Chapter 01 || ~The Harpies~

The Lost Descendant [hiatus]
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A bright and iridescent light appear right before a young woman. She gazed at the shining glow and became enthralled by its heavenly vibe. The young woman soon began walking towards the glowing rainbow of colors in a trance-like manner with one arm reaching out towards it. As the young woman neared the light, she heard soft voices whispering words unfamiliar to her.

"Leta." A woman's voice said.

The young woman turn to her left, but no one was there.

"Velia." Another voice spoke, a man this time.

She twirled to her right, but again there was no one. Then several more voices sprouted more unfamiliar words. They were all male.

"Luce." "Fuoco." "Scintilla." "Forza." "Mozione." "Cielo." "Guarire." "Mente." "Aria." "Acqua." "Tempo." "Ghiaccio."

She looked to her left, then her right, and turned around and around, but no one or anything was around her. It was just her and the shimmering lights in the unknown place. She placed a hand against her forehead and rubbed it. It was giving her a headache and was just confusing her even more. She then heard a scraping sound and swiveled around to look behind her. She gasped at the eeriely beautiful woman standing several feet away from her.

Before the young woman could ask who the beautiful woman was, the beautiful woman cast her a sinister smile before flinging three dark feathers in front of her and disappearing from view as the feathers began shifting. The young woman could only stared as her gaze was transfixed on the now morphing feathers. Unable to move her feet and run away, she shielded her eyes when the three feathers let out a shining light and shifted into three female winged beasts instead.

"Harpies?" The girl let out slowly and curiously.

Out of everything that was happening, at least she knew what a harpy was. The said harpies were beautifully enchanting, yet with the wings sprouting from their backs, their pointy teeth, and sharp talons made them quite d

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Chapter 7: Uhhhhhh.... Now his gf got feather too???
fluffydragoncheeks #2
Chapter 6: Queen Sanguine sounds like linguine... LOLOLOL!!!
Chapter 6: Hmmm... The queen has something evil at the back of her mind...
fluffydragoncheeks #4
Chapter 5: Poor Cami! Having a ty brother and ty dream!!!
Chapter 5: So someone is helping Cami with her nightmare or is it just herself???
fluffydragoncheeks #6
Chapter 4: Agree with the comment below.
The younger brother is such a brat!!!!
Chapter 4: Just kill the stupid brother if is me,,,
fluffydragoncheeks #8
Chapter 3: Is Cami a harpie too?
fluffydragoncheeks #9
Chapter 2: Oh yeah! You have updated!!! Nice!!!
Chapter 3: Cami dropping off feather??? Lololololol