Haven't Met You Yet I

Haven't Met You Yet


"Jagiya!" Tiffany panted as she ran towards him. "Wait up!" She pouted.

He laughed and walked a little quicker, teasing her for her short legs, occasionally turning around to see if she was still there.
"Jagiyaaaaaaa." She whined.
"Alright, alright~" He smiled and walked towards her. "I'm waiting, short legs!" 
"I don't have short legs! You're just tall!" She whined some more as she finally managed to catch up. 
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
"Jagiya!" Tiffany panted as she ran towards him.
"What?" He turned around stoically, his lips forming a staunch thin line.
"We're breaking up."
Tiffany froze, standing stunned. 
"What did I do wrong?" She whispered.
He grimly chuckled. "Nothing."
"Then…" Her voice cracked. "Why?"
"You're the problem." He paused. "You." He pointed right at her. 
"Bye, possessive annoying and loud, ex-girlfriend." He threw their couple ring into the grass nearby. 
Tiffany clenched her teeth and willed herself not to cry, but the tears just kept pouring out. They pelted the hard lonely pavement, as would little spears pierce at her broken heart. 
"It's not the first time, but why does it hurt so much?" Tiffany whispered to nobody. 
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
"He's not bad y'know Tiff." Jessica nonchalantly commented as she blew on her nearly dried pink nail polish.
"But what if he turns out like that guy before?" Tiffany sighed as she painted her own nails, but cursed in frustration as she smudged the side. 
"Why don't you try? It's been a year, y'know." Jessica continued decorating her already done nails.
Tiffany threw up her hands in defeat. "I give up."
"The boy or the nails?" 
"BOTH!" Tiffany half shouted.
"He really seems alright, Tiff." Jessica finally looked up and empathetically glanced at her best friend, her icy eyes softening. 
"I know but I'm scared." She confessed. 
Jessica sighed. "If you don't try, you'll never know."
"Alright, I'll… try to try?" Tiffany forced a smile.
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
Tiffany ended up standing outside a posh restaurant two hours later clad in a full length sleeveless red dress. She paced back and forth, earning quizzical glances from other passer-bys. 
"Yes or no?" She whispered to herself. 
After spending so much effort on the dress, the make up, the hair, she still couldn't make up her mind.
"I can't do this."
She hailed a cab.
I get all worked up, then I let myself down
"Jessi I'm on the way home." Tiffany sighed defeatedly into the phone.
She swore her eardrums almost exploded at the frequency which Jessica shrieked into the phone. 
The cab driver raised an eyebrow.
"No…" She said in a small voice.
"You're going to end up a cat lady, at the rate you're going." Jessica chided.
"I know, I gotta go now Jessi." 
"I'm not done scold-"
Tiffany threw her bedroom door open and collapsed on the ground. She crawled weakly towards her bed. She didn't get it, why was she so afraid? 
Don't cry Tiffany, 
Don't cry.
Blotches of saline patches appeared on her blanket.
I tried so very hard not to lose it
T: He's gonna hurt me again.
J: No he's a different guy
T: What if he says I have short legs?
J: Tiff are you even listening to yourself right now?
T: But he'll break my heart! 
J: You don't know
T: Till you try, I know, but what IF, you know like IF?
J: Tiffany…
J: Then don't date him???
J: Tiff? Are you there?
I came up with a million excuses
White knight in shining armour
Zombie apocalypse
Damsel not in distress
Damsel in distress
Jessica shrieking at cucumbers
I thought, I thought of every possibility
Tiffany stood at the railings of the roof level restaurant. Her red hair lightly blew in the evening wind and she stared out into the skyline. The azure blue sky was slowly disturbed by a pink hue, the sun biding it's last goodbye as it returned to its slumber. That too slowly disappeared to make way for the purplish blue night sky, a starless sky that was disturbed by the city's blaring lights. 
Her heels were killing her, and she dreaded how dinner hadn't even started. She hated it, being her dad's only daughter, the only child of the second most wealthy man in Korea. The cool wind served to soothe her fatigued mind and body, just a little bit, but Tiffany was simply dying to go home. 
"Tiffany?" Her father signalled for her to come over. "Meet Mr Kim. He owns the Kim corporation, you know that right?" 
Yeah, Mr Kim, the wealthiest man in Korea, obviously she knew him. Not to mention he owned the building, so yeah, duh, she knew him.  
"Hello Mr Kim." She bowed slightly, and gave one of her signature eye smiles.
"Ah, nice to meet you Tiffany. I have a daughter…" 
She automatically tuned out. He seemed like a nice man, but she was sick of all the plastic smiles and fake gestures she had to tolerate at such events. 
After excusing herself, she returned back to her railing, gazing out at the skyscrapers, and the little short buildings that seemed so small from afar. 
"Hey." A voice resonated from her left. 
Tiffany inwardly sighed. More people she had to entertain? Why couldn't they just leave her alone? 
"Hey." Tiffany forced a smile as she turned around to face the stranger. 
…. The stranger was surprisingly short.
"You don't have to smile if you don't feel like it, you know." The stranger beamed instead, extending her hand.
"Don't I have to?" Tiffany laughed bitterly.
"Nah, besides I'm not anyone important." The stranger pointed to her clothes.
Jeans and a T-shirt. 
How did she even get into the restaurant?
"You work here?" 
"Hmm, yeah, you could say that." The stranger laughed. "More like I deplete their fridge full of ice cream though." 
"Are you even allowed to do that?" Tiffany raised an eyebrow. 
The stranger giggled. "When you're as short as I am, you're practically a ninja." She made a cross with her arms and took a defensive fighting position. 
Tiffany laughed along, amused by the stranger's silliness. It was the first time she had genuinely laughed at such an event, and it felt pretty nice. 
"Tell you something cool." Tiffany whispered. "I'm actually a ninja too." 
"Oh really?" The stranger leaned in, intrigued. 
"Yep, you see my heels? They're sharp enough to kill someone." The corner of Tiffany's mouth curled upwards as she mischievously giggled.
"Seriously?" The stranger stared at her heels wide eyed. 
"No!" Tiffany burst out laughing. The stranger believed her? "Ha ha ha ohmygod. Ha ha ha ha." She felt like she was getting instant abs.
The stranger pouted. "That's mean!" 
"Couldn't help it!" Tiffany managed to say before she lost herself to laughter again. "Can't breathe…" She slowly regained her composure.
"You're mean." 
"But you're still talking to me." Tiffany winked.
Tiffany wasn't sure, but she swore she saw the stranger's cheeks turn a tinge of pink.
"What's your name?"
"Tiffany. What's yours?"
"Taeyeon." She grinned, then excused herself and quickly ran away, before Tiffany could say anything more. 
And I know someday that it'll all turn out
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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 7: Damn
kazume19 #2
Chapter 7: Oh man I'm cryingT^T ahhhhhhhh~~~ thank for the great story but the ending kills.....
taenyeveryday #3
Ughhh authornim why the ending....
Chapter 7: The ending... Ouch... I didn't know that that song can turn out to be this sad... But despite the ending, everything is well written!
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #5
Chapter 7: Well.. I don't like the ending
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #6
Chapter 3: Awww.. I love to read their chatting. The emoticons are so cute. Lol
I've read so many stories on here, and to this date, this one continues to be my all time favorite. Despite that ending, or maybe because of that ending, this story really stuck out and I just loved it, great job author !
Taeny4everinlove #8
Chapter 7: NOOooooooooo
eunheelovegg #9
Chapter 7: woah how can that like that >.< but i still like this story ^^