Changmin, I ……….JAEJOONG?!?!?!

The Melody of a Possibility


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“Shut up!....for her is hard…..she is a fragile girl.”

“Fragile my !...not literally…but she is the most aggressive girl I have ever met….she can beat you in basketball and I don’t only mean in the score, she could really hit you….”

“I know” he said smiling, while he remembered that she had already hit him and not only once.




Jaejoong left Yunho and went to look for Boa, they needed to start practicing for the music project; they had already lost enough time. The days without talking….the day at the lake, the day at the beach…it was time to practice the song.


He was looking for her in the playground, the backyard, and the classrooms.

“Where could she be?” he asked himself.


But Boa was in the back stairs with Changmin.


Changmin´s POV

“Sorry Changmin….I know you were worried about me.”

I turned to look at her.

“It´s ok Boa….after you sent me the message I knew you were fine…..but….were did you go?”

I asked her that, but I really wanted to ask her about Jaejoong. She was with him on Saturday?...

In the field trip they left together….and today he said he was HER oppa.

She had never called me like that….even though I´m always with her.

Last year when I asked her the reason, she told me that she didn’t want people to think we were more than friends….. She really hurt me….

“Changmin?......are you ok?” she asked me waving her hand in front of my face.

I guess I was lost on my thoughts.

“Yes I´m fine… you went out with Jaejoong??!!”  oh no!....this wasn’t the  question….well yes…but….aish!

She gasped. “Well…..yes……and now we are really good friends, you know…”

“Just good friends…….so you call him oppa…?”

“Yeah….he is more like a brother… know Kyuhyung is an idiot….he is the worst brother…so I found a new one.” She answered happily.

My mind started flying…….AGAIN…

But… did Jaejoong become her oppa that easily??

Even when she says that Kyuhyung is the worst brother….he really cares for her….the first time I went to her house….I had to pass a whole interview…….

So Jaejoong is also her brother’s friend or what???


“Oh Boa I hope that is ALL what he means to you.” I said really soft not sure if she heard me.


I stoop up and left her. I didn’t turn back and she didn’t called me back………I don’t know if I did the right thing but………what really hurts me is that she really doesn’t understand my feelings.


Jaejoong’s POV

In the back stairs of course!.........I’m so dumb…..she is always there……..

I run to the back stairs……..and there she was.

“Boa….finally I found you…” I say hardly breathing after running.

She acted like she didn’t hear me. She remained sitting in the stairs looking at the air.


“Changmin, I………” she turned back and looked at me “.………….JAEJOONG?!?!?!”

“Yah…don’t shout….let’s go….we need to practice for the music project remember?...”


I grabbed her hand and walk downstairs to the music classroom.



Boa’s POV 

Why did Changmin act like that?………..I had seen the same face………but when?.........

He seemed so disappointed…….did I do something wrong?.......if he said he knew I was fine when I sent him the message…….what’s the problem……….?


OH! Changmin came back!

“Changmin, I………” I turned back “.………….JAEJOONG?!?!?!”

Jaejoong!....of course…….the oppa thing…..I mentally slapped myself

but…..I already explained to Changmin why I called Jaejoong, “oppa”……it was enough explanation right?......

“Yah…don’t shout….let’s go….we need to practice for the music project remember?...”

The music project…………I almost forgot……but why do I feel uneasy as if Changmin seemed mad at me…..he is always good to me….even when I make mistakes…he comfort me……

“Yes…yes….” That was all I managed to say while I organized my thoughts about Changmin.

Jaejoong grabbed my hand…………I’m getting use to this…….but I don’t want……..I DON’T LIKE WHEN PEOPLE PULL ME WHERE THEY WANT!...........


“THE MUSIC ROOM?!” this is why I meant by being pulled to where others want……..sigh. 


“Yes….where else do you think we can practice?”


“Seriously Boa, you are TOO LOUD….use your voice to sing……..NOT TO COMPLAIN!”


I gave him an angry look……..he was a better oppa?...I don’t think so…

He didn’t care and entered the music room.


“You know…” he said as he sat on the bench and took some music sheets “this is therapy.”


“This is torture…” I said softly as I approached him.

“A Whole New World” he said looking at me as I sat beside him.



“We will play that song. Don’t complain……” I hadn’t even assimilated the information, and he had already told me not to complain……….stupid oppa……..I don’t let others control me.

I stood up and started walking to the door when………he began to play……..


“A Whole New World”…that was all I could say before I turned back to look at him playing the piano.

End of POV

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Dailycommenter #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 2: this is my 2nd time reading this, I love it! I like better YunBoA but this worlk for me! just great! :D
seems interesting
Chapter 60: Such a cute ending!!!!! One of the cutest bojoong fics I've ever read. This is one of my favourites!!! The other one I rlly like is play the keys to my heart by sweets. Both rlly cute!!! Thank you for making me love bojoong even more!!!
Chapter 57: AWW SO CUTE!!!!!! THE SCENE AT THE END!!!!!
Chapter 56: Oh geun suk is this good? Oh haha okay!
Chapter 54: I haven't been commenting a lot because your story is really interesting I just read past each chapter without commenting hahaha unless something interesting happens in the chapter . I rlly like how bojoong finally made a progress!!!!! Yes!!!!! Although I have a bad feeling about geun suk. Hmm.
Chapter 51: Aww the piggyback scene was so cute!! I rlly like this story, i gave up reading some time ago but I started again only to find out BoA left jaejoong ya. But anyway now I rlly rlly find your plot amazing!!!
this story is so cutee!! ><