Chapter 1: First day at school

The Reason

In the morning Tanya woke up frustrated, and how wouldn't she, when she was about to go to a school in which she doesn't know anyone and will probably get hated because she's not 100% Korean and can barely communicate with others. Her dad already left, leaving her 30$ for the day. She just put it in her pocket, getting even more frustrated, because she knew how much money her dad has, and he still decides to give her the least possible. Since her dad bought the house just 10 minutes away from her school, she rode a bike there. The moment she got there, she regretted not walking or taking a cab, since everyone was staring at her like she's some mad woman. But actually, who cares. She put her earphones and blasted some music so she doesn't have to hear a single comment made by the staring students. She put her bike aside and entered her hell... School, I mean school. After a short talk with the principal, she went to her new class. Good thing everyone was already there, so she was able to take a seat without asking if it belongs to someone else. She continued listening to music until the teacher came. 

"Hello class, before we start for today, let's welcome our new student", said the teacher. Everyone turned their heads to look at Tanya, who sighed and stood up.

"Hello, my name is Tanya, nice to meet you all", she said, but it seemed like everyone was expecting more so she continued "I hope we get along well." Then she sat down and avoided everyone's stare. After that, the whole class was basically awful. Every now and then someone would turn around to stare at her, but she just stubbornly ignored everyone. After the class ended, someone approached her.

"Hello, my name is Lee Byunghun, but you can just call me L.Joe", he smiled confidently "hope your first day in school goes well." Tanya thought to herself that any girl would fall for something like this, but she was too furious to think about anything beside life being unfair. Still, she muttered "thanks", just so she doesn't get judged. And let's face it, that guy was nice to her. 

"I bet she'll be the next girl they bully", she heard some girls whispering. 

"Poor thing, I wouldn't want to be in her place", other group of girls whispered. She didn't care at all, walking around school with a reckless look on her face. She went outside during the break and sat down at some isolated place. Thoughts of her deceased friend came, and suddenly she felt like crying. She cursed life for being so unfair to her, and she cursed it badly. She clenched her fists, almost making them bleed. Three guys passed by her, one of them went slower than the others and continued to look at her. Suddenly he stopped, the other two turned to him with a question-like expression, but he just quietly told them to go.

"Hey, newbie, since you're going to attend our school, you should know who I am", he started, with an overly-confident look on his face "let me introduce myself properly. My name is-" She just stood up and walked away. Like she cares about some blonde haired boy who looks like a rabbit. He was stunned by her reaction and watched her go away. Later that day he saw her a few more times, but didn't have the courage to approach her in case she humiliates him again, but this time in front of everyone. After just one day she managed to get the image of “the outsider”, but she kept her chin up high, no one can hurt this girl – she thought. A pretty girl approached her, but she didn’t seem to have bad intentions, so Tanya let herself have a conversation with the girl.

“Hi, my name is Kim Hae Young, nice to meet you”, the girl said.

“Hi, I’m Tanya. Nice to meet you, too.”

“You’re from the States, right?”

“Yes, I am, but now I’m living here, with my dad.”

“Oh, I see. Well, I sincerely wish you a great time at this school. Hope we can talk more some other time, now I have to go to class. See you”, the girl said. Tanya waved at her. “Did I manage to make friends with someone?” – she thought. After some more classes, Tanya’s first school day officially ended. She was about to go home with her bike when 6 boys approached her.

“Oooh, so it’s the new student”, said the silver haired one.

“How come she just came here and already caught everyone’s attention? Awesome!” said the guy who introduced himself as L.Joe. As they continued their “game”, Tanya has gotten more and more frustrated. They formed a wall in front of her so she couldn’t move away. Other students started gathering around to watch the “show”. She backed off, but didn’t notice there was someone behind her. She accidentally pushed the person, and he fell, hitting hard against the glass. Everyone opened their mouths widely when they saw blood. Tanya jumped to the guy asking him if he was ok. The guy nodded his head, it was just a scratch. She immediately gave him something to cover the wound, and asked him one more time if he’s ok and if he has to go to the doctor’s. He said it was ok and smiled.

“She came here today, but she has already hurt someone”, a group of girls commented. Even though Tanya apologized a million times, she still felt bad. Then a teacher came.

“What happened here?!” he was really angry “It was you 6, again? Why does it always have to be you 6?”

“Actually, professor, it’s the new student”, a girl said.

“No, professor, it was an accident because she got pushed back by them. She hasn’t done anything wrong on purpose”, said the guy whose head was bleeding. The professor looked at Tanya, then back at the six guys and sighed. After assuring the guy who was hurt was alright, the professor invited both Tanya and the six guys to his office.

“Listen, kids, now you have some time to meet each other properly. Don’t you dare put this school’s reputation at risk. To make sure you guys get along well, I’ll call you all together every day after school so you could do some work”, he said, gradually calming down while talking. The guys acted like they were used to this, but Tanya was pissed off. After they all went out of the office, Tanya almost started to run away.

“Hey, wait”, she heard a male voice calling her. She didn’t know why, but she turned around. The blonde haired one who introduced himself as Lee Chan Hee (but call me Chunji, he also said) was calling her.

“We’re going to see each other more often from now on, it’ll be awkward if you just run away every time you see us.” After hearing that, she sighed and turned around. Like that blonde guy can tell her what to do. Who does that blonde guy think he is? And what’s wrong with his rabbit-like face? And why is she thinking about him that much?


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Chapter 7: I read your Story a time ago and I have reread it again
it's sooo great....and I wait for next chapter too
Q.Q please let the story go on ♥
itsashineeworld #2
Chapter 7: It's been months I think it's time for a new chapter.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad you finally updated this °^° Thanks a lot, it's such a cute and heartbreaking story <3
Chapter 7: This is a very beautiful , amazing chapter. No wonder it took time before updating. Can't wait longer for next chapter.
Jongie_00 #5
Chapter 7: poor me . . haha ~
itsashineeworld #6
Chapter 7: Can we have ch 8 now? lol
Chapter 6: I really want to know what will happen on the 7 th chapter. Please update soon .
Miss your writings.
Waiting for next chapter!
Chapter 6: Where is chapter 7 , please?
When is Chapter 7 coming out??