Moving In!

Big Girls Need Some Lovin' Too!

Ji Yeon's POV

The next morning I woke up expecting to still have Ji Yong next to me but unfortunately he wasn't. I reached over to where he was suppose to be and felt emptiness. I got up and seen he was gone. 

"That truly must have been a dream" I said to myself then I looked at the clock and seen it was 7:30 am already. I was going to be late for school. I showered, got dressed, and rushed out the door without saying bye or eating breakfast. As I was speed walking to school a man on a motorcycle stopped in front of me. I was annoyed at first but when he took of his helmet I got happy.

"Need a ride?" Seung Hyun asked.

"Sure" I said and he handed me a helmet and I got on the back of the motorcycle. I gladly wrapped my arms around his waist and held on to him as we rode off. When we arrived at school everyone watched as I got off the motorcycle and were in awe. Not wanting to let go of Seung Hyun, I slowly got off the motorcycle. I began to wave goodbye but instead of waving back to me Seung Hyun turned the bike off, got off of it, and took his helmet off. 

"This is your school?" he asked as he put his hands in his pocket and observed it.

"Yeah but I don't really like it"


"Well as you can see all the girls look like twigs as to where I look like a tree branch" I said, putting my own self down. Something my mother told me never to do.

Then I seen this group of twigs staring at Seung Hyun and I. They giggled as if they were making fun of me, I was pretty use to it.

"So I'm guessing that group of girls over there aren't exactly your fan club"

"No they're far from it"

Then before I knew what was going on Seung Hyun bent down so his face was directly in front of mine. 

"Let's give them something to talk about" he said then kissed me...ON THE LIPS!

He smiled as I, on the other hand, was in heaven and got back on his bike. I waved goodbye and he waved back and drove off. 

"That was fantastic" I said to myself as I started toward the entrance, touching my lips. They had been kissed by an angel.

"Was that your boyfriend?" a girl asked me.

"N-" wait this was my chance, "Yeah he is" I lied.

"He was cute, why is he with you?"

"The same reason why your boyfriend is" I said back. I had a ton of confidence right now. No one and I mean no one could ruin my mood.

I walked through the school halls all day with my head held high. When school had ended and I was about to walk out I was pulled into a maintenance closet. 

"Why were you kissing another boy?" someone asked. I wasn't quite sure since it was dark.

"Who are you and why do you need to know?"

Then the light came on and Ji Yong was revealed.

"Why were you kissing that boy? Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from him?"

"You don't own me, you won't even call me your girlfriend so I can do what ever the hell I please!"

"It doesn't matter if I call you my girlfriend you still are technically mine. So stop seeing him or else"

"Or else what?"

He sighed angrily and then stormed out of the maintenance closet and turned the light off as he exited.

I was still smiling from the kiss when I was walking home slowly, breathing in the wonderful air. Even the threat from Ji Yong didn't ruin my day. He could sabotage me in anyway and I would probably still be happy. I entered the door of my home and seen Ji Yong, his Haelmonim, my parents, and my brother, sitting in my living room. 

My parents were signing something and Ji Yong looked up and me and smirked. I noticed there was three suitcases near the couch.

"Who is leaving?" I asked.

"You are" answered my mother.

"What? To where and what for?"

"Your going to move in with Ji Yong and his Haelmonim but only until you graduate, then you can either come back here or go off to college but I think I know which one your going to choose. If you live with them, they have agreed to get tutor so you can pass your exams because your'e not doing so well in school and your already a senior" said my father.

"I'm not going to go live with Ji Yong!"

"Well that is to bad because we just signed the agreement"

"So I have no say?"

"Basically" answered Ji Yong. I squinted my eyes at him. He just loved the idea, only because I hated it.

"Don't worry Ji Yeon, I'll make sure he is nice to you" Ji Yong's grandmother said and smiled at me. I smiled back and then looked at the three suitcases.

"Did you already pack my stuff?"

"No we saved that job for you"

I gave them a -__- look then grabbed the suitcases and headed upstairs.

"Ji Yong go and help her pack" I heard his grandmother tell him, then I heard footsteps follow behind me. When we arrived at my room Ji Yong just stood there as he enjoyed my unhappiness. I mumbled to myself as I packed everything. Then I heard him begin to laugh.

"What is so funny?"

"Your anger" he said and still giggled

"It's not funny". He had managed to ruin my happiness. 

"Well I told you to stop seeing that boy and when you don't listen bad things happen"

I just scoffed and kept packing. Then Ji Yong started walking around my room. He looked at some pictures I had on my dresser and looked inside some drawers. 

"Are these yours or my Haelmonim's" he said giggling, I turned around to see Ji Yong holding up a pair of granny I had forgotten to get. I started turning red. "Give it back!" I shouted. I tried to get him but he held them up so I couldn't reach them. I struggled to reach them. Then Ji Yong grabbed my arms and pushed me onto the bed holding my wrists down. 

"What are you doing?"

"Shh" she said, then he began to get closer and closer and closer...

Then he....

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ChocolateDoll #1
I can tell this is going to be good. Reallllly good
Hatsumomo #2
Chapter 27: Very motivating story! I love your kind intentions and I am sure many girls who read this have their self confidence ! :) Although some scenes were a bit rushed imo , I liked this story all and enjoyed reading it all at once ! :) Upvote !
Aww. Cute :))
This was an awesome story! And I loved the whole theme of it! JuJuBeezz fighting!
Awww :)
Great story! I love it! :D
deemiiex #7
I luv this story ;3
waw i love it
very very love it
shiningirl #9
Hmm.. Very sweet story :D