Damn Saesangs!

Regaining the Faith

Yoochun and Junsu sat in the waiting area, a guard to either side to insure their safety.  Xiah's face stained by tears, his hands clasped as though in prayer, staring between his knees at the floor.  Yoochun sat next to him, eyes closed, head back against the wall, his left arm in a sling, his right across Xiah's shoulders.  He opened his eyes as the doctor came in.

"Mr Park, Mr Xiah...Mr.Kim is awake.  He has a moderate concussion, so we are going to keep him overnight for observation.  If you wish to see him, please come with me."   

Jaejoong was lying with his eyes closed, a bandage on his forehead. "Jae!"  Junsu's dolphin like voice made him open his eyes, and wince in pain.  Yoochun and Xiah both breathed sighs of relief at seeing him.

"I'm ok, but my head is splitting open" Jae whispered. " Kinda keep it down willya?"

Instead of speaking, his brothers came to his side and gently touched his arm and hand.  No words were needed for him to know they were scared and worried for him, he had seen the tears in the brief moment he had looked at them.

"Kwaench'anayo", they heard him whisper. "My parents are on their way, you don't have to stay."

"We will til they get here." Yoochun told him. "Ommanim would never forgive us for leaving you alone."

"You two ok?, What happened to us?" Jae asked, cracking one eye a fraction.

"Those stupid saesangs crashed the fanmeet and started a riot.  They started throwing things and you got hit by something.  We lost you in the crowd when you went down.", Xiah said quietly. "We were terrified that you would get trampled, but one of the security guards saw what happened and got to you pretty fast."

"We got lucky." Yoochun added. "You rest. We will wait outside for Apa and Omma Kim."

As they left, they heard a quiet "Thank you, I love you guys." from Jae as he began to drowse off from the medications.

After Jae's parents arrived, the two headed out, escorted by their guards.  They saw an ambulance pull up and saw the ER personnel rushing for the door.  Yoochun glanced over toward the gurney being pulled from the back, then stopped dead still as he saw someone he knew pushing through the crowd screaming.  It was Changmin..  

Without a second throught, Yoochun headed for him, yelling for Junsu to follow. "SHIM CHANGMIN!"

Changmin heard his name and looked up. Spying his former group members, he waved and yelled "YUNHO!" as he pointed at the cluster of people heading into the ER.  Yoochun and Xiah broke into a run. despite all they had gone through, Yunho would always be their Hyung  They couldn't think of leaving without knowing the situation.

Max flung his arms around Junsu and buried his face in his shoulder, sobbing as though his heart would break.

"What happened?", Su asked gently.  

Changmin held on tighter as he gasped out what had occurred.  The news of Jae, Yunnie running out, him and their manager following and coming across the accident scene as they were pulling Yunho from the wreckage.  When he was done, it was all they could do to keep him upright as they took him inside.

  Once there, Min looked for his manager and asked about Yunho.  Upon hearing that he was in emergency surgery, he collapsed to the floor. Chunnie looked at Su, and together they picked him up and hugged him.  

Hours later, the doctors came out. " How is he?"  Min asked anxiously, "please tell me."

"The next 48 hours will be critical, he lost a great deal of blood due to internal hemmoraging.  We were able to pull him through the surgery, but the rest is up to him." was the reply.

"Su stay here with Max,  I'll be back soon."  Junsu nodded and watched as Yoochun walked away, wondering where he was going.

"Do I dare tell him?" Chunnie asked himself as he waited at the elevator.  "He isn't so good himself.  What is this going to do to him if I do?

His indecision still raging,  Yoochun got on the elevator and pressed the button for Jae's floor.  He was still asking himself the same question when he walked into Jae's room.  Seeing his sleeping friend, he sat down and gently picked up the small, delicate hand that lay on the coverlet. 

"What do I tell him? Yunho is downstairs, maybe dying, because he was rushing to see you and got into an accident?  Do I say nothing and pray Hyung makes it through? What do I do?"  He thought to himself, grateful that Jae hadn't awakened at his arrival.  The internal debate continued as he sat there, heedless of the tears that tracked his cheeks.  An hour or so later, he decided.

"Jae.  Jaejoongie, wake up." He reached out and Jae across the forehead.  "Wake up hyung, it's important."

Jae stirred, gradually becoming aware that Chunnie was there. "Yoochunnie, what is it?'" I thought you had gone."

"Something happened Jae.  Something you need to know.  This won't be easy to hear, so brace yourself as best you can." Yoochun started.  Jae was instantly more alert and struggled to sit up in the bed, fighting the nausea and throbbing in his skull as he did so. 


When Yoochun didn't answer right away, Jae reached out and tugged his best friend's arm."Chunnie, whats wrong? I can see something in your face and it scares me." he paused and asked quietly, " Am I dying? Is something wrong with me?"

Yoochun brough his eyes to Jae's. " Anio, it's not you." " Jae....Max is downstairs..."  Jae clutched his arm hard and Yoochun flinched, This wasn't going to be good.

"Changmin! Is he ok?  What's wrong?"  Jae looked at Chunnie, wild eyed at the though of the maknae being hurt.

Yoochun took both of Jae's hands tightly in his own. "It's not Min thats hurt , Jae, ......It's Yunho."  "It's bad."
Jae closed his eyes in more than just physical pain. "Yoochun, I am going to throw up."

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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 16: Thank you for this fic. A cute reunion which began with a tragedy, then love and more! and then the reasons of their split. I had a good time.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 15: Just started reading this story. Hope to read more. The story's riveting.
Chapter 11: New reader here...^^,hehe..what will yunho do?i'm curious already..heeee~
Thanks for the update author sshi..
Chapter 2: Poor yunho and jae!!!this makes me almost cry!! Dont do this to me:-(
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 11: I came across this story and only saw the foreword. I'm glad I sub...I like the story. Love Minsu, looking forward to the next chapter.
miracleflwr #6
Chapter 6: Hi , good storyline , waiting for next chapters to see how lovely Yunjae meet