Chapter 4: Did everything turn out completely different?

The Reason

Tanya spent the whole Sunday at home, studying and trying to get her thoughts away from all her problems. On Monday she went to school trying to be positive. When she arrived, she didn’t see any of the boys, but L.Joe was in her class, as usual. He was greeted her when she came in, and she sat behind him. During the break she went outside.

“Hello”, a stunning figure approached her “my name is LuNa. We haven’t had a chance to meet yet…”

Her presence itself was flawless, and Tanya wondered if anything about her is bad, because that girl looked like an angel. Tanya said her greetings, when she noticed someone running towards them. It was Chunji, and he was grinning so hard his smile was all over his face.

“LuNa~ you’re finally back!” he screamed and hugged her from behind “Hi Tanya!”
“I see you two already met”, LuNa said. The look in her eyes wasn’t friendly at all.
“Oh Chunji, I wanted to ask…“ Tanya tried to say but LuNa interrupted.
“Chunji will you have lunch with me in the cafeteria?” she said while looking at Tanya.
“Of course I will! We haven’t seen each other in such a long time…” Chunji happily said “Oh, what did you want to ask, Tanya?”
“Nothing… It doesn’t matter”, Tanya responded and said goodbye to them.

While walking away she suddenly felt like crying. Why did she even think of Chunji liking her? He obviously has another girl he likes… L.Joe approached her.

“Hey, would you… eat lunch with me?” he asked. Tanya looked at him.
“Sure…” she responded.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes… I’m ok.”

They went to the cafeteria, picked food they wanted and sat down. Soon after them Chunji and LuNa came. Tanya couldn’t help but look at the two, both smiling brightly, looking like a real couple. L.Joe looked in the direction Tanya was looking and noticed the two.

“Don’t worry about them. They are just friends, and been friends for a really long time”, he said.

Tanya nodded and continued eating. L.Joe ate slowly, and spent more time watching Tanya than his food. After the school day was over, L.Joe hesitated to say goodbye to Tanya.

“Do you need any help with the homework we got?” he asked.
“Hmm, I don’t think I do”, she responded.
“If you want, I can give you my number so you can call me in case you need help.”
“And just one more thing; don’t look as sad as you looked today, please.”

Tanya looked at him, surprised, but then she just nodded. L.Joe watched her leave. Changjo and Ricky came to him.

“Hyung, you’re really falling for her, aren’t you?” Changjo teasingly said. L.Joe just shook his head.
“Leave him alone…” CAP said. They all looked at him.
“I know how he feels”, he said while patting L.Joe’s shoulders “I’ve been through that before.”

Soon Chunji and Niel came. Chunji was saying goodbye to LuNa and she was waving back at him.

“Guys, I thought we could have dinner together today”, Niel said.
“I’m in. But… wait, I promised HaNa to go out with her today…” CAP said.
“It is fine, I thought about inviting MiNah anyways. You can also invite your girls”, Niel said while looking at Changjo and Ricky.
“I will come, too”, said L.Joe. Just as Niel was about to say of course, L.Joe said: “I’ll invite Tanya.”

Everyone looked at him with interest, especially Chunji. L.Joe bit his lip. He was becoming really nervous.

“What are you looking at?! Is there something wrong with it?” he said, thinking about Chunji.
“No, it’s ok. We didn’t mean anything wrong”, Changjo said, wondering why his hyung got mad so easily. Chunji was still starring at L.Joe.
“You weren’t planning on coming anyways, right?” L.Joe asked Chunj. His tone was a bit fight-picking.
“I have already planned my dinner time with LuNa. So no, I wasn’t planning on coming.”

Soon after that conversation, Chunji left alone. Other guys (excluding L.Joe) were worried, ‘cause it’s been a long time since one of them left without the others. Meanwhile Chunji was frustratingly kicking stones on his way home. He thought about cancelling the meeting he had with LuNa and calling Tanya before L.Joe gets his chance. But in the end he didn’t, his pride wouldn’t let him. About 3 hours before everyone was supposed to meet, L.Joe called Tanya. He nervously waited to hear her voice, repeating the words he wanted to say in his head. She answered after the second time he called.

“Sorry, I was doing something so I didn’t hear the phone ringing”, she said “What is it?”
“Tanya…” L.Joe hesitated “I wanted to ask you if you would go out with us today. Everyone has someone to go with and I don’t… I mean everyone but Chunji, since he isn’t coming”

Tanya wasn’t sure what to answer, so she waited a bit. While she was waiting, L.Joe’s nervousness grew and grew so he kept biting his lip.

“Ok”, she finally responded. L.Joe wanted to ask “really?” but he remained calm.
“Ok, great. I’ll pick you up at 6:30, is that ok?”
“Sure”, Tanya responded and gave him her address.

Time flew and it was already 6 when Tanya realized she has no idea what she’ll wear. She remembered how nicely the girls on the party she was at were dressed. After thinking for a while, she remembered the dress she bought. She opened her closet and looked at it. Was it too much for just a dinner? After thinking a bit, she decided to wear it. It’s not like someone will laugh at her, right? After she put it on, she looked at her feet. L.Joe is pretty short, so there’s no way she’ll put some really high heels. Ultimately she decided to put on some nice wedges which weren’t that high. At 6:30 the bell rang and she went downstairs to open the door. When she did, you couldn’t tell who was more surprised; Tanya who saw really handsome L.Joe in a tuxedo or L.Joe who couldn’t get his eyes off of Tanya in a beautiful dress.

“You look… really beautiful”, L.Joe finally said after a while.
“Thank you. You look handsome”, Tanya blushed a bit.

After they took a taxi and arrived in front of the place (L.Joe opened the door for her), they felt slightly awkward. But L.Joe pointed out his elbow, and Tanya shyly intertwined her arm with his. L.Joe could barely breathe because of the butterflies he felt in his stomach, and Tanya was really nervous, but no one looked at them weirdly when they entered. Everyone greeted them (and Tanya realized she didn’t do absolutely anything wrong by putting on a dress, moreover she got many compliments from the girls) and they sat down. What they ordered was pretty expensive, but Niel said he’ll pay for it. L.Joe disagreed and suggested they split it in half. In the end they agreed that the two pay for everything. During the dinner, Tanya got closer with the other girlfriends and they all exchanged phone numbers. Just as the atmosphere was getting relaxed and friendly, Tanya noticed a familiar figure entering the restaurant. It was Chunji and LuNa. And just like that wasn’t enough, she recognized the person sitting near the entrance; it was her dad with his lover. Tanya’s shocked face turned pale white.

“Are you ok?” HaNa asked. Everyone looked at her, worrying. But she kept looking in the same direction.

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Chapter 7: I read your Story a time ago and I have reread it again
it's sooo great....and I wait for next chapter too
Q.Q please let the story go on ♥
itsashineeworld #2
Chapter 7: It's been months I think it's time for a new chapter.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad you finally updated this °^° Thanks a lot, it's such a cute and heartbreaking story <3
Chapter 7: This is a very beautiful , amazing chapter. No wonder it took time before updating. Can't wait longer for next chapter.
Jongie_00 #5
Chapter 7: poor me . . haha ~
itsashineeworld #6
Chapter 7: Can we have ch 8 now? lol
Chapter 6: I really want to know what will happen on the 7 th chapter. Please update soon .
Miss your writings.
Waiting for next chapter!
Chapter 6: Where is chapter 7 , please?
When is Chapter 7 coming out??