Chapter 7



I’m so glad Hakyeon Oppa and I are on good terms now. Well it’s not that we weren’t for some time but after finding out he liked me we felt awkward with each other. Now it was back to normal. Hakyeon Oppa is taking me to see ‘The Fault in our stars’ later tonight because I’ve wanted to see it for ages but Zinni was busy with Hongbin. So Hakyeon Oppa being the most reliable after Zinni and Hongbin started dating offered to take me.

I got a text from Hakyeon as I was putting on my shoes

To: Eunyoung

I’ll be at your house in around 10 minutes. Just helping my mum with a few things

From: Hakyeon

I giggled at the text. Hakyeon was such a mummy’s boy.

Just as I was laughing at Hakyeon’s text message he messaged me again

To: Eunyoung

I know what you’re thinking. I’m a mama’s boy right? Don’t tease me or I won’t take you to see the movie

From: Hakyeon

I just rolled my eyes at the older boy’s silliness. ‘Of course he knew I was going to ’ I answered back with a simple okay and before I knew it Hakyeon was already at my door.

I opened the door for him as I retrieved my bag from the table. “Hey mama’s boy!” I laughed as he stepped inside the house

He gave me a face as he replied with sarcasm “Wow. You really don’t want to go to this movie, do you?”

I gave him a fake shocked face and he stuck his tongue out at me ‘Mehrong’

“Leggo?” I said linking my arm around his

He nodded as I closed the door behind us and we skipped along my pathway to his car singing ‘We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz!’

I got into the passenger seat of his car. “Still good as new oppa?”

“Yes my angel is still good as new. So you know the rules… no feet on-“

I cut him off before he could finish “on the seats I know I know and no rubbish is to be left in the car. Oppa your ‘angel’ is going to be kept clean”

“You forgot a rule” He said teasingly

I rolled my eyes at his love for his car “Why do you call your car angel anyway?”

“because it’s heavenly to be in this car”

I had no words for Hakyeon Oppa’s response. He would probably want to marry it if he didn’t find a girlfriend soon. Which reminded me…

“Oppa. There was this girl at school who wanted your phone number. Should I give it to her?”


NO NO A MILLION TIMES NO… don’t give her my phone number. I wanted to say that but then she’d ask me why not. I didn’t exactly want to answer anymore questions that led to me answering ‘because I like you Eunyoung’

“Uhm.. yeah sure you can” I gave her a  fake reassuring smile

“You don’t seem sure Oppa. Come on! You haven’t had a girlfriend in ages!”

‘That’s because I’ve been in love with you.’ I couldn’t say that to her face. She just went through a breakup and then found out I liked her.

“That’s why I said you could give her my number” I replied bluntly

Eunyoung seemed to believe that because she answered excitedly “YAY!~ You know you have a lot of suitors Oppa. A lot of girls have come up to me asking me for your phone number or asking about you” She clapped her hands “I’m going to be a matchmaker! By the way her name is Bomi. You know the one that used to go out with Ilhoon Oppa?”

“Oh her. Yeah I know Bomi” I tried to sound just as excited as Eunyoung was to cover up my continuous feelings for her.

“what do you think of her? She’s pretty right” Her eyebrows wiggled waiting for my answer

“Yeah she really is pretty”

I sighed and look straight onto the road ‘Not as pretty as Eunyoung though’

Bomi. She was pretty, good at sports and very intellectual. She was an all-rounder and well liked by everybody. I guess I should be happy it’s her I’m being brought together with but I’m not.. and it’s because the girl I like is being matchmaker for me. Maybe I should go out with Bomi, get away from my feelings for Eunyoung… but even after trying to do that before nothing changed. I still liked Eunyoung.

“Oppa turn left into here” Eunyoung said taking me out of my trance.

I parked the car and we made our way to the entrance of the movie theatre. At that point it seemed like a date, going to the movies with your girlfriend to see a movie they liked… but I knew she only thought of me as a friend and I had to believe that.

We went to buy tickets at the counter “2 tickets for The Fault in our stars PLEASE!~” Eunyoung said excitedly. “Oh and one large popcorn”

 I smiled at how happy she was to see this movie. I handed the money to the assistant at the counter and we walked towards the cinema. Eunyoung accidently dropped her ticket on the floor she cutely went to pick it up saying “As usual, Eunyoung the clumsy one”

As she was looking up from the floor a familiar voice filled her ears “Eunyoung?”

Her face was filled with shock and mine was filled with bitterness as Eunyoung spoke “Seyong oppa?”


Hi this is daestarlight. I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a LONG LONG time but I finally had the time. Here is your update! I will try and update this story soon. Sorry for the inconvenience x 

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Ummm... when are you gonna update??
Chapter 8: Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe! Mehrong! ^^
wanda22 #3
Chapter 8: Please update it soon
Chapter 8: She really does like her best friends! They are a cute small band :) Eunyoung really wants to find him a girl uh? Haha. Sweet though. Wonder if he really changed his mind about it... Anyway, good thing Seyong got a little punch ;p good chapter. As always, I will be looking forward the rest of the story~
Chapter 7: It's good to see you again! And in addition, I really liked this chapter. Eunyoung is really clueless, uh? Must sting N. Aah~ now I really am curious how it will go with Seyong at the theatre too. Fighting, I hope you are okay by the way :)
Chapter 5: I nearly cried in the chapter so touching
Chapter 4: So okay, cleared about Hongbin's behaviour. Now N's just weirder with her... I'm not sure, I've got two ideas. I'm curious! Haha.
Chapter 4: ZINNI !!!!!
touchchandara #9
Chapter 3: I am really curious
Chapter 3: Hongbin's really sweet =) I wonder what is it behind N's weird behaviour and Hongbin's too... Hmmm, suspicious hehe. Don't worry too much and fighting!