Part Two

Fresh Tears and Alcohol Kisses


        It took a whole hour, but he cooled down. It was nearing three in the morning; she'd head home soon and he didn't want her to see him like this. She'd never take him back if she did.

        A few minutes passed and Jiyong slipped into daydream. He wondered whether she had her shoes on yet. Who she'd say goodbye to first, who she'd kiss in parting and in what way she'd kiss them; in England, the common culture was to kiss everyone's cheek before you left. However, Jiyong somehow knew that she'd be kissing her new boyfriend on the lips, the same way she used to kiss his.
        Oh, their kisses. When was the last time he'd kissed her? ...When was the first?
        His memory was hazy - he couldn't even remember that. It was so long ago and so much had happened since. However, somehow, he could remember the random ones in-between. The chaste little peck that led to their child. The fiery make-out session that they had behind the music video set when everyone was looking for them. The gentle lip-to-lip contact and warm embraces that consoled one another, keeping each other strong when everything was against them.
        Those little moments meant everything to him. They were the moments when he felt loved. They were the moments he needed to forget.
        The gentle sound of laughter nearby pricked his hearing. The door to the building was opened and a gentle yellow light flooded the night temporarily until the door was shut again, the owner of the laughter having stepped outside, umbrella in hand.
        Ignoring the rate of which his heart was pounding, Jiyong cleared his throat and pulled himself from leaning on the wall. He had to seem composed, but the sound of his heart beating like a jack-rabbit's was extremely off-putting. He knew that these next moments would either make him or break him.
        His subtle noises caught the attention of the figure that had appeared, pulling their jacket tighter around themselves.
        With his hands stuffed in his pockets and the bottom of his jeans soaked through, he turned to face the person, knowing he already had their full, undivided attention just by being there.
         Scout Carter.



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Chapter 5: I loved this. I really want to know their back story and their future. I mean, what happens to the new boyfriend now? What happened between them that made them break apart when they still obviously love each other? I want to know!!!
-jeiraz #2
Chapter 5: Wait, okay- so are they even back together or what
What about scout's new boyfriend
Omf I need a sequel ;;;;;;;
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 5: so they ended up back together? that's great~ ^^
Sema07 #4
Chapter 4: Perfect chapter !keep on this way. Don't neglect the dialogue between the characters and it will be more than perfect i am looking forward the next chapter
I love love love your writing style, and the storyline and the mystery. You've clearly put a lot of thought into your chapters and it shows, this is exactly what I've been looking for in an angst story so please keep it up!
-jeiraz #6
Chapter 2: sigh. i'm really pitying jiyong here, considering i feel the way he does.
god, i really love the way you write c:
differentdream #7
Chapter 1: nice :) i like it
JiYong_JaGi #8
is this a one shot or chapters story? seems interesting~ i hope it's not sad ending though~ hehe~ waiting for your update~ ^^
-jeiraz #9
Chapter 1: You're really talented. :)