Haven't Met You Yet IV

Haven't Met You Yet

White knight in shining armour
Damsel not in distress
Danshin Taeyeon 
Fair Taeyeon
Hehehhehehhe Taeyeon
Charming laugh
Ahjumma laugh

And now I can see every possibility
"I'm dating someone."
"Who is it?" He looked up from his newspaper.
"A girl?" He frowned in disapproval.
"Kim, Taeyeon." Tiffany tried.
His frown dissipated a little and dismissed her from his room.
And somehow I know it'll all turn out
"Hmm?" Tiffany laid on her bed reading a book.
The curtains were swaying gently in the evening wind, and the fan whirred soothingly in the background. Soft music played from her audio system, a song called "Lost in Love" by some random artiste she forgot the name to. 
"Me?" Tiffany looked up and smiled. 
"No, me!" Taeyeon crawled onto the bed, holding something behind her back.
"Aigoo, my TaeTae is just sooooo modest." Laughing, she stretched out her hand, demanding to see what her girlfriend had behind her.
"You're not cute, you're beautiful." Taeyeon shyly pulled out a paper rose and offered it to Tiffany. 
Tiffany blushed deeply, and she swore her face almost became an over ripe tomato.
"So corny." 
Taeyeon came closer and sat next to Tiffany, resting her head on the taller girl's shoulder. 
"Sorry I didn't get anything great for our first monthsary." 
"Says the one who actually prepared something." Tiffany giggled.
"So now you owe me?" Taeyeon's eyes lit up.
Tiffany smirked. "Not really."
She flung her book to the side and flipped over, an unreadable smile on her face.
"I'll give you something… intangible." After that, there were no more words.
She chastely kissed Taeyeon on the lips, her arms locked onto Taeyeon's neck as she pulled her girlfriend closer. Her hands were roaming further downwards as their kiss deepened, their tongues locked in a fierce battle. Before long, Taeyeon's shirt was flung to the floor and she whimpered as Tiffany breathed against her neck, driving her nearly crazy.
"Wait, ah, wait, Fany." 
Tiffany stopped when Taeyeon said her name. "Hmm?"
"Don't you think we're going a little fast?" 
She paused to think. They were. But she hadn't noticed. She just felt so safe, so loved by Taeyeon, she didn't seem to find a problem with devoting her everything into their relationship.
"Let's wait." 
"Okay." Tiffany pouted. "But one more kiss."
The moment their lips touched again, they ended up going further than what both of them had initially planned.
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
The bolster is exceptionally squishy today, Tiffany thought.
Then she remembered, and realised her lovely girlfriend wasn't a bolster. She was an ahjumma, an annoying danshin, but definitely not a bolster.
"Morning," She yawned as she got up, pulling the blanket up with her.
Taeyeon scattered to get some clothes on.
"No fair, you cheated with that kiss."
"Sorry, couldn't help it." Tiffany smiled, and all Taeyeon could do was fake a sigh.
"And how come you get the blanket while I get to rush to get clothes?" 
"You look good ?" Tiffany winked, earning a blush from her TaeTae.
"You love me more than ice cream, so deal with it!" Tiffany laughed and stuck her tongue out at her speechless girlfriend.

