The Phoenix (Young Jae)


“Put on your war paint”. I texted to him. I had enough of the that he has been doing behind my back. This is not the first that you had done this, Yoo Young Jae. I’m just so done with you cheating on me again and again.

I may have put all my heart and soul into you, but you are brick tied to me that’s dragging me down. Your actions are just asking me to strike a match just to burn you to the ground. How could you betray me again and again like this? Was our relationship a joke to you? Or you’re toying with me all this time?

I thought you and I were special since we’re the misfits who’s trying to find a place to belong. We’re very much like the jack-o-lanterns in July. We always stood out in the crowd for all the wrong reasons, but we always have a way of setting fire to the sky. I thought I found my home, but no. You just brought war to both of us. Here comes the rising tide. So, come on and just put on your war paint. I’m waiting to fight you right now.

“Can you not over react? There is nothing between me and her. I’m heading over to your house in 10 minutes and we’ll talk this out. Don’t do anything stupid.” That was the message I got 5 minutes later. He still got the guts to tell me that it isn’t what it look like.

As promise, he arrived to my house within 10 minutes. I open the door with a pissed off face. Just waiting for those bull to slip those plump lips of his. He knows that I’m not having none of those , but this man has a way with words and I will fall for it like usual. “Babe, it’s not like what you think. We’re just friends and I don’t know why she is saying such things to me. I love you and only you. Please can we just take the world back from the heart-attack? One maniac at a time, we will take it back. I know I am not perfect, but no one is to be honest.” He said convincingly like he always do.

I wanted to believe him, but my guts know that all this is just another lies. “You do know times crawls on when you’re waiting for the song to start so I dance alone to the beat of your heart? I have to sit here and listen to you lies again and again because my hearts beats only for you, but it’s clear that yours won’t have any problem beating without mine. I don’t want to waste anymore of my time with you. Can we just break it off now?” I turn around to hide my face from him as I don’t want him to see how hurt I am right now. I know tear are streaming down my face when I realize what I had just said. I never wanted to break with him, but I have to.

The silence that had descended upon us had me worry as it meant that he is tempted to go with what I suggested. I heard a loud sight and footstep moving closer to me. I felt hands around my waist and chin on my shoulder while he gently sway us from side to side. I’m going to miss the way he hold me and I wonder how I will ever survive from this separation.

In his softest and sweetest voice, he said “hey young blood, it does feel like our time is running out har? I know it’s not easy with whatever that is going through between us, but please remember that you made me a better person. I changed you like a remix, then you raise me like a phoenix. All we ever wore is our vintage misery, but with all honesty, I think it looked a little better on me. We were both outcast looking for a home to belong. I thought home is a place, but it was a person. That person is you. We complemented each other in our own uniquely weird little ways. I will never let you go because you were everything I prayed for. I am truly sorry for the things that had happen, but always remember that I love you. Only you.” He sealed it with a kiss on the cheeks.

With that, the war is won even before it had truly begun. We released the doves and surrender to love.



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