


To be honest, I was waiting for a camera to puff out of nowhere and a whole bunch of strangers, together with Soohyun and Myungsoo, will laugh at me saying everything is just a prank. But none of what I expected showed up.


It was hard for me to take in everything. I’ve been waiting years for Soohyun to finally say those words to me and now that he’s confessing right on my face, I don’t know how to react anymore.


I sighed and buried my face on his shoulder. If this is my last chance, I’d probably tell him what I really feel, right? Besides, we can’t be together even if I want to. “I…. I like you too.”


And I can’t understand why my heart felt so heavy when I said those words to him.




Today is the tenth of October, my sixteenth birthday. While everyone was having fun at the party in the garden, I stayed inside my room. I just hate the attention. This was all my mom’s silly idea and I already agreed to appear once and wear this embarrassing, too girly dress in front of my classmates, relatives and family friends I’ve never seen before.


My door was slightly opened and I sat in front of the dresser, removing the thick make-up they caked in my face because it was so irritating, when I heard voices arguing in the hallway. Normally, I would’ve ignored them until I realized it belonged to my parents.


“Honey, we can’t announce it here. It’s too early, Suzy just turned sixteen.”


I sneaked behind the door, trying to make out what they’re talking about. My parents never fought or if they have, I’ve never seen it. Dad sounds like he’s a bit anxious. “This is the perfect timing. Our relatives and family friends are here. Besides, Myungsoo will be in college next year. I’m sure our daughter will understand.”


“You know your daughter, she’ll both hate us for this. I just want a good future for her.”


A sigh. “Merging our companies will ensure a good future for her. All they is need is a little time, I’m sure they’ll eventually like each other.”


“I think so too, did you see how the boy looks at Suzy? My little darling grew into a fine piece of a lady, I’m so proud.”


Seconds of silence. “You’re right. Let’s wait a bit longer. I don’t want to give her a shock her on her birthday telling everyone she’s already engaged to Myungsoo.”




How long has it been since I last saw Myungsoo? Seven years. I only heard bits of news about him, like he continued his studies abroad and he’ll be handling a high position in their company once he comes back. He never came to visit, or so I heard he did a few times, and as if fate is playing a joke on me, those times happened when I was out of the country to attend some important matters.


The first day of winter, when Soohyun confessed to me, I admitted I liked him as well but we had other matters to prioritize: mine was the arranged marriage with Kim Myungsoo. The next day, Myungsoo was nowhere to be found. Mom said he went back to Seoul to fix his transfer papers to New York. I felt a bit mad, to be honest, I thought somehow we shared a connection, how can he not at least tell me he’s leaving? A few months after he left, my parents told me they decided to cancel the engagement.


The phone buzzed against the glass top of the office table. I paused from reviewing the last designs submitted by the new hired architects. Soohyun’s name registered in the screen,


“Hey,” I started, fiddling with the red pen in my free hand.


I can imagine him smiling in the other line, “Hi, beautiful. Free for lunch?”


“I think so. I’m good for one and a half hours,” I glanced at my wristwatch, “You’re lucky today.”


He laughed, it was one of the many things I like about him, “Meet you in the lobby by 12?”


“Rest assured I won’t ditch you.”


“See you in a while.”


I smiled to myself, “See you.”


Five minutes after twelve, when everyone went on their own for lunch break, I scrambled inside my bag to retouch my makeup and fix my hair before heading to the first floor.


I scanned the place for any sign of Soohyun’s presence but I can’t see him, maybe something came up or he went to the restroom for a while, so I just waited near the entrance and fiddled with my phone.




I looked up….. and as if seven years is long enough to make myself ready, I was very wrong. There he was, a few meters away from me, the person I was waiting for a long, long time to come back, Kim Myungsoo.


I stared at him in disbelief, my knees suddenly went jelly. I thought my heart was going to explode. I tried opening my mouth but nothing came out. I waited for him to look back and call my name, just like how he used to do before…. but he didn’t. Myungsoo never turned to look at me.


