Chapter 5: Getting things sorted out can be painful

The Reason

“Uh…” was the only thing Tanya could say. She got up and went to the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror; she was pale as a ghost. A girl came next to her. She could see in the mirror that it was LuNa.

“Hello Tanya”, she said with a cocky smile “you don’t look really well.”

Tanya just looked at her, feeling like fainting. LuNa walked outside completely full of herself. After some time passed, MiNah came to look for her. Tanya said she thinks she’s fine and they went back to their table. At around midnight, Tanya noticed her dad left with the girl he was with. At around midnight and a half, they all decided to leave. Tanya was scared that she will see her dad at home, but when she arrived, the door was locked and she was home alone. She thought about Chunji looking at her as she was leaving and L.Joe protectively putting his hand on her waist and opening the door for her. She fell asleep thinking about that.

The next day, as usual, she woke up and went to school. She had her earphones plugged in and her favorite song was playing when someone put his hands on her arms. She turned around, surprised, and saw L.Joe.

“Good morning!” he said, smiling brightly. She pulled one earphone out of her ear and greeted him.
“Have you slept well?” he asked.
“Yeah, pretty much”, she lied.

They continued walking to school like that, just chatting about unimportant stuff. In front of the school, they saw Chunji and the rest of the crew. L.Joe’s eyebrows frowned, and Tanya started feeling uncomfortable. L.Joe looked her in the eyes, and like they agreed without talking, they just went to their class without saying a word. After the class finished (L.Joe paid absolutely no attention to the teacher) they both went outside. Tanya realized only now that the other girls went to the nearby all-girls high school. But they would visit during the brakes. Right now, 5 guys were standing near the fence, talking with 4 girls. Chunji wasn’t there, but LuNa was hanging out with her friends, so he wasn’t with her either. Tanya decided to be on her own for a while so she went on the opposite side. Suddenly someone grabbed her hand.

“What was that yesterday?” Chunji said angrily. Tanya was so surprised she opened .
“What was what?”
“Yesterday, you and L.Joe.”
“What with that? Why do you worry about that?”
“Well because I thought… I thought we were starting some kind of… I don’t know, relationship?!”
“Huh?” Tanya was even more surprised “Then what about you and LuNa? Aren’t you two like, dating or something? I thought you looked like a couple ready to get married.”
“What?! She’s only a friend of mine, how could you compare that? L.Joe obviously likes you, LuNa and I are just friends!”
“No you aren’t! Are you blind?! She obviously likes you. It’s visible from miles away.”

Chunji just looked at her, surprised. Tanya’s eyes were burning with angriness. She turned around and walked away, L.Joe who was looking at them the whole time went to her. Chunji was just standing there; feeling like the sky fell on his shoulders. He was watching one of his best friends walk away with the girl he likes, while he was supposed to be taking care of her and not being the one who makes her frustrated and sad. LuNa waved at him from afar, but he barely nodded in her way, not feeling like he is able to do anything. He was about to walk away, but where could he go? He still had a few classes to finish until he can go home. And between those classes were those awful breaks during which he will be able to see Tanya, possibly with L.Joe. How did this happen to him?

Meanwhile L.Joe caught Tanya and they were walking together. Tanya’s eyes filled with tears, and L.Joe really felt helpless. He really tried everything to make her stop crying, but she just couldn’t. Seeing that, he couldn’t help but get angry at Chunji for making this girl cry. He wiped her tears with his tissues and threw away the thought of hugging her which was continuously flying though his thoughts.

“The next class is about to start, do you think you’ll be able to attend?” he asked.
“Yes… You don’t have to worry about me, you can go.”
“I’ll… I’ll stay with you.”

As he saw the angry, but in the same time sad, look in her eyes, he had no other option but to walk away. He wanted to punch himself quite a few times while he was walking alone to the class, but he kept telling himself he just did what she wanted. But did he really leave her crying alone in a corner? Suddenly a teacher called him, and he lost his option to go back to her. Meanwhile Chunji also didn’t attend his class. He was walking around the school’s yard and thinking about various things. At one moment, he thought he saw Tanya, so he turned in that direction once again and found out he wasn’t wrong. It was really her, and she was crying while sitting on the floor. He felt his heart ache, because he knew he was the reason of her tears. After he spent some time deciding whether to go to her or not, he finally decided to do so. He walked towards her, feeling more nervous with each step.

“Are you ok?” he quietly asked. She looked up at him.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be.”
“But I Am.”
“I said you don’t have to be. You can date whoever you want.”
“But I don’t want to date her…”
“Then date someone else”, she began sniffing.
“I don’t know if that someone else still wants to date me.”
“Then ask her.”
“I don’t have the courage to.”
“Then wait for the moment you find courage and ask her then.”
“I will. Please wait for that moment.”

And with those words he left. Tanya felt her heartbeat fasten. This was directed towards her, wasn’t it? She got up, wiped her tears and went to her class. Even though the teacher looked at her with a wondering face, he let her stay in the class until the end. When school finished and she got out, her eyes wandered around looking for a particular blond head, but she couldn’t find him. She saw LuNa and her fancy friends taking pictures of each other and felt like throwing up. She slowly started walking towards her house, when Chunji came to her.

“Shall we go together?” he asked, smiling.

They continued walking and talked just like nothing happened. They both wanted to forget it. When LuNa screamed Chunji’s name he barely turned to see from where she was screaming his name. He wanted to do his best to show Tanya LuNa is nowhere as important as her. He stood really close to her and tried talking about funny things. Soon they were both laughing. Meanwhile L.Joe was standing about 10 meters behind them, looking at their backs, with a sad look in his eyes. He turned around and slowly walked home.

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Chapter 7: I read your Story a time ago and I have reread it again
it's sooo great....and I wait for next chapter too
Q.Q please let the story go on ♥
itsashineeworld #2
Chapter 7: It's been months I think it's time for a new chapter.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad you finally updated this °^° Thanks a lot, it's such a cute and heartbreaking story <3
Chapter 7: This is a very beautiful , amazing chapter. No wonder it took time before updating. Can't wait longer for next chapter.
Jongie_00 #5
Chapter 7: poor me . . haha ~
itsashineeworld #6
Chapter 7: Can we have ch 8 now? lol
Chapter 6: I really want to know what will happen on the 7 th chapter. Please update soon .
Miss your writings.
Waiting for next chapter!
Chapter 6: Where is chapter 7 , please?
When is Chapter 7 coming out??