First Song

My Tuneless Songs

“Wake up you dummy,” someone said, waking me up from my deep sleep. I opened my eyes to see someone sitting on the chair next to my bed. Oh man he was hot....but...but WHAT THE HELL was he doing in MY room!

“AHHH!” I shouted, throwing a pillow towards him. It went through his head and I was stunned.  COOL! He’s a vampire! I’ve always wanted to meet one, and I never knew that he was going to be this hot.

“Are you Edward Cullen?” I asked, wide awake from my sleep now. He tried picking up the pillow and aiming it back to my head but it went straight through his hand and down the bed. I laughed at his silliness.

“I’m CHO KYUHYUN, the famous singer!” he screamed at me. His name sounded so familiar, but I ignored the thought. There are probably millions of guy out there with the same name.

“I am dreaming, aren’t I?!” 

He looked at me angry and replied, “ Stop asking stupid question you dumb . I don’t know why but all I need now is your help. Will you help me?” he begged, kneeling down so that I can see the tears flooding his eyes. What a dumb vampire.

“Let me think about it first. If I can help you, what will you do for me in return?” A favour in exchange of a favour, what a bargain. Not that I’m selfish or anything, I’m just a little bit self centered. It runs in the genes, so you can blame my parents. He couldn’t answer my question and I refused to his request. Right after that, I tried moving on with my life. Such a  strange encounter in the middle of the night!

The ghost came to me every night since then, at exactly 10pm.  I’m so used to it by now that every time he pops in, I’ll just shout a loud “No,” even before he could open his mouth. Clever, right?

And then it came to a point where I decided to really help him. It was a Sunday, and I was watching the news when his face popped out. “Singer Cho Kyuhyun has officially been pronounced brain dead,” the news anchor announced. I was shocked. He really was helpless. I ran back to my room and waited patiently for 10pm to come, doing my homework in the meantime. When the clock stoke 10, he was sitting on my bed with teary eyes.

“Please,” he begged me once again, this time only a word came out of his mouth. I nodded my head and he cried even more. Isn’t he supposed to be happy that I finally agreed to him? Why is he crying even more? Do people cry more when they’re happy? I’m SO CONFUSED.

“I’m going to sing you a song since I’m so happy.  I composed it myself like 2 minutes ago,” he said with an arrogant smirk on his face. JERK.

“Hold on a minute, you’re a composer?!” I said, surprised. God has finally answered my prayers!  Now my melody-less song will have its tunes!


“I’m Cho Kyuhyun, The famous singer and songwriter.” How arrogant can this ghost get? But who cares about him, I finally found something he can do for me in exchange to the favour he’s been begging me.  “I’ll help you if you write the melody to my songs. Deal?” I didn’t stop to hesitate even for a second. He looked at me and agreed.

I brought him to the discussion room and told him to sit down. For the first time in my life, I really looked at him, like look look, and WOW he was REALLY hot!

“Why are you staring at me,” he asked, blushing. AWWWWW!

“Cause you’re so cute,” I said. Upon realizing what I just said, I slapped myself. He smirked at me and shouted, “DUDE, stop being gay.” before disappearing into thin air. “Kyuhyun, stop fooling around,” I shouted back.  I don’t know why, but when he was gone,  I felt an emptiness in me. Am I falling for him? Oh gosh, get a grip of yourself Ryeowook!You can’t fall for someone this fast! Besides, he’s a freaking ghost!


“ OMG, You scared me!” I clutched my pillow tightly and hit his shoulders. He laughed and looked at me seriously.

“So, back to business. I need you to tell my parents that it wasn’t a suicide attempt and I need you to figure out who poisoned me,” he said with a casual tone as if it was such an easy task for me to do.

“Right. But before that, I need you to compose the melody to this song,” I said and placed the sheets on the table since he can’t hold it.

“This is a piece of cake. Give me 5 minutes and I’ll make a masterpiece out of it,” he said, smirking again. Though, he wasn’t joking. He composed the melody for the song in less than 5 minutes and honestly, it was fantastic!

“Thanks,” I said to him as our hands brushed against each other.  It was almost as if I could feel his touch, but his hand just went through mine. I felt it though, I really did!

“How did you find me?” I asked him, but he didn’t bother to reply me and just disappeared. Psssht, JERK.

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magnafiend #1
I wish this was finished
Chapter 8: Wow!!! Such a good cliffhanger!!!!!!!!
I hope Kyuhyun gets to him before it's too late!
Chapter 8: aw..kyu remembers wookie...poor yesung..kyuwook to the end!! ^^
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 8: Omg .... This is so exciting ....pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update ... I really look forward reading ..... Pls pls's so great .... Pls kyuwook at the end ....thx
update soooon!!!!!!! cho ryeowook?? kya~~~~~
kyuwook_4eva #6
To everyone : Sorry for being MIA, I was always here actually, as a reader but not as an author :P HEHEHE, but I'm back. I've been constantly writing one-shots and two-shots though :D If you're interested in reading them, you can go to my LiveJournal account ( And special note to @Hyungg, yes, I did update because of your comment :D
OMG! Wookie!!!!
Stupid pabo Kyu!! Ur a moron, I can't believe you lied and said you forgot Wookie!
Plz update soon, I have to know what happens!!
This is interesting! Update soon pls! ^^
omg... Wookie, wait for kyu pls... Update soon ^^
did you update because i commented? ;D hehehe
just kidding XDDD

update soon ~ :D