I don’t know if he even saw me there. He was way too busy talking to the girl who called her. There was a tinge of pain in my heart. We did become friends, right? Or at least, I thought we once were. He left without a word, how can he just come back after seven years like nothing happened?




I heaved out a sigh of relief when I saw Soohyun waving enthusiastically at me. “You’re late.”


He grinned and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry, sweet. I had a bit trouble parking the car.”


“It’s okay. Let’s go?”


I wanted to get out of the place as soon as possible. It was too difficult for me to stay in a room knowing that Myungsoo is just a few meters away from us and I don’t even know if he’s conscious about that fact.


Soohyun held out his right arm to me, I held onto it tightly.


We decided to dine in a Japanese restaurant. Soohyun ordered and kept looking at me, maybe he’s sensing something bad happened way back in the office and he was too slow to notice it. We’ve known each other for a long time so I guess it just works that way.


“I know you won’t say anything, but I’ll still force you to tell me so you better not waste your time.”


 I glared back at him, he laughed. “Suze, come on. Oh wait, let me guess. Were you just about to confess to me and you’re having butterflies in your stomach right now?”


I rolled my eyes at him and looked away.


He chuckled, “Hey, if you want me back in your heart, I’m still willing. Unless, there are other volunteers that you plan to accept.”


Soohyun and I started dating during my last year in college. We were stable for three years. The first year was the most difficult one. I learned that he just courted me to get back at Jiyeon. You see, the three of them, including Myungsoo, have known each other since middle school. Jiyeon was Soohyun’s first love and he had a hard time moving on when they broke up. It turns out that the guy Jiyeon really likes is Myungsoo, who didn’t reciprocate her feelings because I don’t really know since he’s a douchebag who only thinks of himself and I didn’t ask anymore since I was a bit hurt.


That was all in the past now and I already forgive him. Besides, that wasn’t the reason why we broke up. We figured that we didn’t really work out the right way as lovers. I loved Soohyun, I really did. Just not in the way a woman is supposed to see a man. I think I liked him a lot since I somehow understood how he feels. Myungsoo is the favorite child in the family, which is supposed to be the place for the first born son. Soohyun tried to impress his parents, studied all night long and worked hard to get their attention, something that his younger brother still get without even doing anything. And just like him, no matter how hard I try, I am still Bae Suzy, the girl who was left by her very own mother without even bothering to give her a name.


“I thought we had a deal,” I , trying to take away the main attention from me.


He nodded. “Yes, we do. I’m not closing any possibilities to it, you know.”


“Just four more years, darling.”


Soohyun smirked before stuffing a salmon sashimi in his mouth. “Considering the state you’re in right now, I think that’s not very long.”




“Suzy, I have this friend. He came back from U.S. about a few months ago and their company is planning to do extension.”


I continued studying the blueprint laid in front of me, studying the littlest details, “So, what are you trying to say?”


“He’s asking me to recommend the best architect I personally trust, who is none other than….you.” I tossed a huge crumpled paper at him. “Hey, what’s that for?”


“Ya, Choi Minho! If you can’t see I’m busy, then I’m telling you right now, I am. Get out of my office and find someone else to disturb.”


Minho laughed heartily and sat on the swivel chair across my table. “I’m serious, Suze. He’s a really good friend of mine and what he’s doing is no minor thing. Mr. Kim is a big client.”


I stopped and stared at him, studying his face. Knowing him, it’s either he’s trying to set me up on a date or he’s playing around again. Seriously, I think he’s a bit too old for pranks. We graduated college several years ago and besides, he already has a daughter.


“Fine, I’ll do it but you have to come with me.”


He looked confused. “What for?”


“So I’ll be sure it won’t be a freaking blind date again.”


The curve of his lips rose in a corner, “And what if it is?”


I shot a glare at his direction. “I’ll tell Jiyeon unni, got it?”


Minho scoffed, standing up from his seat. “Don’t you always find a way to blackmail me? Alright, alright, I’ll go with you. I’ll set an appointment with him this Friday.”




