The Black-Out Ball (Part 1)

You Are Not Alone

[Nia's Loft]

A worried looking Mr. and Mrs. Kim made their way up the steps, stopping in front of Nia's bedroom door. They both looked at each other, before Mrs. Kim hesitantly placed the knuckle of her pointer finger, against the door.

knock, knock, knock.

"Ni-ah~...Are you okay? You've been home for hours now and haven't said a word."


Mr. Kim cleared his throat, taking over the conversation.

"The school called. They heard from some students that you left early. They were really worried about you. We know what happened at school."


Mrs. Kim chimed in. "Ni-ah, there were only minor injuries. The school just has a few infrastructural problems. So, how about you come on out, so you can get ready for the party?"

Mr. Kim shot an unbelieved look at his wife and whispered between his clenched mouth.

"Really, Hee-Sun? Like, that's gonna make the situation any better. The girl caused an earthquake."

Clink! Clank! squueeeeak~..

The door cracked open. Nia stood in the opening, wearing a large t-shirt and grey shorts. Her hair sat on the top of her head. The white foam and the toothbrush that  She starred at the two, who quickly adjusted themselves into a more warm feeling, smiling at Nia.

"There she is~", Mrs. Kim cooed.

"Imsnautgonein", Nia responded.


Nia raised her gloved hand, holding up her finger

She closed and locked the door once more. The pitter patter of her feet went off into the distance. The sound of running water ran in the background for a few seconds, before she returned to greet them at the door again.

"I said I'm not going.", she said with a rather tired look on her face.

"Why not? You've begged your uncle for years to go, and you're finally able to."

"I just don't think it's the best time for me to be around people.."

"And it'll probably be the last time too. He's probably on a jet right now, trying to handle the situation."

Nia bit her lip, thinking of her options. She shook her head wearing an unsure smile.

"I don't kno-"

"I picked out your dress, mask and everything else."

Mr. Kim placed his hand on Mrs. Kim's shoulder.

"That's enough. Don't pressure the girl."

Mrs. Kim nodded.

"Alright, alright. But you should at least see what I picked out for you."

Mrs. Kim starred at Nia with begging eyes. Nia's smile clenched. Dropping her head, she let out a sigh. 



[Outside the Palace. 8:32 PM]

A line of coaches and limosines stretched down the main road of gangnam, leading up to the front entrance of the Palace. The occupants who emptyed out onto the stretched red carpet, were greated by the loud atmosphere of the Paparazzi Gala. A matte black limo pulled up next. Upon opening the door, the paparazzos became estatic. 





"Look here!"


"What are you wearing?!"


The boys wore a simple black mask and gloves to complement their simple black suits. BoA wore a s


BoA #1


After making it through, they finally made it to the main lobby, where the party was being held. They all froze in awe. The grandness of its original form was built upon even more, with black velvet curtains and white diamond chandeliers dancing up above. The size of it seemed to be even more expansive than it did earlier that day. It was bustling with music and people indulging in the atmosphere.

"Oppa.", a familar voice said. We all turned around to see a rather tightly bounded Hyun-a. Kris's eyes almost went to her chest, until BoA stepped on his foot, making them shut tightly like the gates of heaven.


"What are you doing here?", Kai asked in a calm, yet pissed tone.

"I'm a somebody. Why are you here?", she tilted her head nodding.

"Didn't you get knocked out by a lightbulb?", Baekhyun asked nonchalantely.

She turned to him. "I'm a tough cookie. You should know that by now."

She then looked at Kai.

"Right, Jongin?", she smirked at him, as she brought her champagne glass to her lips for a quick sip.

He went quiet.

She took a double at BoA, greeting her with fake glee in her eyes.

"Omo. Sunbaenim, I didn't know that was you. I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Would you like to sit with me?", she asked sweetly.

She answered with a yes as we quickly coated it with our no. 

Hyuna let out a sarcastic gawk as she placed her hand on her chest. 

"I didn't know she had so many voices~. But I'll take the hint. See you around." 

She kept her eyes on Kai, as she swayed her hips side to side, leaving them where they stood..

Chen spoke up over the now heavily blairing music. "SO! I DON'T THINK IT WORKED!" 


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BriannaG-2020 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue with this story~ I would hope at least more than one chapter if you can. Nice current and previous chapters even if I am convinced this was all in the main characters head. Anyways, please don't forget about this story~
Chapter 3: That Headmaster is a , who would even lie about something like that especially when you can look up the information.
avisdawn #3
Chapter 13: Welcome back again!!! Hi Uhuhuhuhu willkommen zurück!!!!! Sjjdjsbsjshsjsjshxhx
avisdawn #4
Chapter 12: Welcome baaaack ㅠㅠ
Been waiting for this since forever!!!!
Qveen_Kpop #5
Chapter 10: Oh preeeeeetttttttty please update I must know what happened
Chapter 4: SO NIA'S POWER IS?
exodaily #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for update