Haven't Met You Yet II

Haven't Met You Yet


Haven't Met You Yet II
Tiffany ignored the blisters that were paining her feet as she brisk walked around the restaurant. 
Where did that little stranger go, she thought to herself as she weaved through the crowd of plastic faces.
It wasn't hard to spot a short girl wearing jeans and a shirt loitering around the ice cream station through the crowd of formally dressed adults.
"Tae…" Tiffany paused to catch her breath. "Tae…" 
"Tae tae?" The short girl chuckled.
"No I mean Tae-"
"Tae. It's cute. Continue calling me that." The short girl beamed somemore. It was hard to comprehend how a singular person could be filled with such happy vibes.
"Why should I?" 
"It's cute." Taeyeon bobbed her head up and down excitedly.
"Not really."
Ohmygod those puppy eyes.
"Fine. Taetae." Tiffany concluded in defeat.
"Yes. Fany." Taeyeon nodded.
"Why Fany?"
"It's cute." She nodded some more.
"Is that your reason for everything?"
"Pretty much." 
"I don't even know why-"
"Follow me!" Taeyeon linked her arm with Tiffany's and headed towards the kitchen.
"Are we even supposed to be here?" Tiffany harshly whispered.
"I'll ask that chef and you ask the other one, okay!" 
"But I-"
Damn those puppy eyes.
"Our target is the mint chocolate ice cream, we gotta work for this!! We gotta work together for this, fellow ninja!" Taeyeon fist bumped an involuntary accomplice.
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
"What's in it for me?" Tiffany whispered to her accomplice as they approached their target location.
"I'll give you one scoop of ice cream!" Taeyeon cheered, only to be quickly silenced by her accomplice who had the tact to remain inconspicuous.
To be honest, Tiffany didn't actually like mint chocolate, she just… couldn't stand them puppy eyes.
"Hi, um, may I get three scoops of chocolate mint ice cream?" Tiffany gave an eyesmile and the starstruck chef miscalculated and gave her five.
The two girls sat at an empty table, sharing the bounty they had acquired.
"Why couldn't you just get it from the ice cream station?" 
"They didn't have the flavour I wanted." 
"Why did I have to ask for you?" 
"Working makes you less bored." Taeyeon concluded while her spoon clean of ice cream.
"So why aren't you working?" Tiffany asked.
"I am." Taeyeon nodded as she shoved another spoonful of ice cream into . 
A couple of spoonfuls later…
"I can't eat anymore." Taeyeon leaned back onto the chair, defeated by her favourite food.
"I don't like mint… anymore." Tiffany leaned forward onto the table, clutching her stomach. "I swear the dress is gonna tear."
"I'll eat one scoop, and you eat the other. Deal?" 
"Why should I…" 
"Pleaaaaaase." Taeyeon whined.
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
"I love you." 
"I love you too. But, we can't do this anymore."
"Why not?"
"We just… can't."
"But I-"
"No. Just no."
"We'll work it out together." 
"I can't-"
A kiss.
Another kiss.
There were no more protests.
Tiffany sat in front of her television squealing at the couple. They finally got back together after 2019283 episodes. Finally! She was blinking happy tears out of her eyes, and she smothered her pillow with a tight hug. 
Prince charming… Hmm… Tall, tan, handsome, muscular. A charming laugh, definitely. He'll serenade me… and… be perfect. 
Tiffany sighed and flung her pillow at the wretched screen. Damn happy couples. 
I just haven't met you yet
"Couples, Jessi, there are couples EVERYWHERE." Tiffany complained into her phone, her annoyance growing every minute.
Silence from the other line. 
"What!" Jessica screamed back, frustrated. 
"I'm talking to you!" 
"It's valentines day what else dyou expect?" Jessica sighed.
"But I-"
"Aah, Yul, ha, wait, I'm on, ha, the phone." 
"Don't care, hang up." Yuri's muffled voice blared through the speaker, and Tiffany cut the line off in disgust, not wanting to hear anything else.
"Ugh, couples." 
Tiffany shoved her phone into her back pocket and tried to continue through the subway without seeing anymore happy couples. 
"It'll be your turn soon Tiffany! Just wait, reaaaaaally patiently." She cheered herself on with a bitter laugh.
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
"Tiffany? Are you ready yet?" Her father called from downstairs.
"In a minute dad!" 
She hurriedly put on the last of her make up and half sprinted down the stairs, her red dress flowing out not-so-elegantly behind her, complemented with the elephant steps that trumpeted her arrival.