Fifteen minutes before three in the afternoon, I arrived at the location Minho told me and waited for him at the lobby. I scanned the interior of the building and figured that Mr. Kim is really no minor thing. Most of the materials they used were imported from Europe which is quite expensive considering the increasing exchange rate of Korean won to pounds.


“Flower unni!”


I turned and automatically opened my arms to catch the cute, little girl approaching. “Hi, little princess. What are you doing here?”


Minho followed along and sat next to me, watching his three-year old daughter busy playing with the end curls of my hair. “I’m sorry, Suze. Jiyeon needs to attend an important convention and our parents can’t make it until tomorrow. No one’s going to look after her.”


I smiled and lightly ruffled the little girl’s hair. “No problem. Hana’s a good girl, am I right, princess?”


She enthusiastically nodded and the colorful ribbons in her hair bounced with her head. “Hana will be a good girl,  promise.”


“I’ll go buy something for her to eat first. I’ll meet you in the seventh floor.” Minho turned to his daughter and smiled. “Appa will be back. I’ll get you lots of strawberry milk, so behave and follow your flower unni, okay?”


We were already in the seventh floor when the secretary called and informed me about the delay in the supply of materials for an important client. Fortunately, the deal was arranged through a series of charm speaking. I learned that one from Soohyun himself.


“Hana, do you w—Hana?” I turned to the couch where I left her but the only thing I saw was her pink backpack.


“Hana?” I started walking around, calling out her name. I was starting to get worried, the little girl always obeys whatever you told her. I was only away for ten minutes, I’m pretty sure she didn’t get that far yet.




I glanced around and finally found Minho’s little girl weeping. She ran towards me and I pulled her into a tight hug, patting her back comfortingly. “What happened, baby? Are you hurt somewhere?”


I inspected her arms and knees, I found a small patch of red on her left knee, I think she stumbled over somewhere. Hana kept calling for her Daddy and she wouldn’t stop crying. I carried her in my arms and tried to soothe her, “Shh. It’s okay, baby. Appa’s coming.”


The elevator doors opened and my eyes caught a glimpse of Minho talking to someone else but I didn’t had the time to see who it was because Hana wriggled in my arms when she saw her father walking towards us and I had to put her down. Hana run towards him and jumped in his arms with tears still in her eyes. I followed along, caressing her shiny hair in between her sobs. Minho shushed her and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t cry anymore, baby. Look, Daddy bought you strawberry milk.”


I was about to say something when my eyes caught the familiar man who Minho was talking with inside the elevator. And just like the first time I’ve seen him after seven years, I was completely frozen from where I was standing.


“Suzy, this is Mr. Kim Myungsoo, the person I’m telling you about. Myungsoo-ah, this is Architect Bae Suzy. As you requested, the best of the best.”


He politely smiled as if today is the first time we ever met and extended his hand towards me, “It’s been a long time, Sue.”

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karmakyungsoo #1
Chapter 8: myungsoo misundrstndg.
Chapter 8: wow that was long years for suzy and myungsoo to meet again..please update soon
Chapter 6: haha i love myungsoo when drunk because he is honest to admit his feelings to suzy
Chapter 8: MyungZy *O* ur story is awesome ! please update soon it's been a long time
yukisaur #5
Chapter 8: Why did Myungsoo leave and why did they broke off the engagement? o<-<
I hope Myungsoo is still in love with her even after those years.
farabigail #6
Chapter 8: god! i want their sweet moments so badly..
louieistrash #7
Chapter 8: Please don't tell me that Myungsoo mistook Suzy as Minho's wife. o_o
Chapter 8: ah............... amazed! /what

keep updating! getting more interesting kkk
Chapter 8: So.. ahh... I was right. #nevermindthis
Soohyun and Suzy was a couple, but break up.
The next story is about Myungsoo and Suzy, right? I can't wait for the next update.. FIghting
Chapter 7: Hyunzy! So awesome....i love dream high couple...but i love myungzy too...but then Soohyun is sooo dreamy!