Chapter 3

My Tuneless Songs

“Ryeowook, I hate you,” was the first thing I heard when I stepped into my room.

“Why, what did I do?” I said to Kyuhyun who was lying on my bed, his eyes filled with tears.

“You have such a beautiful life, but you’re throwing it all away, just to become a singer?” Kyuhyun said to me. This guy is really crossing the line, who the hell does he think he is, it’s my life, let me make my own choice.

“It’s my dream, you have no right what so ever to tell me that it’s bad, even my mom encourages me!” I retorted.

“If you say so,” he said with a smirk on his face before he disappeared into thin air.

I went to Mr Chong office the next day, he told me to sing a song. I sang the song Kyuhyun helped me compose.

“Wow, you’re just like Kyuhyun, talented and handsome,” he said to me. Kyuhyun was standing next to him when he said that, and Kyuhyun scoffed at Mr Chong’s comment, deeming him as a liar.

EXCUSE ME?! This guy who’s asking me for a freaking favor actually has the guts to tell me that I’m not as good as him, how would he know? He can’t even remember his own parents!

“Thanks Mr Chong,” I said to Mr Chong before leaving his office. He gave me paperworks to give to my parents, once they sign it, then I’m OFFICIALLY a singer. I’ll be even bigger than that stupid arrogant Kyuhyun.

“Ryeowook, I can hear your thought, you know that right?” someone said to me while I was walking at the dark ally alone.

“Are you Kyuhyun?” I said. “Who else will I be?” he said, as he tried smacking my head, though his hand just went through my head. ER, you can’t even hold a piece of paper and you dare try to smack my head. It’s funny how he can’t grasp the fact that he can’t touch objects.

“Dude, stop insulting me, I know I can’t touch things,” he said to me, looking sad.

“Stop reading my thoughts then,” I said to him.

“Stop having thought then,” he said before he burst out in a fit of laughter.

“Why are you laughing?” I said to him, looking confused.

“I just made a joke, stop having thoughts? HAHAHHAHA, how is that even possible, I’m so freaking funny,” he said happily. I’ve never seen him this happy before, seeing him happy somehow makes me really happy.

“Kyuhyun, be happy more often,” I said to him.

“Aww, thanks,” he said as he tried hugging me.

I smiled at his attempt, I looked at my watch and realized that I’m 5 minutes late for my date with my girlfriend. “Got to go,” I said to him.

“Enjoy your date with your girlfriend,” he said sarcastically. Is he jealous, SOOO CUTE.

I ran to the restaurant, and there she was, waiting for me, looking as beautiful as ever.

“Hi Beige, I’m so sorry for being late,” I said to her.

“It’s okay honey,” She said as she gave me one of the most beautiful smile ever.

“Ryeowook, I have something to tell you,” she said to me. I thought she was going to tell me that she loves me or something cheesy like that, but I was wrong, really wrong.

“I’m pregnant,” she said to me. WOAH, but we’ve never done it before. OMG, this is so cool. It’s like being in one of those Korean Dramas and I’m the handsome male lead who will bravely take responsibility over his actions. HEHHEHEHHEEH.

“Cool, so when will we get married?” I asked her, I thought she’ll be happy but then she started crying, did I say something wrong?

“It’s not your baby!” she said to me. I knew it, but I’m somehow sad about it.

“I know, who is it, why did you do this to me?” I said to her as I tried holding back my tears that were threatening to fall.

“The father’s not well right now, it was a one time thing, I’m really sorry,” she said before she left. I was shocked, stunned and alone.

“Don’t be sad,” Kyuhyun said as he sat on the chair opposite me.

“I really loved her,” I said to him.

“No you don’t, you love someone else,” he said with a smirk on his face.

“What makes you think that’s true?” I said to him causing him to scoff.

“I can read your mind remember,” he said before disappearing.

Someone tapped my shoulder, I thought it was Kyuhyun but it turned out to be the waitress.

“Are you okay mister, why are you talking to yourself,” she said to me. OH OH, I quickly came up with the reason that I was practicing the lines for a play. She wished me good luck before she left me alone to continue “practicing”.

Mr Chong called me soon after, he was sobbing. I asked him what’s wrong, but he won’t tell me, he told me to come to his office instead. I rushed to his office without hesitation, I came and saw his dying body laying on the floor. Kyuhyun was standing next to his body when I came, could this be his work?

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magnafiend #1
I wish this was finished
Chapter 8: Wow!!! Such a good cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
I hope Kyuhyun gets to him before it's too late!
Chapter 8: aw..kyu remembers wookie...poor yesung..kyuwook to the end!! ^^
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 8: Omg .... This is so exciting ....pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update ... I really look forward reading ..... Pls pls's so great .... Pls kyuwook at the end ....thx
update soooon!!!!!!! cho ryeowook?? kya~~~~~
kyuwook_4eva #6
To everyone : Sorry for being MIA, I was always here actually, as a reader but not as an author :P HEHEHE, but I'm back. I've been constantly writing one-shots and two-shots though :D If you're interested in reading them, you can go to my LiveJournal account ( And special note to @Hyungg, yes, I did update because of your comment :D
OMG! Wookie!!!!
Stupid pabo Kyu!! Ur a moron, I can't believe you lied and said you forgot Wookie!
Plz update soon, I have to know what happens!!
This is interesting! Update soon pls! ^^
omg... Wookie, wait for kyu pls... Update soon ^^
did you update because i commented? ;D hehehe
just kidding XDDD

update soon ~ :D