A New Resolve

Regaining the Faith

"Yunho is both happy and pissed at Jae." Junsu announced when he walked up.

 Yoochun had dozed off in the chair and started at the sound.  "Happy he was there, pissed that he did that to himself so soon after being hurt." Changmin clarified, a huge grin on his face. " He is asking for him though."  

"Tell him when he wakes up, not before." Yoochun ordered.  "I'm gonna go see Yunnie and then go get some sleep. Call if there are problems."

"Yea, hyung.", Min answered.  

Yoochun stopped in at Yunho's room. He hadn't been back since they took Jae out earlier.  Yunho looked up as he walked in.  "Thank you."  His voice was rough and harsh after the days on the ventilator.  " Yoochun nodded.  "Jae ok?" Yunho croaked.  

" Yeah, just exhausted.  He's sleeping now.  He woke up long ehough to ask about you and went back to sleep when I told him you were ok.  Min and Su will tell him to come see you when he wakes up." Yunho closed his eyes and sighed.

"Please tell me what the hell you were thinking Yunho!  You almost DIED!  What am I saying,  YOU DID DIE! They actually had to bring you back on the table, and no I did NOT tell Jae that, and you better not either!  I already warned Su and Min about saying a word."  Yoochun ran a hand through his usually impeccable hair. " Do you KNOW what would happen if we lost you like that?"  Yoochun's face was a mask of fear as he voiced his thought. "I really think Jae would give up and follow you, that's what."

Yunho nodded, he knew Chunnie was right. He had heard quite a bit that Jae had said while he was in a twilight state, and it all pointed that way. " I know."   He laid his head back on the pillow. " I do know."

Yoochun spun and started to leave, stopping at the door, he threw one last comment over his shoulder. "Yunho, despite everything that has gone on before......we love you man, and we are all glad you are awake and with us."  He stepped through the door and out of Yunho's sight before he stopped and wiped  his eyes. " We love you brother." he said once more in a hushed tone, then turned and walked away.

Yunho closed his eyes as the first of the tears slipped from the corners to track down the sides of his face. 

He thought back through everything that had happened.  First had been the talk about filing the suit over the way they were treated and the slave clauses in their contracts.  That had started arguments that had escalated over time to the point that even the fans had seen the distance between the usually close brothers.

Yunho knew now that he had been a fool to insist that SM was doing what was best.  That the company had the experience and knew what they were doing.  He had watched as three of his brothers just walked away, including the love of his life.  Changmin had been so angry with them all at that time.

I know you only stayed to keep watch over me Max.  I know you had a deal with Chun.  He had been a complete idiot to listen to Lee Soo Man and believe the garbage he had been fed.  They'll come back Yunho. I'm sure of it.  They won't be able to survive on their own out there, its more than they know how to handle.  Just be patient.  
He had been patient. Right up until the phone call. Yunho, I..we... He heard Jae take a deep breath...We just filed the suit against SM.  The prosecutor says that after this, we can't speak to you or associate until the trial is done. Mianhae Yunnie.  We already have movers clearing our things, anything thats left we will pick up in a few days. Yunho had thought that his heart was going to stop right then and there.  The last thing he had heard before the call was ended had been so soft he wasn't sure it was real, until yesterday.  I still love you, Yun, I always will.

Letting the tears flow unchecked, he let go of all of the anger, all of the pain.

Yunho didn't find out for months exactly what had been meant by some of those words.  The blacklisting. The nationwide banning of performances by JYJ, as they now billed themselves.  Jae was right when he called him a coward in the bar that night, he knew that now. But now he knew something more important, his brothers still loved him.  Now he had to find a way to fix all of this.  He was still the leader, it was his job.  His family depended on him.  Still running through all of the possible things he could do, Yunho drifted off into sleep.  

When Jaejoong finally woke up, he knew he had been out for a long time.  Quickly he sat up and looked around, noticing that the IV was gone and so was Yoochun.  He got up and started towards the door just as Junsu and Changmin came in.

"Seriously Max, Do you STILL eat like this?  It's a miracle you aren't the size of an elephant." Junsu was chiding the maknae, who, snacks in hand, was stuffing his face, as always. 

Jae smiled, remembering all the times they made him eat weird stuff on dares, and how the evil maknae always seem to win.

 Min saw him sitting up and nearly choked trying to talk.  "Jae! Hyung!"  Still holding the snacks, the maknae threw his arms around Jae, nearly forcing all the air from him with the strength that he always forgot.

 " Min, Let.. me..GO!" Jae gasped out. 

Changmin let go, and pulled back, looking contrite.  Junsu just stood there laughing as similar scenes from the past flashed through his mind in an instant.  They had ALL been the victims of the hugging maknae at some time or another. 

Jae looked up at Junsu and laughed as well.  "Well, one thing is for certain, he hasn't changed a bit."  Jae reached up and ruffled Min's hair.  
"How's Yunho?" Jae asked them suddenly, remembering what he was about to do when they showed up.  

Junsu gave Jae one of his knowing smiles. " Doing ok, they took the tube out and he can talk some, but his throat is really sore."  He paused a minute.  " He has been asking for you."

That was all Jae needed to hear.  He bolted like a rabbit from the room, sliding on the slick floor in his hurry to get to Yunho's side.

 Picking up Jae's shoes, and placing his arm around the still munching maknae's shoulder, he led him off to follow, but at a much more sedate pace.

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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 16: Thank you for this fic. A cute reunion which began with a tragedy, then love and more! and then the reasons of their split. I had a good time.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 15: Just started reading this story. Hope to read more. The story's riveting.
Chapter 11: New reader here...^^,hehe..what will yunho do?i'm curious already..heeee~
Thanks for the update author sshi..
Chapter 2: Poor yunho and jae!!!this makes me almost cry!! Dont do this to me:-(
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 11: I came across this story and only saw the foreword. I'm glad I sub...I like the story. Love Minsu, looking forward to the next chapter.
miracleflwr #6
Chapter 6: Hi , good storyline , waiting for next chapters to see how lovely Yunjae meet