Titans' Rising : Into TZJQ's World Part 4

Part I : TZJQ
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❝Titans' Rising :  Into TZJQ's World Part 4;


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( Titans' Rising : Into TZJQ's World is back! )

Taeyeon: And I have to go now... Dejectedly looks at the two

Riso: Eonnie, you can't leave!!! No! I'll drown in my tears if you leave!! Stops her rant, looks confused Why do you need to leave?

Taeyeon: Because I'm not your permanent host.

Riso: What in the name of good gravy is a permanent host?

Good... gravy?

Sae: Grabs a dictionary from the nearby table Permanent. Adjective. Means lasting or stable. Flips through the book Host. Noun. Means the one receiving the guests.

Sae-sshi -_-'

Riso: Yah! Stop channeling your Inner Jung!

Inner Jung?

Taeyeon: Inner Jung? What's that?

Riso: That's what Jung does to us when we ask Puts fingers up into 'air bunnies' 'idiotic and useless questions.

Taeyeon: Ah. That, ladies and gentlemen, is Sae channeling her Inner Jung. Gets up from her chair Now I'll go get the only member here and the other host... Looks at the camera Good luck finding the other TZJQ girls.

(Along Han River)

The new host wanders around, looking for the TZJQ girls. He begins asking the people around if they have seen anything. Stomping his foot, he turns around and the camera reveals that Super Junior's Heechul was one of the host.

Heechul: What the.... I've been looking for them for Looks at watch 10 minutes! Maybe they went somewhere else...

Just then, the camera caught JunRi jogging behind Heechul's back with someone on a bicycle.

(Off screen: PD points at the pair.)

Heechul: Looks at the retreating backs of the two Mwoya?!?! YAH!! Tries to get their attention YAH!!!!




Heechul begins running, soon remembering that those two were younger than him and probably has more stamina than him. Looks at his shoes, he undid one of the knots and threw his shoe at the two girls. He manages to hit the one on the bicycle on her head.

????: Rubs her head while holding the shoe Mwoya? Looks up at the sky Is it raining shoes in Korea now? Ahh... global warming really is weird.

JunRi: Looks at her companion, then thumps her head with her fist Stupid. It's from that guy. Points at Heechul, then looks carefully at him Isn't that....

????: ...Heechul?

Heechul: Keeps panting even after he caught them Man.... you two are fast. Looks at Mystery Girl And what did you call me?

????: Heechul, Heechul.

JunRi: Grabs the ear of her companion He meant why did you not say sunbae.

????: Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! Leader-dongsaeng, let go!!!

Heechul: Oohhh... I like these girls.


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Chapter 30: Definitely sticking with you all. Joo is still in the group. uwu
--clairvoyance #2
Chapter 30: Not changing my opinions from before, sticking with TZJQ members till the end :)
--clairvoyance #3
Chapter 29: I dont mind ^^ but it would be nice if you could still keep this story up and give us more details when you can on the next story :D
Chapter 29: Of course, you go for it! And don't worry, use Yoonjoo all you want. I love the way you portray her. c:
park_dobii #5
Chapter 29: Absolutely! I certainly don't mind it, you made Riso so much more entertaining than I had expected and it's great! :) if you wanna rewrite it, go for it. You have my vote
park_dobii #6
Chapter 28: Take your time sweetie! No rush :)
Chapter 28: Take your time, hun! ^^
--clairvoyance #8
Chapter 28: It's alright ^^.