They say all's fair In love and war

"Omg TaeTae why won't you die already?!" 
"It's not my fault you're using charmander!" Taeyeon laughed at the game console.
"How was I supposed to know you were going to use squirtle!" 
"Fine, fine, I'll lose for my dear Fany." Taeyeon conceded and proceeded to use splash for the next ten turns.
"Finally!" Tiffany cheered as squirtle fainted. 
But I won't need to fight it
"I can't do this…" Taeyeon groaned and tossed the pen onto the table.
"Yes you can!" 
"Nooooo I can't." 
"Yesssss, you can!" Tiffany insisted, and passed her the pen.
"You answer a question too!" 
"What does satipsi mean in korean?"
"You know what, I'm going to sit over there until we both get our answers okay? Text me when you're done!"
"No butts Tae, the only  you can stare at is mine." Tiffany winked, acknowledging the byuntaeng. 
A few minutes later, Taeyeon texted her answer over but Tiffany still couldn't find the right answer, even with the help of an online translator. 
"Hi! Have you gotten your answer yet?" Taeyeon mischievously asked.
"Ohmygosh you tricked me there's no such word!" Tiffany lightly hit Taeyeon on the shoulder in frustration.
"It says, Saranghaeyo Tippani-ssi" Taeyeon giggled as she whispered.
"Ugh, you!" Tiffany couldn't help but smile.
We'll get it right and we'll be united
"It feels like I'm going to meet your dad or something." Taeyeon smoothened out the wrinkles on her plaid shirt and pouted. 
"My best friend isn't my dad, TaeTae." Tiffany laughed.
Taeyeon fidgeted awkwardly, trying to fix her hair that needed no fixing. "But what if she doesn't like me!" She frowned. "What if she forbids me to see you!" Taeyeon gasped in mock fear. 
A giggle. "You won't die if you can't see me TaeTae."
"So you'll let her tear us apart?!" Taeyeon pointed an accusatory finger at Tiffany, frowning in feigned anger. 
"Maybe." Tiffany winked teasingly then leaned in to kiss Taeyeon on the cheek. "Now behave! She doesn't like badly behaved children." 
"I'm a child now?" 
Taeyeon sighed, conceding defeat. There was no way to beat Fany's tongue… Hehehe. Ah! Bad byuntaeng! Save them thoughts for later! Taeyeon smoothened out her shirt again, her mind seriously needed to stop wandering about. 
"Tiff!" A blonde haired girl followed by a raven haired girl walked briskly towards their table. 
"Jessi!" Tiffany immediately got up, throwing her arms around her best friend. 
Taeyeon got up tautly, extending a hand towards Jessica. "Nice to meet you." 
After being finally released from Tiffany's vice grip hug, Jessica looked Taeyeon from head to toe, nodded then returned the handshake. "Nice to meet you, Taeyeon." 
The raven haired girl stepped out from behind her.
"KIM TAEYEON?!" Her jaw dropped in disbelief. 
"KWON YURI?!" Their reactions were alike.
Then they both burst out laughing. "It's been a long time." 
The four girls took their seats, and they started chatting. 
"So how do you guys know each other?" Tiffany began. 
Yuri scratched her head and Taeyeon laughed, slipping her hand in to intertwine with Tiffany's.
"I ummm." Yuri grimaced. "ummm." 
Jessica glared at her. "Just say it already." The room's temperature suddenly felt like it dropped a couple of degrees. 
"We dated for awhile." Taeyeon finally spoke.
"WHAT." Both girlfriends exclaimed at the same time. 
"Baby that was ages ago!" Yuri pleaded.
Tiffany just continued smiling and Taeyeon couldn't tell whether she was going to die or not. She frowned. Was she?
"You've got some explaining to do, Kwon Yuri." Jessica chewed on her words and spat them out venomously. 
"Fany?" Taeyeon hesitantly looked up at her girlfriend. 
Tiffany still remained passive. 
"It was a really short relationship! We didn't even kiss or anything!" Yuri was flailing her hands about animatedly, trying desperately to please her jealous girlfriend.
"Hmph." Jessica looked down at her pasta and started jabbing at it as if it had offended her in some unspeakable way. 
Tiffany leaned closer to Taeyeon and whispered. "Aren't you lucky I'm such an understanding girlfriend." 
"Luckiest person alive." Taeyeon whispered back and grinned.
Yuri glared daggers at both of them. "I hate you!" She mouthed, then returned to her attempts to cool the ice princess down. 
Taeyeon squeezed Tiffany's hand happily then glanced at the couple in front of her. 
"Definitely the luckiest person alive."
And I know that we can be so amazing

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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 7: Damn
kazume19 #2
Chapter 7: Oh man I'm cryingT^T ahhhhhhhh~~~ thank for the great story but the ending kills.....
taenyeveryday #3
Ughhh authornim why the ending....
Chapter 7: The ending... Ouch... I didn't know that that song can turn out to be this sad... But despite the ending, everything is well written!
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #5
Chapter 7: Well.. I don't like the ending
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #6
Chapter 3: Awww.. I love to read their chatting. The emoticons are so cute. Lol
I've read so many stories on here, and to this date, this one continues to be my all time favorite. Despite that ending, or maybe because of that ending, this story really stuck out and I just loved it, great job author !
Taeny4everinlove #8
Chapter 7: NOOooooooooo
eunheelovegg #9
Chapter 7: woah how can that like that >.< but i still like this story ^^