Titans' Rising : Episode 2

Part I : TZJQ
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❝Titans' Rising :  Episode 2;



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Heechul walks into the white studio, looking at his cue cards. He looks at the camera directly, then sticks his tongue out at it, blowing it a raspberry. The TZJQ members wander inside the studio, finding Heechul making weird faces infront of the camera.

CEE: Heechul-sshi?

Joo: Looks at Sae What's wrong with him today?

Sae: Shrugs, then waves at the camera closest to her

Riso: That looks fun! Pouting slightly I wanna do that too...

Joo: Looks over at Riso Feel free.

Riso: Yey! Goes over to Heechul then makes faces at the camera.

CEE: Great. Now we have 2 children to worry about. Moves over to the the chairs, the other follow.

Sae: What about me?

JunRi: You're much more mature than that kid. Motions over to Riso.

Joo: Uh... that 'kid' is older than you by 2 years.

JunRi: So? Does she act older than a five year-old?

Joo: Point taken.

Joo and JunRi..... scary combination.

CEE: Well, what are we going to do about them? Points towards the 'kids'

Sae: Maybe we can leave?

Joo: Pats Sae's head, even though Sae's taller than her We can't. They barricaded the doors already. Looks at JunRi Can't you do that scary controlling thing that you always use on us?

Scary, controlling thing???

JunRi: I can.

CEE: Good.

JunRi: But I won't.


Joo: Why the hell not?

JunRi: Shrugs apathetically I have too much respect for Heechul-sunbaenim.

Sae: What about Riso-eonnie?

Joo: She's right! I'm pretty sure you have less respect for the 'kid'.

JunRi: You're wrong. I don't have 'less' respect for her.


JunRi: I have zero respect for her.

Never mind -_-'

Riso: AWW!!! I LOVE YOU TOO, JUNGGIE! Attempts to hug JunRi. JunRi sidesteps so Riso misses

CEE: Pats Riso on the back You know she hates skinship.

Riso: I know. That doesn't mean I'll stop trying!

Hwaiting, Riso!!!

JunRi: Good luck with that.

Heechul: Anyway! Since you girls all seem comfortable enough, let's start this circus so we can all go home afterwards! Cheers triumphantly

JunRi: Amen to that.

Heechul: She agrees with me!

Sae: Eonnie agrees with anything that involves sleep.

Heechul: Same thing. Anyhoo, let's get into today's topic, children.


Heechul: Today's topic, my freakishly tall hoobaes, is 'TZJQ : DISSECTED'

Joo: Dissected? Eew.

Riso: I don't wanna be dissected....

Sae: Di..ssec...ted? Like with knives and stuff?

CEE: Pats Sae on the head Probably not with knives.

JunRi: .... Soori goes first.

Riso: YAH!

Joo: I agree.


CEE: I second that notion.

Riso: EONNIE!!! Looks at Sae Don't you dare.

Sae: It's a democracy. I'm free to choose whatever I want. I choose Riso-eonnie.

Riso: Traitors, every single on of you. Points at each one of them

Heechul: Sit down, Riso. What 'TZJQ : DISSECTED' means is that we are just going to ask you questions and you answer them as honestly as you can using these Gestures at 5 small whiteboards and 5 markers lovely items.

Sae: Lovely items? Looks at the materials Those are not lovely items. Lovely items are pretty.

Heechul: Whatever.

Yah! Kim Heechul! Stop being mean to your hoobaes!

Heechul: Anyway, since most of the viewers asked you guys 'What are blah blah' questions since they really don't know you yet, we categorized them into basic ones. The most asked question from the viewers:

Question: What word comes to mind when you think about each member?

Joo: The hell? What does that mean?

Heechul: It means, my smallest hoobae, that I will say a member's name and the rest of you will write the first thing that comes into your mind.

Joo: You could have just said that!

Heechul: I didn't want to say anything.

Riso: Lazy.

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Chapter 30: Definitely sticking with you all. Joo is still in the group. uwu
--clairvoyance #2
Chapter 30: Not changing my opinions from before, sticking with TZJQ members till the end :)
--clairvoyance #3
Chapter 29: I dont mind ^^ but it would be nice if you could still keep this story up and give us more details when you can on the next story :D
Chapter 29: Of course, you go for it! And don't worry, use Yoonjoo all you want. I love the way you portray her. c:
park_dobii #5
Chapter 29: Absolutely! I certainly don't mind it, you made Riso so much more entertaining than I had expected and it's great! :) if you wanna rewrite it, go for it. You have my vote
park_dobii #6
Chapter 28: Take your time sweetie! No rush :)
Chapter 28: Take your time, hun! ^^
--clairvoyance #8
Chapter 28: It's alright ^^.