Chapter 03 || ~The Siblings Fight~

The Lost Descendant [hiatus]
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Once the siblings arrived to their apartment home, Sid headed straight to his room, slammed the door, and the sound of heavy metal music was heard shortly after. Cami just let out a deep sigh as she tossed her things onto one of the recliners before taking a seat in their small dining table.

"What am I'm going to do with you, Sydney?" Cami muttered as she rubbed her tired face. "Why are you acting out so much since they've... left." She let out another sigh.

She then heard the volume of his music going louder, and ruckus going on. She knew he was stomping around and air guitaring. She frowned as she stood up to hurry and quiet him down before the neighbors started complaining again.

"Sid! Turn it down!" She knocked on his door while trying to get through to him.


"Sid!" She tried again. "Turn it down!"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"SID!" She yelled frustrated.

Still nothing. With every attempt the sound became louder. Before Cami could knock again, another knock came from their main door.

"Dammit." Cami muttered as she hurried to answer it.

It was the neighbor from next door to their left. Apartment 611. Mr. Ramiro Castro.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Castro." Cami greeted with a force smile. "How may I help you?"

"You can tell that rascal of a brother of yours to keep his music down, Cameron." Mr. Castro snapped. "Or I'll call the cops this time for disrupting the peace if it's not shut off in an hour." He walked away and entered his apartment and slammed the door shut.

Cami just let out another sigh and was about to shut the door, when someone's foot blocked it from doing so.

"Miss Lufkin." It was the elderly grandmother from the apartment to her right. Apartment 613. Mrs. Margaret Winston and her husband, Mr. James Winston.

"Oh, why hello, Peggy. What can I do for you this afternoon?" Cami asked again putting up another smile.

"Cameron, dear, I know that Sydney is going through some tough times, but the mister and I were about to enjoy our afternoon shows. We can't seem to enjoy it with all these noises coming from your side of the walls." Mrs. Winston said softly.

"I'm deeply sorry, Peggy. I'll make sure you and Jim will be able to enjoy your shows and the rest of your afternoon." Cami assured. "Just give me some time with that."

Mrs. Winston smiled at the young woman. "Sure thing, hon. Thank you."

"Welcome, Peggy." Cami bid farewell as she watched Mrs. Winston re-entered her apartment.

Cami s

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Chapter 7: Uhhhhhh.... Now his gf got feather too???
fluffydragoncheeks #2
Chapter 6: Queen Sanguine sounds like linguine... LOLOLOL!!!
Chapter 6: Hmmm... The queen has something evil at the back of her mind...
fluffydragoncheeks #4
Chapter 5: Poor Cami! Having a ty brother and ty dream!!!
Chapter 5: So someone is helping Cami with her nightmare or is it just herself???
fluffydragoncheeks #6
Chapter 4: Agree with the comment below.
The younger brother is such a brat!!!!
Chapter 4: Just kill the stupid brother if is me,,,
fluffydragoncheeks #8
Chapter 3: Is Cami a harpie too?
fluffydragoncheeks #9
Chapter 2: Oh yeah! You have updated!!! Nice!!!
Chapter 3: Cami dropping off feather??? Lololololol