New-Du (Part 2)

You Are Not Alone

[Inside the Class Kitchen]

The class had started a little over 40 minutes ago. Everyone had continued with their cooking, each on various levels of progress. Luhan had finished sliding his freshly chopped tofu into the large metal pot beside him. Looking through the gauzy steam that seeped up from the stew, he saw Kai. He dragged his shoulders up and down, in a somber manner, as he chopped away at the green onion.

chop. chop. chop.

His face wore a rather guilty look, aware of his role in what transpired, not long ago. 

chop. chop.

He stopped. Something kept distracting him. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked over at what remained of his partner: her apron on the counter. Lifting his head, he saw Mr. Hong, who sat in the doorway of the kitchen entrance. His arms folded as he tapped his foot away, worrying. The distant sound of a sliding door, made both him and Kai perk up with anticipation of her arrival.

click. Clack. Click. Clack.

Yoo Jung had stepped into the doorway. She was sent off to go check if she was in any of the girl's bathrooms. She shook her head. He nodded her away to her partner. Mr. Hong clasped onto his mouth, worried about her existence, and thinking about the possible what-ifs. 

riiiiiinng~ riiiiinng~

The phone, that sat on the wall behind the examination table in the kitchen, went off.

riiiiiinng~ riiiiinng~

Mr. Hong sped walked, dogging students who were maneuvering around their tight quarters.

"Excuse me.", he said as he wiggled his way around their active stovetops.

5ft. 4ft. 3 ft.


2 ft. 1 fo-


Quickly yanking the phone off the wall, he stuck it to his ear.

"Hello?", he answered, sounding eager.

"Yes, this is he."

The students watched him as they continued their task, not making it too obvious.

He hastily made his way back over to the door.

Kai watched as he surpassed him the frame, entering the other room. He continued chopping away with some of the weight in his shoulders, relieved, in hope.


He stopped for a split second, leaning against one of the desks. Closing his eyes, he dragged his free hand over his head. He let out a soft sigh, sounding off that something has happened.

"Oh no...", he mumbled.

The weight was never lost it seemed. 

"Yes, she is."

Firmly pressing his hand against his brow bone, he followed up with another inquisition.

"Is she okay?"

Kai slowly guided the spring onions off the maple board, into the stew, with his hand.

Mr. Hong's eyes shot wide open. His eyes sprung open, rounding out like a bulb.

"A WHAT?!", he yelled in disbelief.

Shocked by the loud commotion from the room over, he dropped the board into the stew.


He quickly stepped back, dogging the splashback, that met the floor, instead. Everyone else was pacified by the yelling as well. Realizing he startled the class and the nurse's eardrum, he quickly cupped his hand over the phone. He walked over to the window, out of their view. He hectically whispered into the phone.

"Omo, omo, omo. I didn't mean to yell. did you say a concussion?"

Searching through the drawers, Kai looked for something to fish the artisan plank out of the red, savory sea.

"Is she awake? is she asleep?"

He watched away at the world, outside the campus. He softly gnawed at his thumbnail.

"Have you contacted her parents?"

"Tongs. Tongs. Tongs. Tongs."

"Well, who's taking her home? She doesn't need to be here."

"Where are the tongs?", he asked nodding over to the others nearby.

They shrugged in response.

"Wow~. This girl..."

"There you are."

"Alright. I'll send a student down with her things. Mhm. Thank you."

He pulled the phone away from his face, pressing down onto its END CALL button. 

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat.

He stopped in the doorway, leaning against the frame while holding onto the phone.

"Mr. Ka-"

He was stopped in his tracks as he looked over at Kai. Their eyes were locked, as they sat awkwardly in each others' presence. He was clasping onto the now red-tinted cutting board, with tongs, as it dripped into the pot.

Flustered in confusion, Mr. Hong's eyebrows crumbled in confusion. He motioned his hands towards him, as he tried to speak. Unable to speak after comprehending what he was watching, he shook his head. Holding out his accessorized hand, he motioned him into the classroom with his two fingers. He placed the board and tongs into the sink, before removing and placing his robe on top of Nia's. He entered the room, dragging in his somewhat melancholy energy. As he gripped onto the handle to close the door, Mr. Hong turned back to the class who was still rather quiet. He responded to their buttoned-up behavior in a serious manner, which was rarely seen.

