
Regaining the Faith

 The car wove through traffic as though the cops were on his tail. Behind the wheel sat Yunho, with his jaw grimly set, tears threatening to overwhelm him..

"He has to be ok, he HAS to", he muttered to himself over and over. He pounded the steering wheel repeatedly as he drove, his monologue never ceasing." WHAT were you thinking you FOOLS?!  Why wasn't security tighter?  Please be alright, PLEASE!"  He was close to the hospital, his anxiety increasing at thoughts of what he might find, his vision blurring from tears.

Through his tears, he never saw the light change.  He never saw the truck that jumped the green light. As he lost conciousness, he only had a single thought.  " Jae I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you."

An Hour ago...

"Min! Your footing during that turn is leaving you facing a quarter off the mark.  Please pay more attention"

Changmin turned from the mirrored wall and stared at his Sunbae and partner.  Yunho had been snapping at him all day over the smallest things. Min knew something was bothering his Hyung, he just couldn't figure out what.

"Mianhae hyung.  Let's do it again." Min offered.

Yunho sighed.  "Anio.  I need a break.  Let's take 30 minutes."  He walked over to the side and sat against the wall, knees up, hands draped loosely over them, his head hung forward, as though exhausted.  Min looked at him, shook his head in frustration and quietly left the room.

Yunho heard him leave, but stayed silent.  He couldn't bring himself to burden his friend with his problems.  He knew it was silly, but that dream was so real, it still had him rattled.  Getting up, he walked to the table in the corner, picked up his phone and thumbed open the contacts.  Scrolling through them, he stopped at one, his thumb hovering over the call icon.  He hadn't dialed the number in years, but it was still there, always would be.  A memory flooded to the surface.  He could see it in his mind as though it were yesterday.

"Ok, as your leader, I want all your numbers, right here, right now.  Rule 1, You NEVER ignore my calls. Got It?"  A several years younger version of himself passed the phone among his brothers, getting their numbers, tagging them.  Looking at the four others with whom he would spend the next few years of his life, he felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility.  As the image in his head faded, his shoulders slumped and he wondered for the thousandth time, "How did it all go so wrong?"

Changmin came back into the room to see Yunho staring at the phone.  Now he knew the problem.  Yunnie was missing the others again.  With what would have been their 10 year anniversary looming on the horizon, they both had been a bit down, but Yunho was taking it harder.  He always missed Jae at this time of year, but this time would be a little harder.  Since they had run into each other at that damn bar, Yunho had relapsed into the depression he had struggled with off and on since That day.

"Hyung, call him." Min quietly said as he placed a hand on his partner's shoulder.  "Don't you think it's time to put all that behind us?"

Yunho didn't answer, just set the phone back on the table.  "One more time Max, and please get it right"

Halfway through the routine, a knock on the door broke their concentration.  Frowning, Yunho looked up to see their manager come in with an odd look on his face.

"Is something wrong, sunbaenim?" Min asked

"I don't know how to tell you this, so I will just say it." "JYJ was attacked by saesangs a bit ago at a fanmeet.  Yoochun and Junsu are roughed up, but ok."  he paused and looked at the shocked faces before him, "but Jaejoong..."

"Jaejoong.. What about Jaejoong?!"  Yunho asked, his eyes wide and face paling.

"We don't know.  He was unconcious when they got to him.  They took him to the hospital but early reports are vague.  I tried calling Yoochun, but it went to voice mail...."  

Without a word, Yunho ran to the table and grabbed his wallet and keys and was running out the door.  As he ran, he heard Min's voice behind him.." YUNHO! HYUNG!"  He didn't stop.  All he could think of was Jae being hurt.  He sped out of the parking area.  "He HAS to be ok. He HAS to."

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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 16: Thank you for this fic. A cute reunion which began with a tragedy, then love and more! and then the reasons of their split. I had a good time.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 15: Just started reading this story. Hope to read more. The story's riveting.
Chapter 11: New reader here...^^,hehe..what will yunho do?i'm curious already..heeee~
Thanks for the update author sshi..
Chapter 2: Poor yunho and jae!!!this makes me almost cry!! Dont do this to me:-(
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 11: I came across this story and only saw the foreword. I'm glad I sub...I like the story. Love Minsu, looking forward to the next chapter.
miracleflwr #6
Chapter 6: Hi , good storyline , waiting for next chapters to see how lovely Yunjae meet