Two Reunited

Regaining the Faith

Jaejoong raced through the corridors of the hospital, eliciting some stares, and some whispers, as people saw who it was.  He didn't care. To HELL with decorum, Yunnie was asking for him! 

It had been four years since the ugliness of the split, four years without his Yunniebear.  Not a call, not a text. Oh, Jae had tried, but the numbers had changed and no messages got through that he knew of.

When they did run into each other, it had been a horrible fight, nasty words were said on both sides.  In four years, only once had they spoken civil words to each other, and that was when Yunho had called to express his condolences to Yoochun when  his abujee passed.

There was no way Jae was going to pass on a chance to see and talk to his Yunnie!  He HAD to apologize for that night. He had said things he shouldn't have. He saw in Yunho's face that night how much he was hurting.  He had felt in his own heart how much they both were.

He stopped outside the room to catch his breath a moment.  He looked up and sent a silent plea heavenward, that Yunho wanted to see him for real, not just tell him it was useless.  Steeling himself for whatever may come, he went in.  Yunho was sitting up in the bed, messing with a PC tablet.  No doubt checking on what the gossip was about him and the others. "He always did worry about our reputation.  He hasn't changed."  Jae thought with a smile.

"Yunho."  Jae said quietly.  Yunho looked up and smiled at him.  In that instant, Jae knew it was going to be ok, that Yunnie was glad to see him, and he rushed to his ex lover's side. 

Yunho laid the tablet to the side and held  out his arms.  Jae was in them in a heartbeat, his face buried in Yunho's shoulder, breathing in the scent he had missed for so long.  He felt a hand softly his hair and heard Yuhno softly saying.  "I missed you so much Jae.  I'm so sorry. Please love, forgive me."

Jae started to hold on tighter, but heard the sharp intake of breath and realized that Yunho had to be hurting.  his surgery only a few days past.  Immediately Jae pulled away "Yunnie! Mianhae!  I forgot."  

 Yunho chuckled at the look on Jae's face, then grabbed his side where the incisions were.  "Don't make me laugh love, it hurts."  Jae sat gingerly on the edge of the bed, holding onto Yunho's hand as though it were a life preserver.

" I thought I had lost you forever, Yunnie."  Tears started to fall as Jae finally let go of all of the stress and fear.  "I thought I would never get to tell you how sorry I am about all the mess we caused, or how much I have missed you, or how I much I want you back in my life, in whatever way I can get."  Yunho just listened as the words poured from the heart of his beloved.  He knew all of this already, Jae had repeated it over and over while he was sitting at his side, but he also knew that Jae needed him to hear it while awake, and to hear his own response.  When he was done, Yunho gently took his hand from Jae and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close while he said his own piece.

"When I heard that you had been hurt, I lost it Jae.  All I could think of was to get to you.  I let reason go and rushed blindly ahead in my hurry to see you."  Yunho stopped and placed a gentle kiss on Jae's temple. 

"You remember how I have had those dreams from time to time?  The ones that are so real I can't shake them off?"  Jae nodded, listening to the soft voice in his ear. The tender tones he had missed for so long. " Well, the day you got hurt, I had had one. A bad one."  He stopped speaking.  Jae looked into his face and saw what could only be categorized as fear.

"It was that bad Yunnie?"  Jae softly asked, warpping Yunho in yet another hug.  Yunho nodded, Jae could feel the motion and knew it for what it was.

 "What was it Yun?  What upset you that much?"  

Yunho took a deep breath. " I dreamt that I lost my last chance to get you back, to apologize.  I dreamt that you were lost to me forever.  And then, when I heard about what happened, all I could think of was that my last chance was passing by and that I HAD to get to you." 

Yunho stopped again, and Jae heard him softly crying, trying not to, trying to be tough, but losing pitifully.  Carefully, Jae turned and wrapped his arms around his love again.

 "I'm here Yunnie-ah,  I'm here, and nothing will make me leave again."  Yunho laid his head on Jae's shoulder and closed his eyes, and, emotion and stress taking their toll, he drifted off to sleep, still in Jae's arms. " Nothing."  Jae said in a whisper, as he disengaged his friend and put him back to bed.

Junsu and Min watched from the doorway as the two confessed everything in their hearts.  Junsu silently turned and wiped a tear from his eye and walked away as Jae pulled the coverlet up over Yunho's sleeping form. 

Changmin turned to Junsu and noticed that he was leaving.  "Hyung! Wait up."  he said as he hurried to catch up.  Junsu stopped and looked at the maknae, " Let's go eat.  My treat."  Changmin's face lit up at the mention of food.  " Can we get cold noodles?  Junsu laughed and caught Min in a headlock, still walking. "Whatever you want Max, whatever you want." 

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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 16: Thank you for this fic. A cute reunion which began with a tragedy, then love and more! and then the reasons of their split. I had a good time.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 15: Just started reading this story. Hope to read more. The story's riveting.
Chapter 11: New reader here...^^,hehe..what will yunho do?i'm curious already..heeee~
Thanks for the update author sshi..
Chapter 2: Poor yunho and jae!!!this makes me almost cry!! Dont do this to me:-(
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 11: I came across this story and only saw the foreword. I'm glad I sub...I like the story. Love Minsu, looking forward to the next chapter.
miracleflwr #6
Chapter 6: Hi , good storyline , waiting for next chapters to see how lovely Yunjae meet