
Better than You and Me

I let out a distressed sigh as I plopped down on my bed, eyes tearing up. I didn't want to leave, not yet. But already, maids were packing my stuff and urging me to at least gather my personal belongings so they wouldn't have to touch my underwear. This whole thing had changed so quickly: I never even had the chance to tell my mother that no, I didn't want to move.

She had found a new lover, apparently. It was a young man, maybe twenty years younger than her. He was tall and good-looking with sparkling eyes and gleaming teeth. He was borderline perfect: only, he lived far away.

So now, we were selling our own home so we could move in with him. He was luckily quite wealthy and oh: talented, too. My mother was just as smitten with him as my father used to be with her before I was born. So he had convinced her quite easily to just leave everything behind.

I let a heavy sigh slip past my lips as I quickly slid down my bed and started shoving everything I found into a smaller suitcase that had been on the cool floor previously. I wanted to tell the maids to leave but knew that my mother had asked her and the others to help me out so we could leave as soon as it was humanly possible. 

I wanted to say goodbye to the garden but I refused to show it to the maids who were giggling as they ran around my room.

"Young Master, do you want to keep this?" One asked suddenly, making me turn to her quickly. An elegant silver necklace was dangling from her short, chubby fingers. I tilted my head to the side in confusion, having never seen the gorgeous piece of jewel.

"Of course." I mumbled with a rapid now and reached for the necklace. Suddenly, I felt a rush of heat hit me: it was by no means unpleasant, just familiar and gentle... I had only felt it two times before, both when I dreamt of the mysterious, silver-haired boy. I clenched my fist around the necklace and let out a soft sigh, for a moment feeling like he was there, his arms wrapped around my torso tightly. 

But I was pulled out of my unrealistic daydream too quickly: the maid shook me lightly, asking me if I was okay. I nodded mechanically, wishing for her to shut up. Her voice was like some child's: high-pitched, loud and annoying. 

Normally, she and her hoard of hyenas that cleared the house for my mother - she had hired a dozen of young girls the moment my father and sister left, claiming that she needed female companion but in reality she was just too lazy to clean the house - stayed away from my room. They knew that I wasn't fond of anyone touching my stuff and I knew that they were glad to have some free time when they were cleaning my room, or to put it more simply, gathering in a nearby guest room while I gathered the trash and some others things they had to take out. So I guess it was a good deal.

I sighed and ran my hand through my fluffy hair nervously. I knew that it was impossibly for the necklace to be related to the strange person in my dreams, especially as he obviously didn't exist, but... something in my heart was telling me that I was missing a crucial point, that I was thinking too logically. My brain though, was telling me that my sister had probably decided to give it to me as a parting present and I had only found it now. The theory made sense, but sent me into a sudden state of sorrow. I just wished I knew why.

I shook my head, and sighed, knowing that I had no time to waste, we were going pretty soon and I still had some things to pack... 

Quickly, I picked up a few more things and tossed them into a bigger suitcase from before. Then, I closed it and looked around. Already, my room looked too empty, like no form of life had been living here before. I didn't want to leave yet I knew that I had to.

As my mother had said, her new boyfriend couldn't just abandon his house and young children - they lived near him with their mother - just because of us. The fact that we could just pack up and go was a little upsetting but she had never really cared for me in things like this so I didn't really argue with her.

Not like I would have won. If she could do one thing well, it was crushing people's hearts when winning fights. She was merciless and never cared for other. Only my sister had been able to melt her heart a little now and then, but not before showing her fake tears to other mother. Apparently, she was a flawless actress.

Numbly, I dragged two suitcases to the van that stood in front of hour vast house. I sighed softly, feeling a couple of tears slide down my cheeks."I gonna miss this place." I mumbled, more to myself than to anyone who were walking hurriedly around me, carrying boxed and furniture.

"I won't." My mother said, making me shudder as her sudden presence had startled me a little."The walls are ugly and so is the garden. The new owner will probably burn the whole thing up once he sees its state."

"Why would anyone burn down a garden?" I asked but she just shrugged. I could only hope that the plants and tress I adored so much would stay intact in the end. Sure, I knew that it was unlikely for the new owner to start a fire just because of the small part of wilderness caged by tall fences but that didn't meant that he would keep it in the end. There were many ways to get rid of unwanted greenery, after all.

Not much later, I was sitting in the car, the necklace now dangling from my neck. I loved how whenever I looked down, I could see the small but beautiful patterns on the pendant and feel like someone was there with me, hugging me. I felt safe even if I was scared of moving. In a way, I knew that life would be the same as always: people would like me but only for my money and my mother would ignore me. Only, I would never be able to go back to the garden.

I found myself in the depth of darkness again. The sweet chirping of birds lulled me into a peaceful state as I looked around, wondering if I would see the stranger again. Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around my waist and lips were brushing the tip of my ear.

"Do you like my present?"

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I edited the end of the chap, I totally forgot about the whole thing I wanted this to revolve around until now T.T


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Chapter 5: I didn't understand very much the epilogue.. But oh well.. Good job anyway, i liked it. :3
Good job authornim, I love it!
marimpar #3
Oh Ive already finished reading the full story and I really liked it.
You should write more happy endings like this
I hope read more of your works =)
WOOOOOOOO! LOVE THIS!!! <333 This story is extremely cute...! and kinda mysterious... because of the dream thingy but oh well, it's beautiful! and well written ! :)) Good Job author-nim! Hwaitingg~!
Chapter 5: Hmmmmm... I'm still wondering how in the world Jjong entered Kibum's dreams....
Chapter 4: Oooh !! Soo who is he ?? Can't wait xD
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finally they're met^^
so good!!! really love it <3
so amazing jjong~
BellaVard #8
Chapter 4: Wah! I cannot believe, for the first time, I don't mind a story ending after a few chapters when I've been obbsesed for a long time.
Cannot wait for the epilogue, oh my god~! Thank you authornim..
Chapter 4: Wooooo! Yay ! A sequel would be nice! Yayyyy~~~!
Mawyna #10
Chapter 4: Interesting.. Dream do come true. So, Key met Jonghyun once, just that he didn't realise that. I love this, author-nim. Key should thank his mother for moving to this new neighborhood. (Sigh).. Guess I never miss someone along the way since I never dream like Key ..
Well written, author-nim..