
Without you

                         Dong Wan woke up after being splashed with cold water,again. He opened his eyes only to see blurry vision in front of him. He shook his head to regain his full conciousness. And then he saw it. Park Shi Yeon with his husband were sitting arrogantly on the chairs,watching him. There were two people besides them and six people scattered around the warehouse. Each of them had weapons on their hands like katana, knife, pistols and everything that dangerous. That brought sudden chill to Dong Wan. Who are these people? The right question is 'what' are these people? Dong Wan struggled in order to be released but of course, he did not make it. Park Shi Yeon got up from her sitting position and walked to Dong Wan. 

"What a pathetic human being, you are...Soon, you will be dead alongside your so-called lover..", She whispered evilly on Dong Wan's left ear. Dong Wan gritted his teeth.

"Let me go,a*****e!", Dong Wan struggled more,hoping that he could untie the rope around his body. Since he was shirtless, the pain was more but he did not care. He wanted to get out from there and kept Eric safe from the evil witch in front of him. Park Shi Yeon laughed loudly with her high-pitched voice.

"Don't ever try, Dong Wan-sshi",She grabbed his hairs hardly and forced his head backwards. He only looked her eyes that was full of revenge. He refused to give into her.

"You can make me suffer all the way you want, but you will never get to touch Eric!!In your dreams!!", Dong Wan yelled to her face. She got mad and slapped Dong Wan's face.

"YOU...", she did not finish her words because her husband gave her signal to be silent.

"He's here...", he told his wife. Park Shi Yeon gave Dong Wan a murderous glare before she walked away from him. She approached her husband and kissed him which brought annoyance to Dong Wan. But, that did not really matter because he was more concern about the arrival of Eric. Did he really have to come? He already told Eric to not come here, why this friend of him was so stubborn?,he wondered. He looked at the entrance of the warehouse when it was opened. It was so bright for him because he did not exposed to bright light for long hours. All he managed to see were five shillouettes stood proudly and he could recognized all of them except for one unfamiliar figure. He blinked his yes for a few times to make sure he was seeing the correct vision. They were four of his Shinhwa members and a girl. A girl? Why would a girl be here? His shock got increased because finally he could see that all of s wore a familiar outfit. The outfit that they used for filming Run's MV, while for the 'girl', 'she' wore a white blazer with a white skirt and black sunglasses on 'her' milky skin face. There was also orange scarf tied on 'her neck'. Dong Wan nearly laughed to see his awkward members. Despite that, he suddenly focused on the pistols that hold by them. They really serious?

"Eric!! I told you not to come here!!", Dong Wan yelled to his leader. Eric just smirked and walked forward to Park Shi Yeon while grabbed the white-outfit 'girl''s waist. The 'girl' giggled and hit Eric's chest softly. But, he still stole a glance to Dong Wan who was badly injured. He signalled Dong Wan with his eyes to believe in him.

"Hy...Oppa~~", the 'girl' squeaked. Park Shi Yeon hugged her husband only to annoy Eric but it did not work. Instead, her husband stared at the 'girl' from the head to toe. He was mesmerised by the beautiful white-outfit 'girl'.

"I am not surprised to know that you are the culprit, Shi Yeon-sshi. But, to involve your husband too in this?That one is interesting", Eric said to Park Shi Yeon.

"Shut up!Where is the money??", Park Shi Yeon insisted. She had ordered her undermen that once she got her hands on the briefcase, they would kill Dong Wan and Eric.

"Be patience, Shi Yeon-sshi...", Eric snapped his fingers. The 'girl' handed him the brief case. Again, he smirked. That was because he was succesfully distracted Park Shi Yeon and her husband. The couple did not realise that the other three had sneaked behind them to 'work' on the henchmen. Min Woo secretly chopped one of the men and he fell immediately but he got hold before any sound of thud heared. He moved to the next one that was focusing on Shi Yeon's hands. He hit the man's head using his pistol. He succesfully made two men passed out and thumbed up to Eric. Eric saw that from his corner of eye and let out a smile. Dong Wan that saw the entire situation was really surprised but he also smiled, knowing the strength of s. He felt relieved for a while even though he was still tied.

