
Better than You and Me

For quite some time, sleep had been my haven. I would let myself sink into the pure darkness each night, loving the empty feeling it gave off. I honestly was fond of how I would feel nothing but peace there. How no one would bother me, how I wouldn't be exposed to the cruelty of others.

I might have had everything but deep down, I felt like I owned nothing. 

My parents were nice. My mother made my lunch everyday and my father would take me to school because we lived quite far from the school I went to. My sister was a little snobbish but kind, too.

I had friends. 


They loved me for what I possessed: looks, money, attitude. I honestly wasn't fond of any of them and would have given them to anyone had it been possible, but sadly, it wasn't the case.

Never in my life had anyone praised me for something had created. It was kind of funny, given that I was an artist. I drew and painted all day, sometimes even at night when the moon would illuminate the garden that laid in front of my window.

I loved the flowers that bloomed there wildly as they had no one to take care of them. My mother had been once intrigued by the garden but not much later, she had decided against even keeping it. It had been me who pleaded her to let the many colorful flowers grow as they pleased. 

And there was something in the wilderness that had quietly covered the once much-used benches and swings that charmed me. It was odd, especially since most of the expensive plants had died out due to not being taken cared of. 

But beauty blossomed between rusty chains and chairs in the form of small, white and blue flowers, while magic seemed to buzz from the trees that every year, would bring more and more fruit.

I loved resting under them, watching as birds would fly between their branches, chirping blissfully. I would, at those times, fell asleep quicker than in my own, plush bed and the darkness would reach me in mere moments.

When awake, I would always try to memorize each little detail of the garden. My main reason was as simple it could be: the next day, everything would change. 

There was not one day that the garden was the same. Still, I never felt the need to do anything for it, to water to plants or remove the ones that had withered already. I simply basked in its simple but vivid beauty. 

With a sigh, I closed my eyes once again. I had to stop thinking about being outside when I was in the prison of my room at the moment. A storm had broken out quite a few hours ago, right when I had sat down in front of my favorite apple tree. So sadly, I didn't have the chance to sleep there.

Even if I would have loved the rain, my mother had practically dragged me inside. She knew very well that I had stayed outside in the rain many times. 

Sleep was my haven, but the garden was the place that would help me reach it quicker. It was like the shortest, easiest path to one's goals. Risky but short and somewhat bittersweet.

With a shuddering breath, I nuzzled my nose more into my pillow. I already felt darkness wrap me in the safest of cocoons and soon, everything ceased to exist.

Something was different this time. The darkness was still there, hugging me, pampering me like I was its child, but a figure was standing just a few feet away from me. I could only see the back of the intruder but I already knew that he was special.

And then, he turned. His eyes were wide and full of happiness. His hair was silver and it seemed to gleam even if there was no source of light near us. His face was emotionless though, thin lips pursed into a straight line.

"Who are you?" I asked him. My voice was low and shaky as I stepped close to him, swallowing thickly when his piercing eyes seemed to trace every inch of my face. Something was there in those eyes, something I had alwas longed for.

Passion, maybe... Or longing... Love? No, the latter was impossible. Love didn't exist, not in my world, at least. I didn't believe in such pure things anymore.

"I was told to never tell my name to strangers." He murmured, a mischievous smirk tugging at the edges of his lips."Plus, where would be the fun in that? If I told you my name, you would know who to look for. Isn't it good enough if I know who you are, Kibum?"

I shuddered as he reached out to touch my cheek. I felt like the ice around my heart melted a little just from his smooth, deep voice. He was enchanting me, empowering me in the darkness that before, only I had been able to break through. And for some weird, twisted reason, I loved it.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked him quietly, biting into my lower lip as he brushed his thumb against my cheek.

"Let's just say that it wasn't as hard to find you as you might think it was." He chuckled lowly and pulled me close. His strong arms encircled my waist by ease...

I leant against his chance, inhaling his scent. He smelled just like the garden. Wild, sweet, bitter...strong. 

It was an odd mixture of smells but I somewhat loved it.

"Why are you here?" I asked him again, wrapping my arms around his neck. Light flickered above our head suddenly and I heard him let out a low, displeased sigh.

"I have to go now. Sweet dreams.." he whispered.

And just as he disappeared, my darkness was back.

For the first time, I felt lonely there.

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I edited the end of the chap, I totally forgot about the whole thing I wanted this to revolve around until now T.T


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Chapter 5: I didn't understand very much the epilogue.. But oh well.. Good job anyway, i liked it. :3
Good job authornim, I love it!
marimpar #3
Oh Ive already finished reading the full story and I really liked it.
You should write more happy endings like this
I hope read more of your works =)
WOOOOOOOO! LOVE THIS!!! <333 This story is extremely cute...! and kinda mysterious... because of the dream thingy but oh well, it's beautiful! and well written ! :)) Good Job author-nim! Hwaitingg~!
Chapter 5: Hmmmmm... I'm still wondering how in the world Jjong entered Kibum's dreams....
Chapter 4: Oooh !! Soo who is he ?? Can't wait xD
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finally they're met^^
so good!!! really love it <3
so amazing jjong~
BellaVard #8
Chapter 4: Wah! I cannot believe, for the first time, I don't mind a story ending after a few chapters when I've been obbsesed for a long time.
Cannot wait for the epilogue, oh my god~! Thank you authornim..
Chapter 4: Wooooo! Yay ! A sequel would be nice! Yayyyy~~~!
Mawyna #10
Chapter 4: Interesting.. Dream do come true. So, Key met Jonghyun once, just that he didn't realise that. I love this, author-nim. Key should thank his mother for moving to this new neighborhood. (Sigh).. Guess I never miss someone along the way since I never dream like Key ..
Well written, author-nim..