"Did I say, Mister and Misses?"

"No, Chef!", they all shouted 

"Why am I not hearing or seeing busy people? There is no food plated and your stations are a hot mess. Fix it."

"Yes, Chef!"


"Come take a seat.", he said placing his hand on his back. He walked him over to his desk, which sat a few feet away from the door, to talk; Distancing themselves from the loud bustling atmosphere of the kitchen. The seat in the row directly in front of him was occupied by a pair of white matte loafers. On the desk sat the shoes' owners. He removed his glasses sluggishly from the recent news but now added on by informing his somewhat haunted student. He sat, sighing, trying to pick the stress out of the bridge of his nose. Respectfully, but impatiently, Kai asked:

"Where is she?"

"Your partner-

He picked his head up to address him. Pushing his glasses into place with his finger, he continued

is in the Nurse's Office."

Stunned by the news, his eyes lowered. The way they shifted gave away his thoughts. He sat silent as he replayed the event, testing different methods. If he didn't , the way he did. If he had just let her cook, with the gloves on. If he had just shut up. 

"Hey. Look at me."

Timidly, his head slowly rose. He was trying not to blink because a small lake of tears sat in his eyes. His cheeks were a soft tint of red, as his mind was overwhelmed by all his guilt. The corners of his lips quivered as he was ready to succumb to his self-inflicted agony. Mr. Hong immediately hopped down and sat next to him in Nia's seat. He comforted him with large circular motions on his back, as he reassured him of his innocence.

"Jong-in ah, it isn't your fault. It is not. It was out of your control."

Finally, he blinked. Streams and rivers trickled down his face, as he softly tried to retrace his breathing. His back faintly hiccuped.

He looked over to Mr. Hong, and asked in a tattered whisper, "Is she..she okay?"

"She did have an incident. But that is as much as I can tell you. Okay?"

He nodded, whipping away at his face with his palms.

"I'm going to dismiss you early from class, so you can take her stuff down to the nurse's office. I'll give you a few seconds to yourself."

With several reaffirming pats, he got up from the desk and made his way over to the door.

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat. Pit.


"Is that a dirty pot I see?"

"No, Chef!"



[Nurse's Office]

(Nia's POV)

Tick. Tok. Tick. Tok.

The Nurse's office is the last place I'd expect to find peace at in this school. It's where people come when they're hurting and in pain. Yes, I am hurt. But I don't feel it. It's not like a numb feeling, like when you wake up with a hair tye around your wrist. More like a light-headed feeling, when you have a good ya-


The moment of zen and self-reflection I grasped was replaced by a damp, cold towel. The rhythm of the clock had drifted me away as I laid there, cradling my newborn bruise with cold affection. Turning my head slightly, I spotted the nurse clenching her phone in her left hand and a grip of victory in the other.

Mr. Z folded his paper down by its X-axis. He turned over to her and shushed her. She looked over at him. He nodded her gaze over to me. Our eyes met as she turned over to me with an oopsie look. 

"Sorry~", she whispered.

I gave her a slumber some grin. She spun back around, indulging in her game, once again. I wiped away at any possible sleep in my eyes. Through my fingers, I saw him stare at me, before opening his paper back up. Lowering my hand, I squinted at his printed shield, still a bit disoriented. 

"Are you a teacher?", I mumbled. 

"No, I'm a security guard."

I looked around the room deducing if it was fact or fiction.

Well, that does make sense, based on how he handled the girls. He's also got that stick.

He rolled his eyes in response to my silence. He folded the paper back up, resting it in his lap with his stick.

Probably uses it as a baton or something. But what security guard wears jeans?

"I shouldn't joke around with someone who has a concussion. Yes, I am a teacher."

I nodded awkwardly

"I-I had a feeling you were." I topped with a rather geeky smile.

The corners of his lips crept up a bit more than his usual grin.


"What is it that you teach?"

"At first, I taught vocals."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Taught?"

"Yes. Taught. But now, I'm teaching "Industry Dancing 1~ .", he said the class name in a whimsical yet sarcastic.

I cautiously responded, trying to not come across as snarky.  "I take it to you, don't like it much?"

He nodded as he firmly made his rebuttal. "I never said such a thing."

