Two Souls
While 2012 was full of screams down the metal track, 2013 was full of spins and going up. 2013 is year where I get to spend my time trying out new things, doing things in a different way and taking up challenges that is beyond what I am capable of before.


Things has gone smoothly. I was studying throughout the year (but still almost fail my exams). Well, this year, I did a little change to the tradition.


I don’t think I’m the prude girl anymore but still, I still have them in me in some ways. Making new friends, arguing with friends and crying too easily were the thing that happened this year. It’s not always a fun ride, but it is worth living it.


Although I regret that I’m not improving on some ways, but if Allah gives the will for me to keep on living tomorrow, I’ll do my best.


Out of all the things that happened, there are things that struck my heart deep and never left.


I learnt that friendship isn’t about staying together 24/7. We could not talk for the whole day but when the time has come for us to talk, we talk like it we are separated for years. I learnt that a best friend is not always the one who clings on your arm. They could be miles apart, separated by mountains and rivers, but they are close to the heart. I learnt that sticking with a group of friends is never fun. I actually socialize this year, and the fact that I have more friends than last year is something to be proud for me.


I learnt that forgiveness doesn’t always comes fast. It could take a year or more but if we could just give them some time, they will forgive you. To forget is hard but to forgive is harder. I learnt it the hard way in 2012 but in 2013, I learnt that it doesn’t hurt to let the ego down and be the one to apologize first. To the guy and the girl, I’m glad we cleared things up this year.


I learnt that the friend you always thought of as best friend is not always the best. It does hurt me but maybe I was wrong in giving the title to easily. At the same time, when you found the person who just clicks with you in so many ways, at that point, I never want to let go of her. May our friendship lasts years to come and please let me make a speech on her wedding day.


I learnt that telling someone your problems once in a while doesn’t hurt. I used to be the keep-everything-to-yourself kind of girl. I don’t think I need that title anymore.


I learnt that time is running out. The sand in the hourglass can’t go back and no matter what happen, the paint has been splattered on the canvas and there is no way going back to white.


I wish 2014 will be a good year for everyone. Even if it doesn’t go the way you plan to, there is always a reason it happens. This might be a ty post of the closure of 2013 but hey I tried. Now all I have to do now is focus on my studies and score well. MAKE YOUR PARENTS PROUD EVERYBADEHHHHH


Also, I think for 2014, it's gonna be a tough year (if you're a malaysian you know why) so giving upon kpop for a year wouldn't hurt right? Lol now im imagining coming back to asianfanfic or allkpop or soompi to read news or new fanfics and finding LOT OF NEW COUPLE AND BLOCK B HAVING A WORLD TOUR AND COLLAB WITH BIGBANG AND THERE'S LIKE MORE WINNER FANFIC EHEHE okay im overboard. 


ANYWAY, enjoy your new year guys (^o^)v cause im pretty sure i wont ;____; TAKE ME BACK WHEN I WAS A KID PLS


im sorry this isnt an update im sorry im a bad author i'll update on my chinese new year holiday i love you guys

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jayn419 #1
Chapter 12: Hey i didnt know u are a malaysian.. im a malaysian too. Yeah, totally get it. bet u are taking spm. Im glad im done with my school years but im stuck with college OTL anyway, fighting!
jayn419 #2
Chapter 9: U mixed up jongin and kai in the present time
jayn419 #3
Chapter 8: Just start reading this and i really like the story and how it evolves. I dun really care about chapters though. So, it's fine by me to know or not. 2. Totally get the plot of your story. I can distinguish between the past and present. 3. I guess.. 4. Im a new reader, so i'll try reading it later :) 5. I was on hiatus for 2 years but I've heard their songs and they were nice but i cant say much more since i dun know them very well. Sorry :( 7. I think u are a good student! I used to get top 20.. 8. Kai of coz 9. Baro 10. I dun have any fav ship. Yeah i know. much. Im trying my best to answer all ur questions, author-nim :) sorry for the long comment, though. And grammar errors.