Stupid Rumor Brings You Back

Stupid Rumor Brings You Back


Several days passed since Donghae oppa claimed his love to me. I admit I can’t forget what Donghae oppa said that time and it really bothers me. Moreover Sooyoung and Yoona constantly tease me by always mentioning Donghae oppa. They are really annoying! Even they told everything to the other members. Maybe I should take a revenge on them. Just wait for the right time, I will hide all of their snacks! How can Shiksin like them were living without snacks!

"Sica!" Hyoyeon shouted in my ear and made ​​me jump from the chair in shock.

"YAH!" as a reflex I hit her arm.

"Awww!" Hyoyeon screaming,  her arm that I hit. "It hurts so!"

"That's your own fault! Who told you startled me like that?" I shouted back at her.

"Aishhh! I am calling you because we should be go up to the stage. But instead you just daydreaming!" Hyoyeon grumbled as she went out of our waiting room.

"Yah! Don’t get mad... mianhae... " I was quickly chasing her.

It turned out that another member was on stage. Looks like they were ready to perform, not like me and Hyoyeon still panting from running toward the stage. Luckily in Hoot, we both got a part in the middle of the song. So we can calm down a little before our part begins.


Finally over! It's good to all of our schedules today it has completed perfectly! I got off the stage with Tiffany.

Tiffany suddenly exclaimed, "Omo! Looks like it was Donghae Oppa! He is with...” Tiffany stopped her sentence for a while, narrowing her eyes. "...... Dara Onnie?"

All members are directly turned on her because her voice is pretty loud as usual to be heard all of our members.

"Mwo?" asked Sooyoung.

"What is it, Onnie?" Seohyun asked.

"What's wrong with Dara Onnie?" asked Taeyeon.

The others just stared at Tiffany with confusion. Tiffany didn’t answer. Still with open in surprise, Tiffany just moving her head toward the stage. All members had followed the direction appointed by Tiffany and simultaneously put a shocked expression on their faces, including me.

Donghae Oppa…

Near the stage, Donghae oppa was chatting with Dara Onnie. 

Dara Onnie?

It's true, she is Dara Onnie...

Sandara Park of 2NE1...

I just know they were quite familiar. Maybe because I've never pay attention to Donghae Oppa before. I also don’t know other female artists who are familiar with him. Ah, that's really not my business...

"So what we heard yesterday in SM Building is a fact?" Sunny asked with eyes that still point to Donghae Oppa and Dara Onnie.

"What do you hear?" I asked. They all looked at me and then moved to Sunny.

Yoona, who was standing next to Sunny nudged her arm. "Onnie!"

Looks like there is something that I don’t know...

"What are you hiding from me?" I asked to the point. They were quiet. They just exchanged glances, like telling each other silently for answering my question. When I will repeat my question, Manager Oppa called us and told that our van was ready in front of the building. They went straight before answering my questions and left me alone with a lot of question in my mind.

On the way home, some members fell asleep. Actually I knew that they just pretended to sleep to avoid my question. And even if they don’t pretend to sleep, I couldn't ask for that problem. Of course not comfortable talking about it in front of Manager Oppa.

I turned to the right and left. Taeyeon who sits on my right seems to be really asleep. I guess she was tired because she's very busy all day. Meanwhile, Yuri, who was sitting on my left didn’t sleep. Her eyes continued to point toward the window while listening to her iPod.

I slipped my left hand on her right arm and I rested my head on her shoulder. Yuri looks at me and smiled. Then her eyes wander toward the streets of Seoul, which is still quite busy even though it was almost midnight. I began to fall asleep on her comfortable shoulder.

an update again..^^

feel free to leave a comment. i just wanna know how you think about it. maybe next time i can fix it. hehehe..

thx for reading it. have nice day...^^

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Chapter 6: wow this is good!
I like this story!!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
cute story..cute beginning and happy ending~
hehehe i loved this story :)) It's really goood also i loved the ending ^_^ It's so cute :D
HaeSicaPTFan #5
Rinz139 #7
hi guys...<br />
@Kyuwonhae : whoa, you love it? aw, thx!!! i'm glad you liked it. thx for your support...^^<br />
@maivaj90 : do you like it? hehehe.. i hope you enjoy it. thx very much!!!^^<br />
@fickyz : thx for reading my story. hope you like it...^^
fickyz #8
Omo...what a cute ending~
maivaj90 #9
omg...cute ending....
haha i loved it! really nice ending :)