I couldn't help but smile. He has such a firm way about himself. The way he talks. The way he walks. The way he sits. The way he stands. But I feel as though, I have been able to crack his code. He has a warm, tenderness about him. Digesting the chuckle that I held in my mouth, I asked him:

"What is Industry Dancing 1?"

"It's a performance-enhancing class for trainees."

"Whoa...It must be intense.", I whispered in ah.

"It is. I had to hire another teacher to help."

"Wow. Really~ intense." 

I laid back, but I quickly rotated back, holding up my finger.

"Make it the last one.", he said to me as he opened the paper back up. 

I sighed bringing my hand down, resting back. "Alright."

Get comfortable and relaxed, I closed my eyes and confidently asked my final question.

"Do you like it here?"

"I've been here for almost two decades."

" that a yes~?"


pit. pat. pit. pat. pit. pat. pit. pat.

Nurse Yoo got up from her seat. 

"How can I- Oh, are you the one he sent?" She asked, who I believed to be a classmate with my stuff.


An alarm in my head went off, sending my eyes ajar.

Wait a minute.

"I can take that."

I heard the shuffling and re-adjusting my backpack, as it was transferred into her hand.

Click. Clack.

"Oh. Hyung."

Mr. Z cleared his throat, not acknowledging him but only his insubordinance.

Click. Clack.

"Mr. Z."

"Mr. Kim Jong-In. "


I found myself frozen, where I laid. Maybe if I just stopped functioning altogether, I could go unnoticed. 

Click. Clack.

Nurse Yoo stopped beside me, hanging up my backpack on the frame of the bed. She turned to me, smiling.

"Your things are here.", she said loud enough for him to hear.

She blew my cover.

"Is she awake?"

She had turned away from me, to respond. I carefully shook my head and my lips mouthed the word "no".

"Yes, she is."

"Can I see her?"

I immediately stopped as she turned back to me, asking, "Can he?"

I rolled my eyes in failure, nodding. I brought them to a close.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat. 

Inhaling deeply, I braced myself for his presence. 

Pit. Pat.

"He- Oh my god." 

I nervously smiled at him. I kept my eyes closed. I couldn't face him like this. Not now. Not in this condition. 

"Hi..", I responded in a shy mumble.

"What happened?", he asked.

He sounded genuinely worried. I heard the ruffle of the newspaper, a few feet away. Mr. Z was most definitely waiting for me to say the right thing. I could feel his blank stare beam onto me. It tingled a bit. Pleasing the masses, I inhaled and put on the most nonchalant grin.

"Slip and fall."

"I see. We were all worried about you. I wanted to go look for you, but he sent Yoo Jung instead."

The tone of his voice stung of pain. It was a familiar kind of pain. I finally opened my eyes to look at him. His face was flushed. He either had to have a cold or previously crying. It was the second. Removing the pack from my head, I prayed myself upright. I looked at him, as I folded my legs. He could see the worry in my eyes. I could tell, because of how quick he was to avoid them.

"I know that walk must've been a bit tiring."

Pat. Pat. Pat.

It took him a few seconds to sit on the option given to him before he placed his bag on the floor and sat next to me. He sat stiffly, gripping onto the edge of the bed. His head hung low. He didn't face me directly.


"Call me Jong-in."

Tenderly smiling at his request, I complied. "Jong-in shi."

He adjusted his head slightly in my direction.

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay."

"If I didn't do what I did, you wouldn't be hurt.", he responded, quickly doubting himself.

The frantic tapping of Nurse Yoo's fingers began to decelerate to a slow pace, as she was trying to listen in on us. We both looked over at her.


Mr. Z, grabbed his paper and cane, before getting up.  He walked over to Nurse Yoo, and spoke exhaustedly, "I heard there's catering today. Let's go see what's they brought today."

"Really? Let's get there before the others do."

She got up with her phone and charger.

"We'll back in a few.", he said as he made his way to the door.

She dragged the cord behind her, as she dragged behind Mr. Z.

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Click. Clack.



As soon as their footsteps turned into the sound distant drops, I continued.

"That's not true."

I swiped my hand up and down his back. The fabric felt a bit warn as if someone was rubbing his back before. He shook his head, still upset with himself.

"How about I tell you a story?", I asked beggingly, trying to find any means to pry him out of the dumps.

