
Better than You and Me

My eyes grew wide as I stared at him, my lower lip quivering."You're just kidding, right?" I asked quietly, my voice softer than I had intended it to be. I closed my eyes as gentle hands started playing with my hair, fingers ruffling than smoothing it down again and again. 

"No. I guessed that you need something to cheer you up a little. And well, I think it fits you." He murmured as he pulled me a little closer. I just hummed softly, too exhausted mentally to actually try and come up with a reason to why the person in his dream knew so much about him."I hope that you feel a bit better..." 

"I'm okay." I whispered quietly and moved my head a bit, burying my nose in the crook of his neck."Could you please just hold me a little? I just... need a moment..." My lips were forming those odd words of dependence so quickly that I couldn't stop myself, even if I should have. This person, this stranger with gleaming silver hair and mischievous little smirks was nothing more than a figment of my way too vivid imagination. Even if I already wished that he wasn't, I knew that he was nothing more than that.

He was just...someone I had probably seen once in my life. I once read in a book about dreams that you could only dream about people you have seen before, meaning that I must have passed him on my way to somewhere once in our city or he was someone in my school whim I had accidentally brushed past on a few occasions. The logical part of my brain was like this still, telling me that he did exist and he had been close to me once or twice, I just didn't notice him. Now somehow, I regretted it because maybe if I did, it could have really been his arms wrapped around my waist and not ones that had been created by my brain to trick me into thinking that I had someone.

Maybe, but only maybe I could have had someone before, maybe a year or two ago, if I had opened my eyes then. But how could have I known when I had been focused too much on pushing people away? 

I could have lived better if only I had looked around instead of hating on everyone. Because if there was someone in the world of my dreams that liked me for me, then there was someone like that out in reality too, right? Maybe... maybe I still had a chance of finding them.

I felt myself being shaken away but I still looked up at the stranger, seeing his lips curl into a loving smile."Wake up now, I'll meet you soon..." He whispered, planting a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you..." I whispered, cheeks flushing a deep red as I clung to him for a few moments, not letting my mother's annoyed voice tear me away from him quite yet."Thank you..."

"Finally, you're up." My mother's short sentence was what completely tore me out of my dream world. I rubbed my eyes a little and nodded, quickly getting out of the car once I realized that we had arrived. The house in front of me was tiny and old, probably much older than the tall fence that surrounded it. Just by looking at the sight of my home I hated it.

It was like I had suddenly been picked out of a fairytale-like lifestyle and tossed into one that only paupers deserved. Sure, my mother was still wealthy but our new house showed everything but that. 

"It's dazzling, isn't it?" My mother asked with a forced smile as she picked up her smallest bag."Kibummie, dear please help the girls carry the stuff inside." She motioned to the maids that had just stepped out of the small car they had been traveling in. They all looked tired and worn out although they were smiling widely.

Was it only me who didn't like our new house?

However, just as I passed the maids, picking out a suitcase from the back of their car - my mother's stuff had been put there while their own luggage was in the huge van with most of our furniture that had yet to arrive - I heard them whispering about how disgusting our surroundings were.

"At least someone agrees with me." I whispered softly to myself before carrying the suitcase inside, sighing as I took in the appearance of the hall. It was small and it was enveloped by a nasty stench, just like something was rotting in the wall. I cringed and quickly carried everything to small storage place, already knowing that my life had suddenly changed for the worse, even more than I thought it would.

At the evening once everything was in its place - I had received a small room with peeling wallpaper and the perfect view of a dead tree from the window - I decided to go out and discover our new village a bit more. My mother's boyfriend had taken her out for a dinner so luckily, there was no one to hold me back.

I ended up walking in circles in the quaint village, not really wanting to go home yet. Most of the houses looked decent and some people had even greeted me, making a small talk with me about whether I was new or not. I answered with a soft yes every time which only made them nod understandingly.

A little girl had even asked me if she could hug me. I let her, not really caring that she could be some skilled little pickpocket doing small tasks for her mother. Luckily she either wasn't one of those kids with foul hobbies or she wasn't quite skilled enough because my wallet wasn't missing once she twirled away.

After some time, my stomach started growling quite loudly and I decided to drop in by the small grocery store I had passed on my way to the center of the village. It was cosy and furnished pretty well, obviously wanting to impress customers.

Suddenly, I felt like time had stopped. Someone tapped my neck, the mere touch sending my heart into a frenzy. I knew that spark, I knew that smooth fingertip: it was him.

I turned, my eyes widening as I took in his grin, his eyes that radiated love and longing and his gleaming, silver hair.

"Told you we would meet, didn't I?" He asked, his face dangerously close to mine. I nodded, letting the lollipop I had been holding drop to the floor with a small thud."Glad you're here already..." He added sweetly.

"Me too." I whispered dumbly before pressing my lips on his cheek quickly."But... will you tell me your name now?"

He just shook his head with a chuckle."You will learn that soon, baby. But, I have a question first. You can ask me anything after that." His words were soft and sweet as he pecked my cheek lightly, holding me a bit closer.

"Okay..." I murmured, feeling lost in his embrace already. He lightly grabbed my chin so we were looking into each other's eyes before he pecked my lips a little.

"Do you know what's better than you and me?" He inquired sweetly and I shook my head, not really understanding what he meant."It's us."

AN: Due to the close deadline, the fic is OVER but, there will be an epilogue in a day or two xD It will explain everything since it will be from Jong's POV, probably xD

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I edited the end of the chap, I totally forgot about the whole thing I wanted this to revolve around until now T.T


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Chapter 5: I didn't understand very much the epilogue.. But oh well.. Good job anyway, i liked it. :3
Good job authornim, I love it!
marimpar #3
Oh Ive already finished reading the full story and I really liked it.
You should write more happy endings like this
I hope read more of your works =)
WOOOOOOOO! LOVE THIS!!! <333 This story is extremely cute...! and kinda mysterious... because of the dream thingy but oh well, it's beautiful! and well written ! :)) Good Job author-nim! Hwaitingg~!
Chapter 5: Hmmmmm... I'm still wondering how in the world Jjong entered Kibum's dreams....
Chapter 4: Oooh !! Soo who is he ?? Can't wait xD
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finally they're met^^
so good!!! really love it <3
so amazing jjong~
BellaVard #8
Chapter 4: Wah! I cannot believe, for the first time, I don't mind a story ending after a few chapters when I've been obbsesed for a long time.
Cannot wait for the epilogue, oh my god~! Thank you authornim..
Chapter 4: Wooooo! Yay ! A sequel would be nice! Yayyyy~~~!
Mawyna #10
Chapter 4: Interesting.. Dream do come true. So, Key met Jonghyun once, just that he didn't realise that. I love this, author-nim. Key should thank his mother for moving to this new neighborhood. (Sigh).. Guess I never miss someone along the way since I never dream like Key ..
Well written, author-nim..