Chapter Four


“Do I look okay?” Eunmi asked for the nth time while straightening her dress.

“For the last time, you look fine. And I don’t think your dress is going to get any straighter.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her. She flopped her arms to her side, looking exasperated.

“You’re lucky. You don’t have to worry about how you look; you’re gorgeous 24/7.”

“What? No, I’m not!” I look at her.

“Oh, come on. Look at yourself! You look like you just stepped out from the cover of a Vogue magazine.” She was just over- exaggerating. “Anyways, how are you going to keep your identity a secret if you’re just going to flaunt your way in there?”

“Oh, Eunmi. You should know me by now.” I dug inside my purse to fish out a mask that fit perfectly with the pink dress my cousin wore. “I wouldn’t have agreed if I had to show my face around. The ball’s theme is a masquerade.” I handed her the mask while I put my own mask on that complimented my own outfit.

The car pulled up into the driveway where guests were dropped off. I can tell the Palace went full out for this party. There was even a red carpet! And what’s a red carpet without reporters?

“Do they know that you’re going to be here?”

“Yeah, the Palace released a statement saying that the princess would attend the party. Typical. Ready?” I ask my companion. She gave a short, brief nod. The chauffer opened the door and we both stepped out of the car, trying not to trip over the dresses.

“LOOK! I think that’s the princess!” Cue the flashes.



“I think I’m blind.” Eunmi rubbed her eyes. I had to agree, I could still see a bunch of white thanks to those obnoxious camera flashes. Once we entered the party hall, we were both amazed. The Palace was transformed greatly to suit the night and it sure didn’t disappoint:  fancy tables topped off with one of the finest china ever, decorations that included an ice figure of the Palace, and a mini fountain in the middle of it all (how’d they even fit that there?). Despite the radical change, the Palace still maintained its traditional Korean look. There were flocks of people from different countries in gorgeous outfits everywhere. Although the masks did well to cover the faces of the guests, one could tell that these people weren’t the average people- they were famous, important people.

“Wow, this is beautiful.” My cousin marveled at the view. As I was about to reply, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to see a masked man with hair sleeked back.

“Young princess, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. May I be honored with a dance?”  He bowed slightly while his arm was outstretched towards me. I look at Eunmi for her to save me but she looked clueless.

“Eunchae.” Grandfather came towards me. “Excuse me sir, may I borrow my granddaughter for a moment?” I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful to my grandfather. The man obviously knew who grandfather was and left in a frenzy.

“I want you to meet someone.” A boy emerged from behind grandfather. Never mind, I take the whole thing about the grateful thing back. “He is one of the brightest students at the Palace Academy. I invited him to the party because I really wanted you to meet him.”

“Your Majesty,” it was Mr. Song, “the minister would like a word with you.”

“Of course! Then, I’ll leave you two together.” He patted the boy’s shoulder and left. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I ha-

“Would you like to dance?” The boy lifted his hand for me to take. I look for Eunmi once again for her to rescue me. Instead, I found my twenty-four year old cousin drooling by the food table. I sigh and take his hand in my own. He led me onto the dance floor.

He puts one arm around my waist, bringing me closer. “Just a warning, I can’t dance to save my life.” He smiles at that.

“I’m sure you can manage. Just follow my lead.” Strangely enough, I was actually dancing without stepping on my partner’s feet.

“So you attend the Palace academy?” I asked.

He twirled me around. “Yes. Do you attend there?” Of course he wouldn’t know if the princess attended his school or not; no one really knew who the princess even was.

“No, I go somewhere else.” After that, silence fell upon us. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable at all though, it was as if we both kind of understood each other without conversing. I had to tilt my head greatly to see his face; the difference in height differed eminently. Although I couldn’t see his face due to his mask, I still couldn’t help blushing at his handsome smile.

Before I knew it, the song had been over much to my dismay. We made out final bows to each other and departed. I looked longingly at his retreating back when I realized I didn’t get his name.

I lightly hit myself on the head. “Stupid!”

I scanned the room to get a glimpse of where my cousin might be. Naturally, I found her still by the food table however, this time, with a man. On top of that, the man was a foriegner! I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating or anything. My cousin, Eunmi, was FLIRTING? Oh, the world has gone mad. I hurry to where my cousin was and pulled her away after apologizing to the gentleman.

Eunmi didn’t look too thrilled. “I was actually getting somewhere with my nonexistent love life here!”

“I’m really sorry! I’ll get you that guy’s phone number somehow but first, can you cover for me while I go to grandfather’s room?”  I clap my hands together in front of my face, trying to express ‘Pretty please?’ She seemed to understand because she pushed me towards the exit.

I scurried out of the room, making sure that the guards didn’t see me. I made my way to the middle of the Palace where the grand staircase was located. I climbed up the stairs quickly and turned left. As I was about to turn into the next hallway, I heard voices. Before I had the time to panic, a hand seized my arm and pulled me into a secluded room off to the side. I was pushed against a wall while the stranger clamped his hand over my mouth. After he made sure the coast was clear, the stranger released his hold on me.

“What are you doing here?”

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
mydisease #2
New reader here! Awesome! :D
koreanlover2min #3
I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it..... <br />
<br />
_update soon please_ ^_^
boo_pig #4
nltc10: Eeek! Thank you so much for commenting+subscribing! :3 Hope you enjoy it! <3
nltc10 #5
this is really good so far :)