"Who is this girl?", Park Shi Yeon asked Eric with an angry tone. 

"My girlfriend~~", Eric said and that startled both Park Shi Yeon and Dong Wan. Dong Wan widened his eyes, not believing what Eric had just said. 

Jun Jin grabbed the nearest man from the back and closed his mouth. He gave him a powerful blow enough for made the man fainted in his embrace. Swiftly, he moved to another man that unfortunately realised his presence. Before the man could utter any word, he kicked the man's guts and pulled the man from the vision of Park Shi Yeon and her husband. He hit the man's head in order to make sure that the man fainted like others. Then, he thumbed up towards Eric,signalling that he made it. 

"I thought you are a gay..", said Park Shi Yeon sinisterly while winced her eyes.

"No,I am not~", Eric told her and suddenly grabbed the girl's face and kissed her passionately. The girl hesitated for a while but she followed Erc's lead. Park Shi Yeon and her husband really shocked to see that. While for Dong Wan, he closed his eyes to avoid from seeing the next scene. Sure,with no doubt, there was a feeling of jealousy rose deep inside his heart.

Hye Sung silently approached the last two. The two were too immersed with the scenes of kissing to realise all of their partners had been knocked out. They did not even realise when their back had been hit by a spinning kick and suddenly fell down on the floor. Never underestimated the beauty face because he had a 4 dan of black belt in Taekwondo. He took care two persons in just one kick. He lifted his thumbs up,same with other members to signal Eric.

Eric just finished kissing the girl. Park Shi Yeon did not believe what she just saw. She looked disgustingly at both of the two persons in front of her. 

"Then, it is useless for me to keep him anymore!", Park Shi Yeon took the briefcase by force and waited for her men to kill Dong Wan. But,to her surprise, there was nothing happened. She was bewildered and looked sharply to his husband. And then, she turned around and saw that all of her henchmen had been knocked out. There were three persons giving her evil smiles. There were only two persons who stood besides her and her husband left as their protection. Those two so-called bodygurads panicked and got hold of their weapons readily. The 'girl' got off from Eric's grip and approached the left man while Eric moved to the right. They moved too fast, making Park Shi Yeon and her husband startled. They were speachless when the 'girl' suddenly grabbed the man in front of him and threw him hard on the floor after dodging a slash of katana. He seized the katana and pointed it at the neck of the falling man. While for Eric, he gorgously (in Dong Wan's point of view) gave uppercut to the guy that intended to shoot him with a pistol. It was so hard, enough to make blood splattered from the guy's mouth. Obviously,he fainted after received the pro-wrestling learner's blow. He took the pistol and threw it far.

"It was not so hard. Where do you hire this people?",said Eric after clapped his hands and turned to face Park Shi Yeon. The white-outfit 'girl' moved to Dong Wan to release him. With a smooth swift slash, the rope was untied. Dong Wan collapsed to the floor after that. Eric quickly went to him and supported him. He nearly cried when he saw there were too many wounds on Dong Wan's body. The bloods were still there. When he touched it, Dong Wan flinched.

"I'm sorry to be late..", Eric said and lifted Dong Wan to his feet. Dong Wan just stayed silent,refused to say anything. He felt angry inside because there was a girl beside Eric. He looked sternly at the girl. And then, he saw it. Park Shi Yeon was pointing a small gun towards Eric. None all of the group realised that because they were gathered to help Dong Wan. Dong Wan quickly turned Eric to the other side and then,

"BAANNGGG!!",a sound of gunshot was heard,added with the police sirens. Park Shi Yeon ran,leaving her husband behind, to the entrance only to be welcomed by many police officers. She dropped the gun and stepped backwards. She was really panicking until she lost balance and dropped on the ground. A women officer grabbed her and handcuffed her. She was struggling but it was useless. Her husband was also got caught. All of them felt relieved when suddenly Eric screamed,

"DONG WAN!!",Eric saw blood was flowing at Dong Wan's back. 

