Chapter 2: How long does it take to realize one's feelings?

The Reason

Tanya walked home as fast as she could, while the 6 boys remained in front of their school for a little longer. After a moment of silence, the blonde one spoke.

“CAP hyung, you fell for your girlfriend at first sight, right?” he asked.
“Umm, yes I did..:” he answered, a bit uncomfortable with the topic.
“How did you make her fall for you?” Chunji continued.
“Ah… Well… If I were to trust her words, which I do, she fell for me almost instantly, too”, CAP answered while looking at the ground “Why is that important, though?”
“Ah… Never mind, I just wondered”
“It’s because of Tanya, right?” said the black haired one, Changjo.
“What? Uh, no, of course not”, Chunji tried to defend.
“I saw you looking at her, it’s pretty obvious”, said the brown haired one, Ricky.
“Aww, that’s so cute”, Niel “At last you found a girl you like, Chunji. Only L.Joe is left alone.” Everyone looked at L.Joe.

“It’s easy for you to speak when you all have your girlfriends”, L.Joe tried to laugh it away. They went home together, teasing each other. Meanwhile Tanya was at home, preparing to go eat out because she knew her dad won’t be back until around midnight. After about an hour, she arrived at the place she wanted to eat at, but after entering, she almost immediately regretted it. There were couples everywhere. Just as she was about to turn around, she saw L.Joe sitting alone, he waved at her and she went to say hello. After they greeted each other, she asked him why he’s here. He answered he likes to eat out when he wants to think. He asked if she wants to eat with him, on which she agreed, though she didn’t know why. But she didn’t regret it, because the next hour was really fun. She got to know L.Joe better, and he also told her something about the other 5 boys.

“To be honest, we’re quite popular because of our parents. But we aren’t really into being preppy, we prefer playing our music. Our band is called Teen Top, we have filmed a few music videos, too”, he said. Tanya was quietly listening to his words.

“Ah, I just remembered, we have a party tonight. We usually have parties on Fridays. Would you like to come? Basically the whole school does. And some other students, too”, L.Joe asked. Tanya looked pretty surprised and didn’t know how to respond.

“I… I think it would be fun if you came”, L.Joe said, being quite shy. After thinking it trough for a few minutes, Tanya finally agreed. A big smile appeared on L.Joe’s face. After that, he said he has to leave and told Tanya the party’s address. Tanya went home and looked at her closet. She didn’t have much party clothes, but she chose to put on a black t-shirt which showed just a bit of skin and shorts (underneath which she put thighs). She didn’t trouble herself with shoes, so she just put on her All-Stars. She took her jacket and put her phone in it, leaving the house empty. When she came to the big house L.Joe told her about, she felt a bit nervous. What will others think of her? When she opened the door, loud music blasted out. She thought she maybe shouldn’t have come, but then that girl, Kim Hae Young approached her.

“Tanya! You came! That’s great!” she yelled so Tanya could hear her. She just shyly smiled, but Hae Young grabbed her hand and pulled her towards other students. Everyone wore fancy clothes, so Tanya surely stood out, though she really didn’t want that. When she came to the bar, Hae Young asked her what she wants to drink, to which she replied with juice and made Hae Young laugh out loud. In the end Hae Young ordered something for Tanya (which was awfully disgusting, thought Tanya). Two chairs away from them was CAP with his girlfriend. Looking at her, Tanya became envious. The girl’s figure was simply gorgeous and her wild curly hair really suited her. But the thing Tanya was the most envious of, was the fact that girl had a boy looking at her like she was an angel. Even a comparison like that couldn’t describe the way his eyes shone while he was looking at her. Tanya sighed.

“Tanya, you came”, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her. She turned around to face Chunji, not knowing L.Joe was just two meters away on the opposite side, preparing to approach her. Chunji smiled widely and sat beside her. While trying to lead the conversation, he would look at CAP every now and then, just to get a thought of what he should be doing.

