Chapter 04 || ~Different Nightmare~

The Lost Descendant [hiatus]
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After crying herself to sleep, Cami fell asleep on Sid's bed. The nightmares soon returned, yet it was different from the previous ones.

Cameron found herself running down the same dark corridors while being chased by the same monsters. She didn't know why they were chasing her and she didn't understand why she couldn't escape them at all. She ran and ran, but her stamnia was wearing thin and she could feel herself slowing down. She knew that the creatures would catch up to her and she would awake from their touch; breathing hard. It didn't come this time. Instead, she found herself falling endlessly and didn't know what to do as there wasn't anything to grab onto. Cameron prayed that she would awake soon and would let this nightmare stay like that. Just another one of her nightmares.

Soon enough she found herself plopped onto some fluffy thing. She felt a velvety fabric beneath her, but wasn't sure if it was a live thing or not. She didn't stick around any longer to figure it out as she rolled off of it and fell to the tiled floor. Canerib stood up and looked about her as the room flashed brightly as if the lights finally came on. She rubbed her eyes to rid of the spots and focused on her surroundings clearly. She saw that she was in a grand room made for royalty. This was a first. Her being chased by monsters down the corridor never ended like this. It ended with them grabbing a hold of her and she would awake feeling their touch lingering on her skin still.

Still looking about her, Cameron didn't notice a shadow emerging from one of the furthest corner. The shadow raised it's arm into the air in the motion of throwing something at Cameron. It flung what looked like to be a dart towards Cameron. Before hitting Cameron from behind, another flying object intercepted and re-directed the dart towards another target. The dart stabbed into a painting and soon a dark, thick liquid drizzled down from its tip; running down the painting and staining it in the process. The other flying object crashed against the wall and made a clanging sound as it hit the ground.

Cameron's head turned to the sound and saw a shiny metal gleamed, but the metal dissolved before she could observe it. She heard another clanging sound to her left and it was another metal item that did the same thing as before. Another dart was intercepted and its tipped ran with that same liquid. Cameron wasn't sure what was happening, but she coul

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Chapter 7: Uhhhhhh.... Now his gf got feather too???
fluffydragoncheeks #2
Chapter 6: Queen Sanguine sounds like linguine... LOLOLOL!!!
Chapter 6: Hmmm... The queen has something evil at the back of her mind...
fluffydragoncheeks #4
Chapter 5: Poor Cami! Having a ty brother and ty dream!!!
Chapter 5: So someone is helping Cami with her nightmare or is it just herself???
fluffydragoncheeks #6
Chapter 4: Agree with the comment below.
The younger brother is such a brat!!!!
Chapter 4: Just kill the stupid brother if is me,,,
fluffydragoncheeks #8
Chapter 3: Is Cami a harpie too?
fluffydragoncheeks #9
Chapter 2: Oh yeah! You have updated!!! Nice!!!
Chapter 3: Cami dropping off feather??? Lololololol