
Better than You and Me

The next time I saw him, I was frustrated. School had passed quickly that day and my mother, for some odd reason probably even she didn't understand, had insisted on her accompanying me to the garden. 

I shrugged it off, thinking that she simply wanted to spend an hour or two with me. However, just as we reached a tall tree that was in full bloom, cream-colored flowers gleaming in the sunlight, she looked into my eyes with a low sigh.

"Sweetheart we... I... Your father and sister had left." She said finally, biting into her lower lip. I had never seen my proud mother like this, so scared and tired."They moved because his old girlfriend suddenly wants him back. We hadn't liked each other for quite some time now, so we decided to separate in peace."

"Oh." I murmured, looking down. I had always known that there was something dysfunctional about my family but I would have never thought that my father would leave so suddenly."So, what happens now, mother?"

"We stay here and hope that I'll find someone else." She said simply. Despite her words, her eyes were filled with sorrow and her voice was shaking."I'll take you to school every day and we could maybe hang out a bit more. I've always spent more time with your sister and I want to change it."

"Well... we'll see what happens, mom." I said after a few minutes of utter silence. She nodded and walked away wordlessly, not even looking back when I reached in a sudden attempt to pull her back. I wanted to tell her that it would be alright, that we would be able to become 'friends' but... I knew that she only wanted to be close to me because my sister left and it was only the two of us. She had always preferred her over me. She was pretty and smart, not to mention witty, just like our mother. I was smart as well, but I was more of an artist. And well, my mother never understood art.

I sighed quietly to myself, letting my arm drop limply. I wasn't sad... My father and I had never been that close, neither have me and my sister. We lived together like a family,acted like we were one but... We were just for people, stuck in an endless circle of waking up and going to sleep, avoiding each other in the middle.

I sat down on the cool grass, loving the softness of it. Moments later, I was lying, eyes closed. The gentle sun was caressing my face soothingly and I let out a soft, blissful sigh, willing it to lull me into the state of darkness where I would be able to forget about my family.

Just as I was enveloped by the eternal black, I could feel warm arms wrap around my frail waist. I tensed, eyes darting up until I could see sad, brown orbs boring into my own.

"You're sad." He whispered the two words simply, quietly. I shook my head a little, biting into my lower lip. No. I wasn't. I wasn't feeling anything but the warmth that was radiating from his toned body.

"Am not." I stated softly, burying my nose in his shoulder by instinct. I inhaled his scent and relaxed slowly, letting myself melt in his strong embrace. I didn't know him, but this all was nothing but a dream. I could let him hold my as in the real world, I was still myself. Kim Kibum, the rich boy. Kibum who drew and painted but people only recognized him for his bright, expensive clothes.

Only here, in my darkness was I different.

"Sure, that's why you're crying, right?"  He rubbed my back lightly and pulled me a bit closer before laying his head on top of mine."Don't worry, I'm here for you."

I barely noticed that I was crying before, but from that moments I was suddenly aware of hot, wet tears were rapidly sliding down my cheeks, dampening his T-shirt."I'm not sad." I whispered through quiet hiccups, like a child who was denying having done something very bad. I felt ashamed of myself and betrayed, but not by my own strength.

By my father and my sister... Maybe even by my mother because she didn't even try actually talking to me other than telling me the facts. I felt so lost suddenly and so, so scared of what was about to come.

"Why... why did they leave?" I asked quietly, my soft voice echoing in the darkness that used to be my haven. I felt those muscled arms tighten around my frame and pull me closer as soft kisses were pressed on my forehead repeatedly, slowly soothing me.

"Because they are not destined to live with you for a long time, because they don't see who you are." Those sweet sentences were my reply and I clung to them desperately as in this world, I wanted to blame myself for everything. Those words though, were telling me otherwise, urging me to go on.

"Do you think I will have someone like that? Who will see who I am?" I blurted out those questions rapidly, my own eyes growing wide when I realized what kind of words had just slipped out my lips. I needed no one, especially not in a world where everyone just betrayed me and hated me for who I wasn't.

"Probably. Maybe you have them already, darling. Just look around, search for them." His voice was steadily getting softer and soon his warmth was starting to disappear. I knew that he was leaving because at the same time, I was waking up.

At first, I felt cold rain drop on my skin. Then, I recognized the chilly winds' whips hitting me again and again. My eyes darted open and without moments, I was dashing into the house, my whole form shaking already.

I was happy because of the rain, because it hid the tears that seemed like they refused to stop, even after I woke up.


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I edited the end of the chap, I totally forgot about the whole thing I wanted this to revolve around until now T.T


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Chapter 5: I didn't understand very much the epilogue.. But oh well.. Good job anyway, i liked it. :3
Good job authornim, I love it!
marimpar #3
Oh Ive already finished reading the full story and I really liked it.
You should write more happy endings like this
I hope read more of your works =)
WOOOOOOOO! LOVE THIS!!! <333 This story is extremely cute...! and kinda mysterious... because of the dream thingy but oh well, it's beautiful! and well written ! :)) Good Job author-nim! Hwaitingg~!
Chapter 5: Hmmmmm... I'm still wondering how in the world Jjong entered Kibum's dreams....
Chapter 4: Oooh !! Soo who is he ?? Can't wait xD
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finally they're met^^
so good!!! really love it <3
so amazing jjong~
BellaVard #8
Chapter 4: Wah! I cannot believe, for the first time, I don't mind a story ending after a few chapters when I've been obbsesed for a long time.
Cannot wait for the epilogue, oh my god~! Thank you authornim..
Chapter 4: Wooooo! Yay ! A sequel would be nice! Yayyyy~~~!
Mawyna #10
Chapter 4: Interesting.. Dream do come true. So, Key met Jonghyun once, just that he didn't realise that. I love this, author-nim. Key should thank his mother for moving to this new neighborhood. (Sigh).. Guess I never miss someone along the way since I never dream like Key ..
Well written, author-nim..