Finally giving me his full attention, he looked at me a snickered at my remark.

"Like what Hansel & Gretel?", he challenged, passive-aggressively.

He had poured so much into his glass that, it was spilling over onto me. But then I thought about it.

What story am I going to tell?

The thought began to simmer in my head. I began flipping through the files of my memory, in search of a story. Something relatable. Something with a lesson. Fairy tales weren't gonna cut it. I kept coming back to one story. A story that left me hurt and in pain. I took a deep breath.

"I've never told anyone this story, before. Honestly, I shouldn't even be telling you. And out of all places to be doing this..", I laughed in disbelief, at what I was about to do. Looking down into my lap, I shook my head.

He turned his body fully toward me. Placing his hand on my arm, he glided it up and down, slowly. He comforted me, acknowledging the sacrifice I was about to take for him.

"Hey. You don't have to."

I gently on my teeth, making a soft pucker. I had come to realize why I was doing it. I rolled my back up, lifting my head. 

Is this the right thing to do?

Sitting there, I examined his eyes. They've seen hurt. They've seen pain. They could understand.

"Can I trust you?", I blurted out.

"Whatever you plan on telling is for my ears and my ears only."

"I've sat with it for a while. I feel as though it'll help relieve both of our pain. It's a bit personal. Is that okay?"

Seeing that it might be a serious tale, he didn't want me or my words to feel neglected, it seemed.

He nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine. Go ahead when you're ready.."

I got adjusted in my seat before, quietly telling him my story.

"This story takes place in Hawaii. It was the very last time I was there. I had turned 10, not too long before it had happened. We had just moved from China, two years prior. We went from living in this large penthouse in the city to this small house on a huge estate. It was beautiful. There were waterfalls and caves. We lived in a valley, so we were surrounded by the woods. The greatest part about it was that we had privacy."

Jong-in nodded along to the story with an indulged smirk, not aware of what was to come.

"And sadly, it was our weakness."

He stopped himself. The smile he wore had faded away. I think he realized what this story was about.

"I still struggle to remember it correctly. You'll find out why. But this is what I remember. It was late at night. My mom had snuck into my room and woke me up out of my sleep. She told me we needed to be quiet. That we were leaving. We were crawling out of the house. I didn't know where my dad was. We had made it outside. I heard voices. It sounded like my dad and some other men. We had to scurry between the trees. I had gone first. But when I turned around my mom wasn't there..."

"They started yelling and screaming. And then something had popped real loudly."

I laid back onto the inclined top half of the bed, feeling more comfortable as I continued. He was in the opposite state as I told the story. He tried his best to not looked so sad.

"I wanted to go back to my mom, but the sound scared me. That's when she screamed for me to RUN. So, I ran. I kept running, and running, and running, and running, until..."


"Remember how I told you there were caves?"


"It was dark, so I couldn't see where I was going or what was in front of me. I fell into a pit.", I chuckled still dumbfounded by the situation.

"How far down was it?"

"They said it was about seventeen feet down. I broke a lot of things."


I held out my fingers as I counted in my head. 

Skull. Spine. Pelvis. Ja-

"What happened after?"

"To me?", I asked pointing at myself.


"Well. I woke up here, in Korea. Three-month long coma. Two years, physical therapy. I knew what had happened before my Uncle told me"


"Yeah. I didn't even know he existed until I got here."

"You didn't tell the Headmaster."

I shrugged, smiling. "He never asked about an Uncle."

He chuckled at my slyness. 

"What's he like?"

"He's pretty nice. But I rarely see him anymore, so I don't know if he's the same."

The conversation went dead silent for a second. He scratched at his head, getting ready to apologize.

"Anywho, there is a reason why I am telling you this."

He let his hand fall to his side, as I started up again. 

"Instead of mourning, as any normal person would, the only thining I found myself doing was thinking about what I could've done. Replaying fragments, trying to re-calculate steps on something that can't be undone. Maybe, so that I didn't have to let people know on the first day of school, "Hey. I have no parents."

I couldn't help but laugh. I could tell he didn't know whether to laugh or not. He wanted to. I could tell by the slight grin, he wore.

"I was a child. I couldn't have done anything at the moment. So, my point is don't be so hard on yourself."

I patted away at his back.

pat. pat. pat.


