
Better than You and Me

I bit into my lower lip as I gazed up at my boyfriend, my breaths coming in short, small gasps. I was meeting his family finally and the mere thought was killing me. He... Jonghyun had the perfect family, or at least that's what I understood from how he spoke about them.

His mother was loving and sweet, father caring but firm. His sister who sadly wouldn't be able to come home as she was overseas, was charming and also beautiful. The main cause of my nervousness was how I neither I, nor my family was any of those. Surely, I was somewhat good-looking and according to him, nice but... I was nothing else but some snarky kid whose parents never cared about him.

He had even told me that once, around a week or so ago when we got into a fight. I knew very well that he didn't mean it, he was just angry but... It had truly hurt. I almost thought of leaving him but just as I was about the run away, he had pulled me back, strong arms holding me to his chest tightly as if he never wanted to lose me.

I didn't want to lose him either because already, I loved him. My dreams used to be solely about darkness that used to comfort me but now, he had concured both my days and nights and made me feel loved, adored even. He pampered me like I was some child and I loved it despite how a small part of me was sometimes telling me that it was a bit too much.

Was finally being treated like a human by someone who was close to me really that bad?

"Why so nervous?" he asked me as he pecked my nose lightly, making me giggle softly."I hope you know that they love you already." he added with another sweet peck, this time right onto my lips.

I blushed deeply out of habit, still not quite used to his compliments. It was so easy to just let everything go when he was near yet so hard to crawl back to the cruelty of reality whenever he would leave me, even for just a few hours or maybe a day or two. We were pretty much inseparable... and our bond would never break.

It was something special that had no name yet still had an immense power over the two of us. Ever since we had met and shared our first kisses, we could barely part and even it brought pain to the both of us. It was like we truly belonged together and could never be separated. 

Such a beautiful love we shared, such a lovely bond. Even if we sometimes struggled or fought, we knew well that truly, we would never be able to leave each other. Our fates were intertwined too much already, like tangled shoestrings which could never be separated again. It filled me with bliss and fear to know that I depended on someone to such an extent.

My independence was gone, blown away by the same breeze that had caused us to cross each other's paths. 

"So much thinking, so little kissing." He teased me once more as he broke me out of my state of staring ahead. I blinked and felt my cheeks heat up to an uncomfortable temperature.

"Shut up." I mumbled but still kissed him lightly."I'm meeting your parents, I need to make a good impression or they will throw me out."

"I've told you before that they love you, babe. Just calm down, take a deep breath and let's go in. You can do it, we can do it. Mom is not your mom and dad isn't your father, they won't judge you or ignore you or whatever those idiots had done to you, okay? You belong here with me, which means that even if not by  blood, you are related to them. Mom has seen your picture and she adores your hair..." He was rubbing soothing circles into my lower back and I almost mewled from the odd source of pleasure. He knew how sensitive my skin was to his touches and loved to use it for his own good. Even know, I could feel him smirk as he kissed me once more before pulling away.

"If this goes wrong, I'll do something bad." I mumbled to myself as he tugged at my hand and led me into his house. It wasn't very luxurious, actually it looked pretty ordinary and well, somewhat mundane, but incredibly cheerful. The hall was tiny and crowded: the walls could be barely seen under the dozens of coats that covered it. As I slipped out of my shoes, I could feel the soft rug under my feet and wished that we would have something like that at home, too.

"Come on, you'll have the time to look around soon." Jonghyun said as he started leading me to what I assumed was the living room. It was huge and brightly lit with a nice, seemingly soft couch in the middle. In front of it, lay a similar rug to what I had admired before, its color being a soft green.

"I assume you are Kibum." I heard a warm voice say. Quickly I looked up and bowed, my knees shaking as my gaze was met by eyes similar to ones that I adored so much. A petite woman was looking at me with a stunning smile before suddenly pulling me into her arms."Such a cutie..." She added as she rubbed my back lightly."Dear, you're so skinny, have you been eating at all?"

"Yes, ma'am." I answered, my once shaky. I had practically melted into her arms the moment she was hugging me as she reminded me of the mother I always yearned to have.

"Well, seems like you need to eat more, baby. You're skinny as a stick." She said as she let go of me and lightly pushed me back into Jonghyun's awaiting hold."My husband had to excuse himself, he was needed for a case at the station, sadly. But we will still eat, kids." She added before looking at me once more."You know, if I didn't know that you aren't from me, I would swear that your mother is a dear friend of mine. She lives near with her daugther, she actually looks quite like you..."

"Does she?" I asked her before we both shrugged and giggled a little."Maybe she's my false twin or something..." I added.

"Or not." Jonghyun chuckled against my head before leading me to the dining room that was warm and nice...

I just wished that I had a home like this.

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I edited the end of the chap, I totally forgot about the whole thing I wanted this to revolve around until now T.T


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Chapter 5: I didn't understand very much the epilogue.. But oh well.. Good job anyway, i liked it. :3
Good job authornim, I love it!
marimpar #3
Oh Ive already finished reading the full story and I really liked it.
You should write more happy endings like this
I hope read more of your works =)
WOOOOOOOO! LOVE THIS!!! <333 This story is extremely cute...! and kinda mysterious... because of the dream thingy but oh well, it's beautiful! and well written ! :)) Good Job author-nim! Hwaitingg~!
Chapter 5: Hmmmmm... I'm still wondering how in the world Jjong entered Kibum's dreams....
Chapter 4: Oooh !! Soo who is he ?? Can't wait xD
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finally they're met^^
so good!!! really love it <3
so amazing jjong~
BellaVard #8
Chapter 4: Wah! I cannot believe, for the first time, I don't mind a story ending after a few chapters when I've been obbsesed for a long time.
Cannot wait for the epilogue, oh my god~! Thank you authornim..
Chapter 4: Wooooo! Yay ! A sequel would be nice! Yayyyy~~~!
Mawyna #10
Chapter 4: Interesting.. Dream do come true. So, Key met Jonghyun once, just that he didn't realise that. I love this, author-nim. Key should thank his mother for moving to this new neighborhood. (Sigh).. Guess I never miss someone along the way since I never dream like Key ..
Well written, author-nim..