“Do you want to dance?” he asked, when he felt like nothing could fix the awkwardness.
“I’m not really a dancer”, she replied, which was actually a lie, because she would often dance by herself. She just felt too shy to dance in front of everyone, actually, she felt shy dancing in front of him,

“Oh well… Then I’ll go sing a song”, he smiled “You will listen, right?” She nodded. Chunji went upstage and took the mic in his hand. After he welcomed everyone he announced he’ll be singing a song, so everyone should find a partner for themselves. Soon the music started playing, and everyone let out a “woah”. It was one of their songs, Be Ma Girl, but it was a slow version. Tanya was looking at the crowd, seeing cute couples everywhere. Niel was quietly singing the song in his girlfriend’s ear, Ricky and Changjo were doing the same, whilst CAP was hugging his girlfriend from her back, whispering into her ear. Tanya was really surprised at Chunji’s voice. She liked the song a lot, and it made her smile. When Chunji finished, everyone clapped, and so did she. Chunji bowed and went back to her.

“It was awesome!” She let herself say it out loud even before he got the chance to ask her about her opinion. That made him obviously happy and his grin looked impossible to erase (from her memory). The next few hours were a lot more comfortable, though Chunji got called away a few times. During one of those times, CAP’s girlfriend approached Tanya.

“Hi, my name is Park Ha Na”, she smiled with that perfect smile of hers.
“Hello, I’m Tanya, nice to meet you.”
“I see you’re new here, has it been hard so far?”
“Yes, I am, but no, it hasn’t been hard”, Tanya tried to smile.
“I hope those 6 mischiefs didn’t make it harder for you”, her smile shined.
“Haha… They didn’t, though we met at the principals’.”

Then they both laughed. Soon after that Chunji came back, and Ha Na winked at both of them. While Tanya was talking to Chunji she thought she saw L.Joe a few times, standing in the background. She pulled out her cellphone to check if there were any messages, and there was a lot to see. Her, now angry, dad called her 5 times and sent her 3 text messages. At first she was scared, but since the last message read: “I’ll go out and come back at some time tomorrow, take care of yourself with the 30$ I left on the table.” she calmed down.

“I will have to leave soon”, she said to Chunji.
“I’ll accompany you half way”, he immediately responded.

Before she went out she went to find everyone she knew so she could say goodbye to them, but it took her far more time to find L.Joe than she thought. It seemed like he was hiding from her. After she finally found him, she smiled, he tried to smile, too, but it looked faked. She made sure to say goodbye to everyone and then went outside with Chunji. While they were walking through the cold night, Chunji asked if she was cold, to which she replied no, but he gave her his jacket. They were walking pretty close to each other.

“The back of my hand brushes against yours…” Chunji mumbled.
“What?” Tanya asked because she didn’t hear.
“Hmm? Ah, nothing, never mind…” he continued to walk.

When they were about half the way to her house, she told him he can go back. At first he didn’t want, but then he agreed to it under one case, which was for her to keep his jacket so she doesn’t get cold. She was against it, but he insisted, and in the end they said goodbye to each other, each of them going home thinking about one another.

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Chapter 7: I read your Story a time ago and I have reread it again
it's sooo great....and I wait for next chapter too
Q.Q please let the story go on ♥
itsashineeworld #2
Chapter 7: It's been months I think it's time for a new chapter.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad you finally updated this °^° Thanks a lot, it's such a cute and heartbreaking story <3
Chapter 7: This is a very beautiful , amazing chapter. No wonder it took time before updating. Can't wait longer for next chapter.
Jongie_00 #5
Chapter 7: poor me . . haha ~
itsashineeworld #6
Chapter 7: Can we have ch 8 now? lol
Chapter 6: I really want to know what will happen on the 7 th chapter. Please update soon .
Miss your writings.
Waiting for next chapter!
Chapter 6: Where is chapter 7 , please?
When is Chapter 7 coming out??