He nodded away. The tension in his shoulders was non-existent. He felt comfortable. I felt comfortable. Way more comfortable than I ever expected to be, after how my day has gone.

We sat, staring at each other with a peaceful silence between the two of us. Oh my god. I was sitting here looking deep into his soul. I felt as though I could see the stars twinkle at me, as we traded gazes. He didn't even pay attention to this crater on my head.  I fixed my gaze elsewhere as my eyelids peeled back further. 

Oh my god. I still have this thing on my head!

I quickly re-applied the ice pack to my head. The icy feeling couldn't tame the heat that was pulsating through my face. The redness began to collect on my cheeks.



"Alright. Times up."

"I thought you said we had catering today?"

Click. Clack. 

Tip. Tap.

"We were too early."

He hopped off the bed and slid his backpack on. He smiled at me but it was a bit more timid than usual. He had a bit of a glow on his face as well.

Wait. He can't. No. No, he doesn't.

Click. Clack.

Tip. Tap.

"Do you want me to bring you your lunch?"

I rolled my eyes and came to a gently plop on the bed.

"Shoot.", I mumbled as I rubbed on my forehead.

Click. Clack.

Tip. Tap.

I allow them to make me breakfast, but tell them I could pack my lunch. Stupid.

Mr. Z went over to the waiting couch. He plopped his cane down onto the padded seat, before doing the same with himself. He removed his new reading material, a new, yet outdated Reader's Digest, from under his arm, and began to read as usual. Nurse Yoo placed her phone and charger down on her desk, before walking over to me.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?", Nurse Yoo asked.

"I was supposed to bring my lunch. I didn't even made it."

"Aigoo~ That's not good. Let me see your head real quick."

Grabbing my wrist, lightly, she rotated it. I was still holding onto the ice pack as she removed my hand. The once stiff freezer bar now sat soggily. After quickly examining it, she seized the slushy bag and towel duo from my hand. She left me with my bruise, , and my self-esteem, afraid.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack

"I can cover you for today.", Jong-in responded

Already embarrassed after blushing at him, I quickly denied his offer.

"No, no. It's fine." 

He smiled at my eagerness. He took a step closer. 

"Ni-ah. I can't just let you starve, knowing you have nothing to eat."

I found myself somewhat in a trance, touched by his gentle words. My mouth quivered and maneuvered on its own, but I was able to force the words out. 

He patiently waited, just smiling away.

Stop staring at me like that.

He turned in the direction of Nurse Yoo, who was situated on the other side.

"Nurse Yoo?", he asked.


"Is it alright if I can eat in here?"


My heart was booming harder than a subwoofer. I couldn't decipher what his intentions were. 

Is he just being a kind person? Is he flirting with me? He's an idol! What are you even thinking?! No, dreaming! 

"Of course. I'll allow it since you're visiting a patient."

I was even more of a flustered hot mess after she approved of his stay. 

"Thank you."

He took off his backpack. Overlapping our hooks, he hung his ontop of mine. My backpack, like I, sat timidly, as it was shrouded by his. He turned over to me, again.

F---. Keep it cool. Keep it cool. Keep it cool.

Trying to disguise my anxiousness, I chomped down on the inside of my mouth. Tightening down on my smile, not to look like an antsy maniac. 

"I'll be back in a sec."

I nodded quickly. I forgot how to exhale in his presence.

Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat.



With all my might I threw myself back onto the bed, finally releasing the sack of air I held in.

"Nurse Yoo~?", I whined tiredly.


"Can I have some water~?", I asked, fanning away at myself with my hand.

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BriannaG-2020 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue with this story~ I would hope at least more than one chapter if you can. Nice current and previous chapters even if I am convinced this was all in the main characters head. Anyways, please don't forget about this story~
Chapter 3: That Headmaster is a , who would even lie about something like that especially when you can look up the information.
avisdawn #3
Chapter 13: Welcome back again!!! Hi Uhuhuhuhu willkommen zurück!!!!! Sjjdjsbsjshsjsjshxhx
avisdawn #4
Chapter 12: Welcome baaaack ㅠㅠ
Been waiting for this since forever!!!!
Qveen_Kpop #5
Chapter 10: Oh preeeeeetttttttty please update I must know what happened
Chapter 4: SO NIA'S POWER IS?
exodaily #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for update