Chapter 3: She wishes his jacket could always warm her

The Reason

After she woke up, Tanya realized she slept well for the first time after her friend’s death. As expected, her dad wasn’t at home, but surprisingly, he left her 100$ on the table. “Go buy something for yourself”, read the message. Seems like he changed his mind on giving her only 30$ a day. She packed her bag and went out. While picking a jacket, she saw Chunji’s jacket and reminisced yesterday’s moments. She unconsciously smiled. Tanya wished she’d have someone to shop with, but she knew she’d be alone for a little longer, until she finds a good friend. She went to a mall. It was much bigger than she expected and it was crowded, but it felt warm. Going from one shop to another, she realized she hasn’t bought anything even though she saw quite a few things worth buying. Then she entered a shop which she especially liked and remained there a bit longer. As she looked for someone who works there to help her, she saw Niel and his girlfriend. She went to say hello.

“Hello Tanya, how are you doing?” Niel asked her.
“Good, thanks. How about you?” she asked shyly. She noticed she always feels shy in front of couples.
“We’re doing great, thanks”, the short, cute looking girl responded. Her name was Mi Nah, if Tanya remembered correctly.
“Do you want to join us?” Niel asked after noticing she was alone.
“No, thank you. I’m fine on my own”, Tanya tried to convince them with a smile.

Mi Nah and Niel smiled back and said goodbye, heading to a coffee shop hand in hand. Tanya felt jealous, but went back to trying to find a nice shirt. While looking at shirts and pants, she noticed some dresses and skirts, which she almost never wore. Should she buy them? She wasn’t sure how it’ll fit her. She decided to check out one last shop and then decide what to buy. Upon entering the next shop, immediately from the entrance, she saw a beautiful greenish dress. Without even thinking, she tried it out. It suited her like it was made just for her, and she bought it. While walking to a bus stop, she noticed she is in the same neighborhood where the boys’ party was held. She went to that place, just to see how it looks in the daylight. While getting closer to it, she noticed someone was there. It was Ricky and Changjo.

“Hey Tanya, how come you’re here?” Changjo asked.
“Hi guys, I was just passing here”, she shyly pointed in the direction from which she came.
“You were at the mall? Did you see Niel?” Ricky asked.
“Yes, I met him and MiNah. Are you guys by yourselves?”
“No, actually, L.Joe and Chunji are inside, cleaning. We went outside to get some air”, Changjo said.
“Do you need help”, Tanya asked, she didn’t even know why.
“Haha, I’m sure we need a girl’s hand to help us with that mess”, Ricky laughed.

Tanya went inside, and saw that it really was a mess. She put her bag aside and went to Chunji and L.Joe.

“Hello!” she said. Both boys turned to face her, suddenly widely smiling.
“Hi!” they both said.
“Umm, I came to help you. Can you tell me what to do?”
“We’re strong enough to handle it on our own. You don’t have to dirty your hands”, Chunji immediately responded. L.Joe nodded in agreement.
“But it’s not like you can clean the ceramic floor with a cleanser meant for wood…” Tanya laughed.

They both looked really embarrassed so they let her take care of things and give them commands. Changjo and Ricky also came inside and they blasted some music. While cleaning, they had much fun. They would throw cleansers over the room to each other, and laugh all the time.

“There’s just one thing I don’t really understand”, Tanya said when they finished and sat on the floor “Why don’t you guys just hire a maid to do it for you? I mean, you’re all rich, right?”
“Well… We would, but our parents don’t let us get lazy”, Chunji responded.
“After we have worked this hard, shouldn’t we have a drink?” Changjo suggested.

Everyone agreed and so they went to a bar in the neighborhood. After Tanya ordered, both Chunji and L.Joe changed their orders to match hers.

“Oh, Chunji, I have yet to give you your jacket back”, Tanya said. L.Joe looked at her with his eyes widely opened.
“It’s ok, you can give it back whenever you find time”, Chunji tried to act cool.
“But I’ll give it back today, just tell me when you have time”, Tanya insisted.
“Ok, I’ll go with you after we finish drinking.”
“Wow, guys, are you closer to each other than we know, or?” Ricky teasingly asked.

Tanya looked at the ground and blushed; Chunji did the same, which made them look suspicious. L.Joe looked at both of them, not understanding what’s going on. The others laughed. After they finished their drinks and talked a bit more, Tanya said she’ll be leaving. Chunji got up, too and headed outside. L.Joe looked at their disappearing appearances.

“May we know why are you looking at them like that?” Changjo asked L.Joe.
“What? Did I do something?” L.Joe said, but his voice was bitter.

Ricky put his hand on L.Joe’s shoulder trying to comfort him. L.Joe moved his hand and got up. He said he’ll be leaving and left in a hurry. When he came home he closed the door furiously and sat on his bed. Meanwhile Chunji and Tanya were heading to Tanya’s place. When they got close to her house, first thing Chunji noticed was the fact Tanya wasn’t poor at all, but actually had a pretty big, beautiful house. Tanya felt embarrassed talking about her father’s wealth, so she skipped that conversation by simply saying “thank you”. She was just about to open the door, when she noticed her dad’s car was parked in front of the house.

“Sorry, but you’ll have to wait outside. Seems like my dad’s home”, Tanya said.

Chunji stepped aside and waited. When Tanya entered, her dad was talking on the phone. It seemed like he didn’t hear her enter, so he continued pretty loud.

“Yes, I will come… No, I would never do that. Of course I left her, our marriage means nothing anymore. I will meet you as soon as possible. I don’t know if you can come live with us, I have a daughter, you know? What would she think if she found out I’ve had another woman whom I loved while I was still married to her mom?”

Tanya stood shocked. Her dad then went to the bathroom and she couldn’t hear him anymore. She ran upstairs and grabbed Chunji’s jacket, then ran downstairs and stood in front of the door before she opened it. She took a deep breath because she really felt like crying. She opened the door and smiled at Chunji who was already smiling.

“Here you go, thank you for lending it to me”, she said.
“No problem, I hope it kept you warm”, he said and then waited for a bit “I guess I should get going…”
“Thank you for coming all the way here, see you soon.”
“No problem… But wait, are you alright? You look like you’re about to cry.”
“Uh? No, I’m fine… Everything’s alright”, she pulled out a fake smile.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to stay a bit longer?”
“Yes, I’m sure. You may leave.”
“It’s ok if you don’t want to tell me…But at least have my phone number and call me if you feel bad.”

She accepted his phone number and then they said goodbye. He left smiling, because he wanted her to smile, too. But she entered the house and said goodbye to her dad who was just about to leave, went to her room, and burst into tears. She wanted to call her mom and tell her she misses her, she wanted to tell her everything about dad’s lover, but she didn’t have the strength and just fell asleep. Later when she woke up because of her nightmares, she really wanted to text Chunji, but didn’t because she didn’t want to make him worry.

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Chapter 7: I read your Story a time ago and I have reread it again
it's sooo great....and I wait for next chapter too
Q.Q please let the story go on ♥
itsashineeworld #2
Chapter 7: It's been months I think it's time for a new chapter.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad you finally updated this °^° Thanks a lot, it's such a cute and heartbreaking story <3
Chapter 7: This is a very beautiful , amazing chapter. No wonder it took time before updating. Can't wait longer for next chapter.
Jongie_00 #5
Chapter 7: poor me . . haha ~
itsashineeworld #6
Chapter 7: Can we have ch 8 now? lol
Chapter 6: I really want to know what will happen on the 7 th chapter. Please update soon .
Miss your writings.
Waiting for next chapter!
Chapter 6: Where is chapter 7 , please?
When is Chapter 7 coming out??