Titans' Rising : Episode 4

Part I : TZJQ
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❝Titans' Rising :  Episode 4;



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The PD tiptoes into TZJQ's practice room where she sees the 4 members on the floor, kneeling, like they were being punished. JunRi was walking around them, holding a Nerf gun. The PD clears to get their attention.

PD: JunRi-sshi?

JunRi: Ne?

PD: Why are they on the floor?

JunRi: Endurance training.

PD: Ahhh... Points at the Nerf gun What's that for, then?

At that moment, Riso made a move to stand up, trying to go unnoticed by JunRi.

JunRi: This. Aims at Riso's head, hitting right at her forehead

Riso: The hell... WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!

JunRi: Turns to look at her You're always the one misbehaving.

Joo: That's true, you know.

Riso: Hits Joo upside the head Yah. I'm your eonnie! Defend me from her!

CEE: Hits Riso upside the head And she's our leader.

Sae: Yup! Our leader who makes our food!

Joo: And cleans up our messes.

CEE: And most importantly, makes us food.

Riso: You said that twice.

CEE: It's twice as important.


Sae: Looks at PD What are you doing here anyway, PD-eonnie?

PD: Oh yeah... We're filming today.... Since it's a very special day today.

Sae: Really? Looks at her eonnies Whose birthday is it?

The rest of the TZJQ members look at her weirdly, can't believing that Sae didn't remember what day it was. Joo pointed at the calendar behind them where it read : December 25, 2013. Sae looks at Riso for confirmation.

Sae: Is it really December 25 already?

Riso: Yup. That's the reason why Jee kept singing 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' all day.

Sae: Aww... why didn't I remember it?

JunRi: Squatting next to their kneeling positions I can't see how any of us would remember this day. None of us have love lives.

Joo: The only reason why Min would remember is because its close to her birthday. Looks at CEE Advance happy birthday, grandma.

CEE: Thanks...? Sighs Again with the grandma... I'm not that old...

Riso: Yeah yeah... And let's not forget another reason why December 25 is a very important day for us. Points at Sae Quick! What did we just watch a few hours ago?

Sae: Uh.... Oh! f(x)-sunbaenims and EXO-sunbaenims concert in Ilsan, Goyang!

JunRi: Correct. What does that mean for us, Shim?

Sae: Smiles It means that tomorrow is our debut in TVXQ-sunbaenim's 10th year concert! Loses her smile after saying it out loud Oh.

PD: Since it will be your debut tomorrow, we could feel the tension a bit. So, we decided that all of you will eat outside tonight!

CEE: Like a Christmas/Debut dinner?

PD: Exactly. So get dressed wit-

Riso: WOOH! Free food! Starts running to get dressed, then smiles wickedly at Joo and JunRi Oh yeah... you two promised that you'll wear Sae's gift on the next episode!

Joo: We know. We're getting ready for it...

Riso: Ha! for you!

PD: Actually, the fans are excited to see Joo and JunRi wearing hanboks, but they also wanted to see you three wearing hanboks as well.

CEE: ... What?

Sae: Ooohh...

Riso: Oh no....

PD: So, we prepared your own hanboks! In your fanclub colors, of course.

Riso: Kill me now...

Joo: HAH!

CEE: Oohh... such a lovely blue..

Sae: Its green!

JunRi: Let's go, children.


TZJQ: Yes, mother.








The TZJQ members arrive in the restaurant, wearing their hanboks. As they enter the restaurant, they see their hosts, Super Junior's Shindong and Eunhyuk cooking over a grill.

TZJQ: Annyeong, sunbaenim.

Shindong: Finally! We've been waiting for- Looks at what the girls were wearing What are you guys wearing?

Eunhyuk: Looks at the PD Are we getting married to TZJQ?


CEE: Please, sunbaenim. Don't give heart attacks to the ELFs.

Sae: It's dangerous for their health.

JunRi: And ours.

Eunhyuk: True, true. Sees them not sitting down Well, don't just stand there. Sit down!

The girls sat on either sides of the hosts. They sat like this : Joo - Sae - Eunhyuk - Shindong - CEE - Riso - JunRi.

Eunhyuk: Well, since this is still technically a show...

Shindong: We still have to interview during the dinner.

JunRi: But we can eat?

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Chapter 30: Definitely sticking with you all. Joo is still in the group. uwu
--clairvoyance #2
Chapter 30: Not changing my opinions from before, sticking with TZJQ members till the end :)
--clairvoyance #3
Chapter 29: I dont mind ^^ but it would be nice if you could still keep this story up and give us more details when you can on the next story :D
Chapter 29: Of course, you go for it! And don't worry, use Yoonjoo all you want. I love the way you portray her. c:
park_dobii #5
Chapter 29: Absolutely! I certainly don't mind it, you made Riso so much more entertaining than I had expected and it's great! :) if you wanna rewrite it, go for it. You have my vote
park_dobii #6
Chapter 28: Take your time sweetie! No rush :)
Chapter 28: Take your time, hun! ^^
--clairvoyance #8
Chapter 28: It's alright ^^.