"Your father is already in the car miss." Their housekeeper smiled and bowed, opening the door for her.
Mumbling a quick thanks, she dragged her feet to the car, plonking herself down lady-likely into the back seat. 
"You need to be on your best behaviour tonight, Tiffany." 
"Aren't I always?" She flashed a smile at her father. 
Her father smiled kindly back, a first in many weeks. "We'll be sealing a deal with Mr Kim today, his son and daughter will be there. You should make friends with them, it'll be good for you." 
"I know, Dad." Although her mind said otherwise, thinking that they would be fake and snobbish.
The rest of the car ride was painted with silence. 
Tiffany sat at the dinner table, bored out of her wits. She looked at the table, then she looked up at the old man sitting opposite her. She forced a smile. 
"Remember that project we did in Singapore?"
"Of course!" A sip of wine, and more fake laughter.
Tiffany's eyes met with Mr Kim's son, and he smiled emphatically, as if acknowledging her pain. In the meantime, his daughter was still nowhere to be found. Tiffany excused herself to the toilet, and for once, blessed the restaurant for having a toilet that was situated so far away.
En route there, she bumped into someone by accident. 
"Sorry." She politely bowed, then continued onwards.
"Hey wait!" 
That voice sounded familiar…
"Yes?" Tiffany turned around.
"Mint Ice Cream for you?" The random stranger chuckled. 
"Taetae!" Tiffany involuntarily did an eyesmile and pulled Taeyeon into a hug.
"Well, someone's happy to see me today." 
"I am." 
"Why?" Taeyeon asked quizzically. 
"I'm at this reaaaally boring dinner and it's driving me insane. I can't even use my phone." She pouted. 
"Where is it? Maybe I could crash." Taeyeon grinned mischievously.
"Nah, it's some business dinner has with Mr Kim. Y'know that crazy rich one?" 
Taeyeon gasped and then started laughing uncontrollably. 
"Oh nothing, I heard about that dinner. Boss said to be on my best behaviour. He said Mr Kim's children were like little devils. The daughter hasn't even shown up yet right?" 
"You're working here too?" Tiffany gasped, her heart almost aching for the number of jobs Taeyeon had to do.
"Yep. By the way, I heard the daughter is a pretty nice girl. Maybe you guys could be friends!" Taeyeon beamed.
"So she's nice but she's a little devil?" Tiffany frowned. "I don't get it. But from what I've heard," Tiffany leaned forward to whisper, "She's a real b!tch."
Taeyeon raised an eyebrow, then signalled towards the toilet. "You'll see later." 
Tiffany obliged, but found what Taeyeon said a little weird. She stood in the toilet for a little while, using her phone, pacing back and forth, till she finally decided to return to the table of concentrated boring.
When Tiffany returned, she saw, she definitely saw alright. Her jaw suddenly felt the pull of gravity ten times over. She opened so wide and stood there stunned. She couldn't make a sound. 
"Tummy ache?" Taeyeon continued for her then giggled.
"Oh? You two know each other?" Tiffany's dad commented as she took her seat.
"Yes Mr Hwang, we met at the previous event." 
The adults continued their discussion and Taeyeon leaned towards Tiffany to whisper, "A real b!tch, huh?" Then she chortled amusedly, trying terribly hard to keep her volume down. 
Tiffany stared down at her fidgeting fingers, half hoping the floor would crack and the ground would swallow her whole.
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck


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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 7: Damn
kazume19 #2
Chapter 7: Oh man I'm cryingT^T ahhhhhhhh~~~ thank for the great story but the ending kills.....
taenyeveryday #3
Ughhh authornim why the ending....
Chapter 7: The ending... Ouch... I didn't know that that song can turn out to be this sad... But despite the ending, everything is well written!
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #5
Chapter 7: Well.. I don't like the ending
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #6
Chapter 3: Awww.. I love to read their chatting. The emoticons are so cute. Lol
I've read so many stories on here, and to this date, this one continues to be my all time favorite. Despite that ending, or maybe because of that ending, this story really stuck out and I just loved it, great job author !
Taeny4everinlove #8
Chapter 7: NOOooooooooo
eunheelovegg #9
Chapter 7: woah how can that like that >.< but i still like this story ^^