Hit & Run.

You Are Not Alone

(Nia's POV)

I found myself running through waves of dancing bodies. I felt like a a tiny tug boat in the middle of a cyclone. People kept bumping into me, not aware of who they were touching and were. Someone had grabbed me by my arm. I clentched my fist, preparing to fight whoever it was. I was spun around, only to meet the mysterious stranger, I danced with earlier.

"Hey. I told you I would find you.", he said with a soft, audible voice over the rave surrounding us. I began to stutter attempting to push a reponse out of my lips, as I ran in place.

"S-Sorry! Gotta Run!", I yelled as I quickly ran making a turn.

I heard my name being called from everywhere. I frantically looked around to see the boys coming in from different directions. I ducked down, and began to fastly crawl, my way out. Once I got on my feet, I began to run through the Hotel's kitchen. Everyone was caught of guard by my brief appearance.

"Please continue working~!", I yelled politely.

Just as I made my way into the hall, Xiumin and Sehun popped out in front of me. I quickly turned, and began jetting down the hallway. Trying to get them off my back, I kicked my heels of as I ran, accidentally hitting Sehun in the mouth.

Luckily, I made my way out of the hotel, through the back entrance, and ran onward, into the street, dodging cars like Frogger.

12 AM

I found myself speed walking along the Han River. Its been hours since I've been on the run. My body has gone numb and has been drenched with sweat. My feet had become callus, and my stomach was even more food deprived than before. My legs wouldn't' stop going. I was lucky enough to go at a slower pace. A limpful gallop to be exact. Wheezing and crying was all I could do to coat over the pain coarsing through my body. As I was heading towards the corner of a block, I heard multiple fast paced foot steps followed by the yelling of several familar voices and heavy breathing.


"She has to be close by!"

"They said they saw here around here."

I quickly began sprinting with all my might.

"Yah! There she is! NIA!"


I didn't bother to try and figure out who or how many of them were behind me. All I knew was that I had to keep going. As I hit the other end of the block, I heard another collection of voices and footsteps coming my way from the right of the street. I faintfully made my way into the crosswalk, to be unknowingly met with a large bright-eyed beast. Everything went black.

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BriannaG-2020 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue with this story~ I would hope at least more than one chapter if you can. Nice current and previous chapters even if I am convinced this was all in the main characters head. Anyways, please don't forget about this story~
Chapter 3: That Headmaster is a , who would even lie about something like that especially when you can look up the information.
avisdawn #3
Chapter 13: Welcome back again!!! Hi Uhuhuhuhu willkommen zurück!!!!! Sjjdjsbsjshsjsjshxhx
avisdawn #4
Chapter 12: Welcome baaaack ㅠㅠ
Been waiting for this since forever!!!!
Qveen_Kpop #5
Chapter 10: Oh preeeeeetttttttty please update I must know what happened
Chapter 4: SO NIA'S POWER IS?
exodaily #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for update