Chapter 2

The Vampire's Reason

Another day.

Another day at a school that making her life a living hell. Who would she be with? No one! Too bad MinHo was at the other school though it was a walking distance from hers. YuRi hesitated from waking up, although her alarm was annoying her. She stood up from her bed and went to her closet, picks her uniform and went to the bathroom.


After a refreshing bath, she took off downstairs just to see her cold master at the dining table. Just seeing Kai, it ruined her day. She rolled her eyes and sat at the dining table where Kai was waiting for her. Just as she seated, Kai looked at her with a grimaced look. Kai being jealous as ever, didn't show it. He has to portray the look of nothing, no emotions.


Silence reigned over the dining table. Until, Kai broke the ice, "Eat."


"I'm not hungry..." YuRi asnswered.


"I said eat!" Kai commanded.


"Am I a dog to follow your orders?!" YuRi answered, "Besided, I don't have the appetite to eat." She grabbed her bags and went out to set off to school.


Kai silently sighed. He never got a chance to have a breakfast with YuRi. For the first years of YuRi's stay, they eat breakfast together but, for an unknown reason, YuRi started to eat breakfast at school. Although, he was her master, Kai can't ban her from eating breakfast at school for it is the only way, the only way to show her freedom.


Kai sipped from his wineglass, filled with animal blood. He can't drink blood from humans because he would go frenzy over it. He thought of it, and it breaks his heart. YuRi can't be his. He almost broke the wine glass he's holding. He can't absorb the thought. He shook his head and stood. He also grabbed his bags and went off to school.


Just as he stepped into the campus, his clingy girlfriend, Audrey, came up to him with a grin on her face.


"Hi, Ken," then she clinged to his arm. Audrey calls her Ken for she knows 'Ken' is his nickname. Only YuRi calls him Kai, for she was somewhat special.


"What?" Kai asked irritatedly.


"Ooohh, my boyfie is hot-headed," Audrey said while pouting. Kai didn't even bother to look at her. It will only make him go laugh. He must maintain his ice cold look. No emotions. No love. But, how did he and Audrey... had a relationship?


It was Kai's first months back then at his current school. All eyes were on him, specifically, girls. He likes this attention. YuRi was with him just last year. He let YuRi to be alon in the crowd even though he was her companion in the mansion. Besides, YuRi was just his slave... he thought. Then there is this girl that he liked back then. Her name was Audrey. He admired her the most.


"H-hi..." Kai startled when he approached Audrey for the first time. It was their break time and Kai didn't have a place to sit, "Can I sit with you?"


Audrey slightly blushed and agreed. Kai sat in front of Audrey. They awkwardly ate their food in silence until Audrey had the courage to speak, "Uhm... Kai?"


"Yes?" Kai answered. His heart was pounding in his chest. It wants to esplode right out.


"I-I..." Audrey sighed, "Like you..."


Kai's face lit up. She liked him? It was almost a miracle somehow. Kai approached Audrey who was blushing hard. He hugged her tight and whispered, "I like you, too..."


These past few years, his heart changed. It all shouted, YuRi! Not Audrey. He started to being a cold one. Audrey didn't notice. Kai became cold for he wants a serious break-up between him and Audrey. She was clingy and stubborn, also, childish and spoiled. What she wants, what she gets.


"Leave me alone, Audrey, just for the day," Kai said and pushed away Audrey's hands away. She stood in the middle of the hallway, dumbfounded. Audrey blamed it all to YuRi, she (YuRi) took away Kai from her... she will do everything to take him back.


After his morning class, Kai went out to have lunch. He hasn't seen YuRi for the day even a trace. He felt his phone vibrated and read the text message.


Meet me at the park, by the swing. Six in the evening... sharp.

From: MinHo


'Now what does he want?' Kai exclaimed at his mind.


MinHo was patiently waiting for Kai to arrive. He sat by the swing where he and YuRi talked. He has the instincts that Kai would never failed to meet him. He looked at his wristwatch which says 5:59 in the evening. Just one more minute. The rustling of the grass and the strong wind blew, signalling Kai arrived. MinHo stood. He knew that Kai is a vampire.


"What do you want?" Kai asked with a slight anger at his voice.


MinHo looked straight in his eyes, "YuRi can't be yours," he said, straightforward.


Kai cocked one of his eyebrows and asked, "Why?"


"She belongs to us..." MinHo said.


"Then what are you... really?" Kai insisted. He read MinHo's mind for he has the ability to do it like all the other vampires. Kai stepped back. He was surprised for what he have read.


"I knew you would read my mind," MinHo shooked his head. Kai abruptly punched MinHo in the face. Because of the strong impact, MinHo blasted to the ground, he wiped off the blood on his lips. He stood up and smiled sheepishly. He had enough of this. He was about to leave when he left his last message for Kai...


"YuRi will never be yours...

She doesn't belong with you...

She doesn't deserve you...

And I will do everything just to take her away from you..."





Oh-my-god~! Here's the update guys~! Sorry for keeping you wait. Busy for school (._.) Is my update lame? Sorry if yes... still tired~! But... waaaahhh!! What did just Kai read? ~^O^~ I'll tell you... in the right time!


XOXO blackpearl_16

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Nicole_Nombres #1
Chapter 13: Please continue this story i love the flow of this story
Chapter 13: Omg. Sana ituloy mo to! I hope you still continue this!!
Chapter 13: it's been a long time authornim ! update soon okayy :)
Kittycatploy #4
Chapter 13: I like this story >~<
please update soon >~<
kpoppereve #5
Chapter 13: Please update soon ..
This story is very nice :))
Chapter 13: I'm a new reader here,author and your story is very nice :)
Update soon~
sitisyahirah #7
Chapter 13: Nice story author-nim.
Update soon, please... :)
Chapter 13: thanks for update hehe~
Chapter 13: This is really nice~ waiting for another update ♥
Chapter 13: Ono! I missed this story so much!!! <3
Thanks fso much for updating!!! Such a frat chapter! Anticipating the next!!!