Chapter 6: An incident which led to a realization

The Reason

As Chunji and Tanya were walking home, everything seemed great. They laughed a lot. At some point, since the path was narrow, Chunji went in front. As they were passing the road, Chunji was still in front. Suddenly Tanya heard a loud noise and turned her head right just to see a big white machine in front of her. It was too late when she realized it was a truck, and it wasn’t stopping.

The next thing she saw was white walls – hospital. When the blur in her eyes faded, she noticed Chunji walking around the room. When he noticed she was awake, he immediately sat on her bed.

“Are you feeling alright? Are you in pain?” he asked. That’s when she noticed she was covered in bandages. It’s weird that the first thing she thought of was “I probably don’t look really flattering”.
“I’m fine”, she said.
“I feel so bad… I should have pulled you, I should have stayed by your side…” he looked like he was about to cry.
“What’s the point of that? That would only lead to both of us getting hurt.”
“I’m so glad you’re alive… When… when the truck hit you I thought… I thought I lost you. There was so much blood and you weren’t moving… I really got scared.”
“I’m fine now, don’t worry.”

He held her hand and looked into her eyes. She tried sitting, but the pain was too much. She had fractures on her right leg, and left arm, and her right arms was full of bruises. Her head was covered in bandages. Chunji’s eyes looked painfully worried, but he felt the warmth of her hand was calming him down. He wanted to kiss her cheek, but he held it in.

“Did they, by chance… contact my dad?” she asked.
“They tried, but he wasn’t answering…”

There was pain in her eyes, but it wasn’t just because of her physical injuries. Hearing about her dad not answering the phone hurt her even more. Soon after that she fell asleep. Chunji stayed with her until late night and then he had to go home. The next day, after school, they all came to visit her, except L.Joe. They brought her food and drinks, the girls even bought her flowers. It was new for Tanya to feel so much love and she couldn’t stop smiling. They all stayed for about an hour and a half, and Chunji stayed half an hour more.

“I’ll come to visit you later again, I just have to have lunch with my family”, he said.

After he left, Tanya looked through the gifts they brought her. While she was looking at the gifts, someone knocked on her door. At first she thought it could be her dad, but then she remembered the doctor told her he came while she was asleep so he probably wouldn’t come again. A familiar face appeared when the door opened. It was L.Joe.

“Hey, how are you? I heard about the accident. Sorry for coming this late, I was kept by a teacher.”
“Hi, I’m fine. Well, it hurts a bit, but it’s nothing unbearable. It’s ok, sit here”, she said and pointed at the chair by her bed.
“I brought you something, but I see you already had guests…” he said and his smile faded a bit.
“They all visited me and brought me all kinds of food and even flowers”, she said, but still reached to take his package as well.

They talked for about an hour, and when he left her room he saw Chunji. They barely said hello to each other. As L.Joe was on his way home, he thought about how good the relationship between him and Chunji used to be. How come now they’re so jealous of each other? He wondered. Meanwhile Chunji and Tanya were watching a movie since Chunji brought his laptop. Laughing at the funny scenes, and almost crying at the sad ones, little by little they got closer to each other. Sometimes, during the romantic scenes, Chunji would just look at Tanya instead of the movie and imagine those scenes were happening to them. Thinking that way, he started wishing they were dating, so he decided to ask her, but only after she gets out of the hospital. He wanted to find the perfect moment to do it. That day again, he stayed in the hospital until late.

“Don’t you have homework to do? Aren’t you sleepy?” Tanya would ask.
“Okay, I’ll bring the books here tomorrow and do the homework here”, he’d say while smiling.
“And where will you sleep?”
“Well isn’t there enough space here?” he’d ask, pointing at her bed, by her.
“HEY!?” she’d yell and they would laugh.

At some point they both realized they sound like a couple, but they didn’t want to admit it to each other. When he finally decided to leave, they waved at each other for almost 2 minutes, smiling like dummies. When Chunji left the hospital, he felt like flying, and he wanted to rush back to her hospital room and kiss her, tell her he likes her, but he let the feeling take him home instead back. He thought a lot about explaining the feeling, but he couldn’t. It made him wish to sing the cheesiest love songs, say the cheesiest words, buy useless cute presents and much more, but it all revolved around one person, and that was Tanya. Is this how love feels? He wanted to ask someone, and the first person who came to his mind was L.Joe, but then he realized he can’t call L.Joe to ask that. His mood changed from the happiest in the world to sad and confused. He couldn’t help but think about his best friend and how their friendship changed so much ever since he started having feelings for Tanya.

The next few days, until Tanya was released from the hospital, everyone visited her daily. HaNa would come more often and the two became good friends. Tanya would still sometimes feel bad because her last friend committed suicide. The last night she spent at the hospital she realized her nightmares were not as frequent as before. Even though it sounded weird, she couldn’t wait to go back to school, but she knew it will be difficult since she still had to wear casts. 

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Chapter 7: I read your Story a time ago and I have reread it again
it's sooo great....and I wait for next chapter too
Q.Q please let the story go on ♥
itsashineeworld #2
Chapter 7: It's been months I think it's time for a new chapter.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad you finally updated this °^° Thanks a lot, it's such a cute and heartbreaking story <3
Chapter 7: This is a very beautiful , amazing chapter. No wonder it took time before updating. Can't wait longer for next chapter.
Jongie_00 #5
Chapter 7: poor me . . haha ~
itsashineeworld #6
Chapter 7: Can we have ch 8 now? lol
Chapter 6: I really want to know what will happen on the 7 th chapter. Please update soon .
Miss your writings.
Waiting for next chapter!
Chapter 6: Where is chapter 7 , please?
When is Chapter 7 coming out??