"Hyung!!", the 'girl' also screamed with a man's voice. 'She' finally pulled off 'her' wigs and quickly helped Eric to support Dong Wan.

"'s you....", Dong Wan said before slowly, he slipped from Eric's grip,losing his conciousness.

"NOOOO!!!!", Eric yelled.




Author's note: okay...I did not know what I just wrote....I'm sorry...T^T.....this is my first time to write something like this...huhu....there will be one or two chapters left.....Should I continue or just left this story like this?? =p huhu...T^ be honest...i'm really sorry...

~thank you for reading~

to: TaecYoon_KhunToria, specially for u~~

to:feelgyo, it has become a habit to mention u in everything~~Hehe~~

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Chapter 5: Omg...I never read RicWan before and I never thought that I would like it. This was so amazing.
I like it very much. It was cute, handsome and funny a little bit and so exciting.
I can say yes I like this fanfiction.
You did a good fanfic X3 Hope I can see more from you in the future.
Chapter 6: woww please make another ricwan story i love them tooooo muchhh and your story are super great i love it. dongwan is such a cutie (even though i think he is dumb) but still he's to sweet to ignore
Chapter 6: Awwwwww!!! love him. Now stay by his side....Im a little uncomfortable by wanjin, but they are in the past so i will forget them as ricwan is the now and the future. Also, i like mentally unstable wannie. it is interesting. Im glad dongwan didnt die. He doesnt deserve it. He is too good for that.
Chapter 6: Awww yat yat, this is amazing! Seriously, this is really good.
I thought his lover was dead at first and then when he talked to Jinnie I thought he was the one outside the door, so when Eric barged in and it all got revealed it was such a shock to me!
So Jinnie moved on from wan but Eric was always in love with him... It's good eric saved him, they can be happy together, Eric is a good person, he is strong, that's what Wannie needs
Chapter 6: Kyaa i miss RicWan and you made one unnie! Hehe I thought Dongwan would die and he was trying to kill himself bcs of Eric but it was bcs of Junjin....

Love Eric....he saved him and confessed to him... RicWan <3 hope you fall in love to Eric soon, Oppayam ㅋㅋㅋㅋ thank you for made this unnie!
Chapter 5: I thought this will be sad ending, but I'm thankful that this is happy ones! Yay!

I loved when Andy shouted 'stop being dramatic!!!' ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Ehhh? The girl is actually Andy? I thought it was Hyesung, ㅋㅋㅋ
hopelesswriter #8
Chapter 5: omygosh...this is so cute n funny!!!
although the earlier chapter was intense n it kinda creep me out at how shinhwa just beat n chop? the bad guys? like whoaaa there...xD...
and Eric is just soooo melodramatic from the beginning till end...hahah it suits him n his weirdness...xD...clueless Junjin's excitement n getting hit by mama bird Hyesung is just so funny...n RicDy...nooo...n when Dongwan got suffocated from everyone jumping on claiming him at the n the last scene...junjin lifting dongwan to get into car? omg..n eric being childish to mindy...this is all gold...especially teh ending line....'four of them sighed'....i LOLed so much....thanks so much for this...never thought i'd have hope to find any RicWan here since almost every shinhwa fic i find in aff are ricsyung/jindy/'re my RicWan saviour...xD although i feel a lil sad seeing Park Siyeon being the baddie...since i love her...despite her being Eric's ex...i mean...he has a couple of ex...but she's the most well known ex i guess besides kim heesun...but still...i love this fic. those idiots...xD...sorry for spazzing too much. i just got excited...><...Thanks again for sharing this.
Chapter 5: He didn't die :D
And oh how I loved Wan and Andy discussing they Ricdy kiss, it was the best thing :P
And then, the confession, it was really so cute, so, accidental :P
And the ending, so stupid lol :D
Fighting to not leave lol