!! Such a good cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
I hope Kyuhyun gets to him before it's too late!
Chapter 8: aw..kyu remembers wookie...poor yesung..kyuwook to the end!! ^^
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 8: Omg .... This is so exciting ....pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update ... I really look forward reading ..... Pls pls's so great .... Pls kyuwook at the end ....thx
update soooon!!!!!!! cho ryeowook?? kya~~~~~
kyuwook_4eva #6
To everyone : Sorry for being MIA, I was always here actually, as a reader but not as an author :P HEHEHE, but I'm back. I've been constantly writing one-shots and two-shots though :D If you're interested in reading them, you can go to my LiveJournal account ( And special note to @Hyungg, yes, I did update because of your comment :D
OMG! Wookie!!!!
Stupid pabo Kyu!! Ur a moron, I can't believe you lied and said you forgot Wookie!
Plz update soon, I have to know what happens!!
This is interesting! Update soon pls! ^^
omg... Wookie, wait for kyu pls... Update soon ^^
did you update because i commented? ;D hehehe
just kidding XDDD

update soon ~ :D